View Full Version : American Idol Again

01-19-2007, 06:48 PM
I like this show.. but it seems that more often than not lately, they put complete 'weirdos' on - knowing they have no talent .. (they have screeners) and it is just all for show and ratings.. they encourage criticism and I hate the mean spiritedness of Simon.

When I watch the show, I love seeing true talent.. I get goose bumps seeing these talented singers really bring it home.. but that seems to be the minority lately.

Is it just me or has it gotten more brutal? Do they purposely put the really strange characters on more frequently just for ratings?

01-19-2007, 07:21 PM
Yes, they absolutely do all this for ratings. AI is really like two shows. The first part of the season is the "Parade of Idiots", while the second part is a fantastic talent contest. I used to skip the first part and just wait until they started the voting. Now, I can tolerate the first part, because I know what they're doing, and I know the judges are going to be brutal (no one would watch if they weren't).

The most amazing thing is to watch some of the most horrific singers stand there in what appears to be total sincerity, telling Simon that they are great and that they KNOW they are the next American Idol. Go figure.

01-22-2007, 04:13 PM
Karried, I agree. They seem to be meaner than ever this year.

Oh, and did you see the interview with Paula Abdul where she's drunk off her a**? It's hilarious. It's on youtube.

01-22-2007, 04:48 PM
omg! I did see that. She was positively loopy! I was so embarrassed for her... they say she was having audio problems.. I say it was more like vodka problems .... anyone watching that has to know she was on something. I hope she is okay.. she seems like a decent person.

01-22-2007, 06:48 PM
I saw her "explanation" (which makes no sense at all, gramatically) before I ever heard about the incident, and then I watched the video and I just died laughing (at work). She was definitely drunk or high on something.

01-24-2007, 12:51 PM
Yeah they're definitely all about the ratings. But I myself give the show 2 thumbs up, it's hilarious watching the people, and watching the judges laugh. It brightens my day lol.

01-24-2007, 04:48 PM
I'm ready for Part II to start... you can only watch so many people look stupid... I was watching the clip from the guy last year, the "Crunk" "Can you dig it?" guy... still cracks me up all the time....
YouTube - Leroy Wells - American Idol (

01-24-2007, 05:27 PM
Oh LoL!! That was hilarious! Can you Dig it??? so funny...