View Full Version : One Reason?

01-17-2007, 04:16 PM
Give me one reason why this jerk shouldn't be sterilized.. just one.

Police Say Missouri Man Shot His Own Baby With BBs
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
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ST. CHARLES, Mo. — An eastern Missouri man shot his own 12-day-old son with a BB gun, police said.
Shawn Michael Mohan (javascript:siteSearch('Shawn Michael Mohan');), 20, of St. Charles County, shot the baby several times, causing circular-shaped bruises to the face, left arm, hand, foot, hip and buttocks, police told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in Wednesday's edition. The injuries were not life-threatening.
"He's claiming it was an accident, but we feel that the evidence points otherwise," said Lt. Craig McGuire of the county Sheriff's Department.
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The injuries were discovered when the child was taken for a routine exam at his pediatrician's office. The doctor called the Missouri Division of Family Services (javascript:siteSearch('Missouri Division of Family Services');).

Police believe the shooting happened Dec. 21 at Mohan's apartment near St. Peters (javascript:siteSearch('St. Peters');).

Mohan is on probation after pleading guilty in July 2005 to child endangerment, related to a serious head injury to Mohan's first son when the boy was 3 months old. He pleaded guilty and was given a five-year suspended sentence.

On the new charge, Mohan was being held at the St. Charles County Jail on $100,000 cash-only bond.

01-17-2007, 08:56 PM
No I dont think he should be steralized...I think he should be hung.

01-17-2007, 09:05 PM
That works for me.. let's get the guy who hung Hussein's brother. Freaking 12 day old baby.. it's so sickening ..