View Full Version : Zero Tolerance or Zero Common Sense?

01-26-2007, 10:25 AM
Girls charged with conspiring to kill classmates, Oprah (

Maybe it's just me but I think the school way over reacted. I know, the whole "it's better to be safe than sorry" crowd will applaud their diligence, but c'mon, the Energizer Bunny and Oprah.

I remember when I was in school and some kid would be pissed at the world and make a list of everyone he wanted to get even with. We all just considered it venting.

What next, when a pubescent teen makes a list of every girl he'd like to have sex with are they going to charge him with conspiracy to comit rape?

NE Oasis
01-26-2007, 10:58 AM
I guess I'm a member of the "safe than sorry" crowd.
School killings do happen, and girls can have the "evil" gene just as well as boys.

01-26-2007, 11:11 AM
Sophomore Lakyn Ledford stayed home Thursday after learning that student-athletes were on the list.

Give me a break....Can't say I have seen any trenchcoat girls going on a shooting rampage, but I guess it did need to be put in check

But hey equal rights does have it's drawbacks :dizzy: