View Full Version : 504 N. Broadway
metro 07-10-2007, 10:26 AM Don't see anything wrong with mentioning your location is near Bricktown...It would be pretty stupid not to since it is the most well known area in OKC
Like you said...Probably 95% of all Okies have no clue where Automobile Alley is...Hopefully that will change in due time
Look forward to eating there tuck...Just need to call Amex real quick and have them increase my limit :Smiley077
While I understand your point being a marketer, part of this reason is because no one hardly every promotes anything else, especially the local media. If we start touting Automobile Alley and other districts more, the media will finally catch on. They are going to promote what we promote. If everyone keeps saying "Bricktown this or Bricktown that", then it's just further encouraging the already disinformed media.
Stinger 07-10-2007, 11:09 AM While I understand your point being a marketer, part of this reason is because no one hardly every promotes anything else, especially the local media. If we start touting Automobile Alley and other districts more, the media will finally catch on. They are going to promote what we promote. If everyone keeps saying "Bricktown this or Bricktown that", then it's just further encouraging the already disinformed media.
Like Tuck said, they don't promote it as Bricktown on their website. The label is just their for search engine placement so if people google Bricktown Steakhouse, they'll find Red Prime Steakhouse.
I agree that touting AA in general would be great for the area and city.
AA will have is day VERY soon!! Western Avenue did a great job working through some of the same problems. I really can't think of another place in town where 2 bicycle shops so close together do so well. I would think more retailers would take notice.
jbrown84 07-10-2007, 12:51 PM Like Tuck said, they don't promote it as Bricktown on their website. The label is just their for search engine placement so if people google Bricktown Steakhouse, they'll find Red Prime Steakhouse.
Exactly. It's all about keywords for search engines.
What's this about a location on Memorial Road?
kmf563 07-10-2007, 12:54 PM They have a sign up where Emerson Biggins was on Memorial. Nothing seems to last in that spot. I just can't imagine a really nice expensive steak house right next door to a biker bar.
jbrown84 07-10-2007, 01:42 PM A Red Prime on Memorial??
That worries me.
Why would they dilute what they have downtown?
A Red Prime on Memorial??
That worries me.
Why would they dilute what they have downtown?
No, No, No. It is not going to be a Red PrimeSteak. The site on Memorial , I think, is being done by the Nikz people. I am not a big fan of Memorial.
Easy180 07-10-2007, 03:20 PM No, No, No. It is not going to be a Red PrimeSteak. The site on Memorial , I think, is being done by the Nikz people. I am not a big fan of Memorial.
Me neither....Glad to hear not everyone is enamored with that god forsaken street
Further south the better tuck
kmf563 07-10-2007, 03:24 PM What's the name of it then? I swear the sign says Red Prime. Maybe it just says Prime? I pass it every day on my way home - I will make it a point to look today. And yes, I hate Memorial also. I avoid it as much as possible.
The Memorial sprawl of chain restaurants and discount stores along with the huge amount of housing tracts in the middle of cow pastures has done more to slow infill development and urbanism in OKC than anything else.
Plus, it is really ugly for the most part.
The sign says something to the effect of 'Prime Steakhouse - Coming soon'
Doubt that is the name of it, just them stating that a steakhouse offering 'prime' cuts of meat will locate there.
when will red primesteak start taking reservations? (if not already!!)
We have already startng taking them. You can now make them by phone at 232-2626 and next week at OpenTable Restaurants and Restaurant Reservations (
metro 07-10-2007, 09:36 PM I drove by tonight but they didn't leave any lights on so I couldn't see how much progress has been made.
TStheThird 07-11-2007, 01:21 AM Tuck... I understand that key word for the search engines business. It is a tricky game. You have to target words people actually search for. I agree with Metro that we should work to brand AA, but I understand that nobody searches for AA on the internet. Good Luck. I will be back in OKC for a wedding in August and I look forward to eating at Red Prime.
I drove by tonight but they didn't leave any lights on so I couldn't see how much progress has been made.
OG&E was connecting new power to the building, so everything was down until Wednesday morning. Feel free to take a walk around.
Tuck... I understand that key word for the search engines business. It is a tricky game. You have to target words people actually search for. I agree with Metro that we should work to brand AA, but I understand that nobody searches for AA on the internet. Good Luck. I will be back in OKC for a wedding in August and I look forward to eating at Red Prime.
I finally discovered how Google, Yahoo and others make huge profits....through "sticky" word fees for their search engines.
No one is going to be interested in AA on a regular basis until we have quality retail, more restaurants or a mix of art galleries. You really can't expect visitors or locals to have an interest in an area that is packed only with offices and such. I do think AA will capture all of these components within time.
kmf563 07-11-2007, 08:35 AM The sign says something to the effect of 'Prime Steakhouse - Coming soon'
Doubt that is the name of it, just them stating that a steakhouse offering 'prime' cuts of meat will locate there.
Yes, I thought it was the name of it at first but I think you are right. Whatever it is, it won't last.
Doug Loudenback 07-11-2007, 08:52 AM Very nice website, tuck ... RED Prime Steak Downtown Oklahoma City Gourmet Restaurant Dining Near Bricktown Fine Wines Steakhouse ( ... I look forward to my 1st meal there ... I appreciate what you guys have done to emphasize both the historical elements as well as being upscale modern. Great combination!
I couldn't find a menu at your website ... did I miss it?
Thanks Doug...we all did our best to emphasize as much of the historical characters of the building as possible. As you probably know, many agencies got involved in and created way too much red tape when decisions need to be made. I am completely satisfied with the buildout with only a few weeks left.
The menu will show up on the site after we open; we are being cautious with the release of this one!!
kmf563 07-11-2007, 10:22 AM Yes, I have to agree. The website is very nice. I think you will do very well. I didn't realize Robert was your executive chef. I guess I should pay more attention to all of the information in threads huh. lol. I knew Robert when he was in high school and even back then he could cook a shoe that tasted better than any steak in town. He has grown quite a bit with his talent and I'm confident he is an excellent choice for this type of restaurant. Good luck!!
Yes, I have to agree. The website is very nice. I think you will do very well. I didn't realize Robert was your executive chef. I guess I should pay more attention to all of the information in threads huh. lol. I knew Robert when he was in high school and even back then he could cook a shoe that tasted better than any steak in town. He has grown quite a bit with his talent and I'm confident he is an excellent choice for this type of restaurant. Good luck!!
Very small world!! Robert is truley an asset to our team...he has been with us about a year now running kitchens at Cheevers and Iron Starr.
HOT ROD 07-12-2007, 03:50 PM Yeah, Im sure after a year or so - Tuck (et al) would probably change the header to reflect Automobile Alley (or just downtown), especially given some of the recent announcements and new ones to come.
Its pretty easy to change a header to a website, but yeah - I too get tired of EVERYBODY trying to use Bricktown. Hopefully in a year, AAlley will be a nice alternative to B-town, ditto that for MidTown and Flatiron and the continued prosperity of Paseo!
Oh GAWD the Smell! 07-13-2007, 06:12 AM Yeah, Im sure after a year or so - Tuck (et al) would probably change the header to reflect Automobile Alley (or just downtown), especially given some of the recent announcements and new ones to come.
Its pretty easy to change a header to a website, but yeah - I too get tired of EVERYBODY trying to use Bricktown. Hopefully in a year, AAlley will be a nice alternative to B-town, ditto that for MidTown and Flatiron and the continued prosperity of Paseo!
Considering the fact that I live here, I'm on this site, and I am just now figuring out where most of these places are...Leaving "Bricktown" in there is probably a good idea :D
metro 07-20-2007, 04:48 PM I drove by this afternoon. It appears they are putting the sign up for Red Prime. I personally don't see how this is going to be open by the end of July, but it is coming along nicely. I'm thinking more like the end of August is realistic based upon what I could see. Tuck, any updates??
I'm glad you noticed the sign...thats it, no print, logo, etc. You can actually see it from 11th street looking south.
Opening night is July 31st, I promise. I am amazed how fast and dedicated these contractors are when they have effective leadership. Once again, the city has been the hold-up, but all looks good as of 5:30 pm today. I will keep you posted.
HOT ROD 07-20-2007, 10:42 PM hopefully the city can learn from this and other experiences (like Office Depot) so that in the future it will expedite to encourage urban development not stand in the way and possibly make things fall apart.!!!!!
OKC city needs to start acting like a big city!!
metro 07-21-2007, 11:33 AM tuck, i'm not sure if I like the sign if it's not going to have a logo, i'm alllllllllllll for modern design, but not sure if I'll like the plain fabric sign. Anyhow, I'm glad you're still on track for a July opening. I'll probably ride my bike over again today and check it out more.
I'm sure we will hear many different opinions not only about the sign, but several involving design, menu, etc...we welcome it all. This concept is something that this state has never seen before; we are very excited to be part of the huge downtown growth. Have a great ride!!
CCOKC 07-21-2007, 05:23 PM It all reminds me of the show on the Fine Living Channel called Opening Soon. You never think they are going to get their restaurants open on time but somehow they always manage. I sure you guys will be working right up until the opening very hard. I am sure it will all be worth it.
I love that show. I would watch "opening soon" and not really have many favorable opinions about the operators and their decisions during the opening process. I saw an episode last week and when it was over I thought I might have a nervous hit pretty close to reality. I'm banned from this type of programming for 6 months.
Our timeline changes 2-3 times a day at this point, but all are in agreeement that 7/31 will be the day.
tuck, put me down for a 2-top! :cool:
metro 07-25-2007, 01:56 PM tuck, the wife and I rode bikes over to your place Monday night. Still looks like a long way to go, but I guess we'll find out soon. I loved the red glow of the bar and I know the signature Rand Elliot lighting ambiance will only be better once your open. I love the high back round booths, very Miami feeling. OKC needs more places like this.
We are moving furniture in Thursday morning with final inspections scheduled for later that same day and on Friday. It is going to come down to the wire. Fortunately, we have 2 other restaurants to do training. I cannot wait until this project is finished. Metro, you guys are welcome to walk around inside next time you ride by.
metro 07-26-2007, 08:37 AM tuck, as always thanks for the info. I'm confident in you however I know you'll be working hard to get it done on time. Glad to hear you're moving furniture in today. I'll have to check it out tonight. I forget that you can train at one of your other restaurants, that is the main part that I was wondering how the heck are you going to have time for some decent training. We'll have to eat there soon and hopefully post a good review here on OKC Talk.
metro 07-27-2007, 08:59 AM tuck, im impressed, i drove by after 10pm last night after the Redhawks game and there was a worker or two in there still working away. I would have stopped and came in but had to get the wife home. I'll probably ride the bike over this weekend and say "hi" and see the progress. I guess you open next Tuesday??
Those guys are workin' their buttts off...this has really been an enjoyable experience. Opening night is Tuesday, July 31st. I will be around all day Saturday.
The Old Downtown Guy 07-29-2007, 03:52 PM tuck, i'm not sure if I like the sign if it's not going to have a logo, i'm alllllllllllll for modern design, but not sure if I'll like the plain fabric sign. Anyhow, I'm glad you're still on track for a July opening. I'll probably ride my bike over again today and check it out more.
Restaurant patrons come for the food . . . the service . . . the ambience . . . the wine . . . the experience . . . not the sign.
The sign is perfect.
:congrats: Congratulations to the Pauls, the Elliots and Smith & Pickel Construction. The unsung hero is the job site superintendent, Hank . . . hell of a guy. :tiphat: Get some sleep Hank.
animeGhost 07-29-2007, 08:46 PM dont forget about the awesome vallet service provided by black tie vallet... i will be there at the opening doing my vallet bit so if u plan to come by make sure u park with the vallets
ksearls 07-29-2007, 10:03 PM cherry mojito, steak w/brown sugar & salt, lobster!
Went to the opening party tonight and it was very good!
You must go but take lots of $$$$$!
metro 07-30-2007, 09:28 AM Restaurant patrons come for the food . . . the service . . . the ambience . . . the wine . . . the experience . . . not the sign.
The sign is perfect.
:congrats: Congratulations to the Pauls, the Elliots and Smith & Pickel Construction. The unsung hero is the job site superintendent, Hank . . . hell of a guy. :tiphat: Get some sleep Hank.
ODG, I never stated people came there for the sign and not the other things you mentioned. I was just stating I didn't like the sign, and nothing more.
jbrown84 07-30-2007, 09:53 AM I like the sign. It's very Euro.
mturner 07-30-2007, 03:34 PM I've been watching Red Prime's progress..had doubts about its completion date as well..dropped by Sat night (like 11PM) and there was still a whole crew there, headed up by Rand Elliott, his former protege Brian Fitzsimmons, and a slew of other guys, all with tools in hand. The next day before the Cocktail opening the same crew, and even Sam Smith of Smith and Pickle construction, were there. Working! Then the cocktail party...It was good. It was really good. The cocktails and food was tasty. The space looked great, neon lights just right, the vibe felt energetic, cool without getting too trendy, bar will be a great place to catch a drink before sundry events in the future. It seemed like all had a great time. Kudos to the Pauls, Elliott and their team.
