View Full Version : Sosa to OKC??

01-31-2007, 09:24 AM
So, I dont know if very many of you follow the Rangers but Sammy Sosa agreed to a minor league deal with the Rangers... if he doesnt make the roster by the end of Spring Training... than I am thinking we might have Sammy Sosa playing baseball in OKC. How awesome would that be?? Dont get me wrong, I am not a big Sosa fan (Go ASTROS!) but that would be great for ticket sales and OKC in general.

Just a thought. :beaten_fi

01-31-2007, 10:10 AM
Doubt he would be down here long if he was to start in OKC...(Go Cards btw)...But it would be cool to have a big name on the roster if even for just 15 to 20 games while he shakes off the rust of his year off

01-31-2007, 10:17 AM
Doubt he would be down here long if he was to start in OKC...(Go Cards btw)...But it would be cool to have a big name on the roster if even for just 15 to 20 games while he shakes off the rust of his year off

It sounds like when the late Steve Howe signed with Texas in 1987. Howe's short time here raised attendance because most people here had never seen a major league player in a live performace. Only difference. To the best of my knowledge, Sosa is not a drug addict.

01-31-2007, 06:25 PM
Yeah I've followed this a little. The thing is in his contract he has some clause that he can opt out and not have to play in the minors if he doesn't make the Rangers cut. I hope he'll not make the cut and decide to play here anyways. It would be great marketing for the Redhawks and the city of OKC and boost attendance.

03-18-2007, 02:59 PM
Yeah, I've also heard that Sosa's contract states that if he does not make the Rangers 25-man, he can opt out of his contract. Its either Texas or nothing.

03-18-2007, 06:01 PM
Yeah, I've also heard that Sosa's contract states that if he does not make the Rangers 25-man, he can opt out of his contract. Its either Texas or nothing.

You will have to go to Arlington to see him. He made the Rangers roster.

03-19-2007, 12:43 PM
Darn, maybe he'll get demoted to OKC for awhile. Yes john, your correct, his contract did allow him to opt out if he didn't make the cut, which we now know he did, however, it wasn't Texas or nothing. Had he not made the cut or gets demoted, he could still CHOOSE to come to OKC, just not be forced!