View Full Version : how many of you eat organic?

01-30-2007, 04:36 PM
How many of you eat organic for your health or buy locally for the taste and nutrition? If the USDA gets its way the rules of organic will be relaxed even further. Right now a large (supposedly) organic dairy only lets its cows out on grass occasionally. Some insecticides have been approved. The redtape and fees for being certified by the USDA is increasing daily and are beginning to
squeeze the small producer out.

If the USDA's plan for the National Animal ID System or NAIS (proposed by the UN, WTO, OIE, NIAA (corporate ag, banks, microchip co.s, pharmaceutical companies etc.) is approved by the Okla. legislature this year there will be no local farmers to buy anything from within several years. You can go to the Okla. Dept of Agriculture's website and it will paint you a rosy picture of animal disease control. However, we already have all the regulations for disease control and they have been working well. Nais is a redundant, extremely expense and unnecessary program that will only result in the increase in the cost of food. Some predict $20 to $30/lb. hamburger.

What the USDA wants is to microchip all food animals/other farm animals (horses/chickens/fish etc), have any birth/death/movement off farm reported to a database within 24hrs and have a premise ID on the property (which gives up the owners right to a warranted inspection). The Draft Strategic Plan calls owners STAKEHOLDERS (one who holds property for others-the government), all animals are considered to be the National Herd, depopulation instead of quarantine and $1000/day fines for non-compliance.

This program will not make your food supply safer because most food borne illnesses develop from management of the feedlots, slaughter houses and packaging plants. The tags are useless after the carcass of the animal is skinned and the parts mixed in with other parts. Did you know they import mexican a south American beef and mix it in to hamburger and luncheon meats and that they are now spraying viruses on lunchmeats?

USDA also is trying to control the production of plants as well with it's CLEAN LIST.
While Monsanto continues to manufacture genetically altered food crops. Most of the corn in the U.S. is now GM or GE (genetically engineered). The BT corn contains bacteria genes. There is Roundup ready cotton, alfalfa, soy, canola etc.. The farmers that raise these frankenfoods have to pay Monsanto for the use of their patent plus so much/acre and if the farmer saves the seeds or another farmers none GM field is "infected" with the patent they are sued by Monsanto.

Some other things they do to our food is to use formaldehyde in milk and on meat, hexane on 95% of the soy (hexane is a known carcinogen and neurotoxin) , carbon monoxide to package meat and cow wormer to oranges to list a few. They do not have to list GM products or produce. If you are interested in what companies use GM products go to True Food Now! ( and look at the list of manufactured products from mixes, crackers, soups etc..

Soon, USDA and it's Corporate partners will corner the market on our food if we don't stop them. If we don't we will not even be able to raise food for ourselves and our families without getting a license from USDA and using only corporate patents. Monsanto now control 85% of all seeds sold in the U.S.. I would not doubt that you will eventually be paying Monsanto to have a lawn.

Also, in the Cooperative agreements the USDA makes with the individual state depts. of agriculture is wording to enforce the clean river act. This little piece of legislation puts all water in control of the Government and that includes wells and aquifers.

By controlling our food and water they can control us. If we are no longer any use to them they will just starve us out.

If this bothers you, PLEASE let your representatives at the State and Federal level know about it. We are powerful in numbers and can stop all these abuses or we will become the NORTH AMERICAN UNION with Mexico and Canada wither we like it or not.