I've been watching Red Prime's progress..had doubts about its completion date as well..dropped by Sat night (like 11PM) and there was still a whole crew there, headed up by Rand Elliott, his former protege Brian Fitzsimmons, and a slew of other guys, all with tools in hand. The next day before the Cocktail opening the same crew, and even Sam Smith of Smith and Pickle construction, were there. Working! Then the cocktail party...It was good. It was really good. The cocktails and food was tasty. The space looked great, neon lights just right, the vibe felt energetic, cool without getting too trendy, bar will be a great place to catch a drink before sundry events in the future. It seemed like all had a great time. Kudos to the Pauls, Elliott and their team.
We finally made it!!! Everyone involved in this project did a wonderful job...I wouldn't change a thing; anything major at least. Thanks for all of the support out here OKC Talkers. We hope to see you in soon for dinner.
jbkrems 08-01-2007, 01:41 AM Tuck,
When will the Red Prime menu be made available on the Red Prime website, since y'all are now open? Thanks.
When will the Red Prime menu be made available on the Red Prime website, since y'all are now open? Thanks.
Red's menu should be available online early next week.
Congratulations Tuck! I'm sure Red is going to be a smash.
I'll be sure to make a reservation when I visit in September.
Turanacus 08-01-2007, 01:33 PM I'm bringing 5 coworkers tonight for drinks after work, stuck my head in yesterday around 6, looked good. Hoping to see some ladies around the bar this evening.
betts 08-01-2007, 02:34 PM I just saw the menu today. There are multiple things on it I can hardly wait to try. It may be a steakhouse, but with a twist.
HOT ROD 08-01-2007, 09:06 PM Congratulations Tuck! I'm sure Red is going to be a smash.
I'll be sure to make a reservation when I visit in September.
^ ditto. although Im not sure when my next trip to OKC will be, but I will definitely patronize the restaurant when I do come to town. Woo hoo.
Andy1807 08-04-2007, 04:33 PM The wife and I are going tonight. I'll post our thoughts when we get back.
Turanacus 08-06-2007, 11:45 AM Went to Prime Saturday night. We got there about 10:30p, sat in the bar area and had some drinks and cupcakes. Got an excellent tour of the joint, very nice. Service was great. Last call came early, we are predicting the bar will start staying open much later once the dust settles.
Stinger 08-06-2007, 12:01 PM My wife and I plan on dining this week some evening. Roughly what can I expect to pay for, say....a couple of filets, two veggies and maybe a couple of salads? Any other thoughts/recommendations?
BFizzy 08-06-2007, 12:39 PM If I remember correctly, steaks were $28 - $52, salads started at $6, and sides were $8. Each steak comes with your choice of a crust and a sauce. There are also appetizers, seafood, and desserts.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 08-06-2007, 02:28 PM If I remember correctly, steaks were $28 - $52, salads started at $6, and sides were $8. Each steak comes with your choice of a crust and a sauce. There are also appetizers, seafood, and desserts.
Really? That's cheaper than I was expecting.
metro 08-06-2007, 09:10 PM Those of you who went already please write us some reviews of the place, food, ambiance, etc. There is a Food Court section on this site and I'd love to hear your reviews/recommendations before I check out the place.
FlounderinDC 08-07-2007, 09:06 AM I cannot wait to check this place out. Now I just need a date! Ha.
bella 08-07-2007, 10:10 AM Hi. Posted our dining experience over in the Food Court section. It was good-the restaurant, that is, not my review!
metro 08-07-2007, 10:51 AM thanks for the review bella.
Misty 10-01-2007, 12:34 PM I went to Red Prime for the first time Saturday night. Bar far the best steak I’ve had in Oklahoma City and probably one of the top 2 or 3 steaks I’ve ever had. My friends both said their steaks were the very best they’d ever tasted. The staff was all fantastic; the manager was even nice enough to show me how to enter the ladies room while my dumb ass stood outside the door trying to figure out how to open it (push). We sat at a table, the booths looked perfect for a romantic evening for two (or however many you like LOL). I finally got to meet Tuck too, THANKS for the great dinner! We’ll be back for sure and will spread the word.
And Metro I posted this both places just for you.
metro 10-01-2007, 01:13 PM Thanks for the review. I ate here two weeks ago and need to do a review also. I'll post one soon in the Food Court.