09-12-2009, 10:22 PM
mr witherspoon ha ha
View Full Version : What would you replace Heritage Park Mall with? wayward1 09-12-2009, 10:22 PM mr witherspoon ha ha Thunder 09-12-2009, 10:33 PM wayward1, you sure are taking an awfully long time to resize your avatar. Yes, the WM on 23rd is in MWC, but the person said "feels Spencer-ish"... You do understand it, right? When I'm out there, it DOES feel like it is a part of Spencer, just because of its close promity and the FEEL of "small town country" out there. bombermwc 09-14-2009, 09:29 AM We're still confusing these two projects as part of one origional project....which they weren't. The Wal-Mart on 23rd was conceived as a wallyworld for 23rd. It was never envisioned to replace the old MWC one. They are complete different projects. Del City didn't have anything similar, so they offered the help to get that project done. MWC didn't offer as much help because they weren't focussed on Wal-Mart. They were already getting one on 23rd, and didn't feel they needed to focus on Wal-Mart when Town Center was developing so well. Do they regret it, maybe. The Del City store creates a lot of tax dollars, but I gurantee MWC has netted far more out of Town Center. You can read further back if you want to see the timeline of each store and how they AREN'T RELATED. And again, a store employee is the last person in the line to know the real story of what goes on...and that's on purpose. Store employees (manager or not) aren't told what's going on...nor do they need to know. But let's focus back on HPM since that's what the thread is for. I did notice that they finally removed the hanging pieces of wood on the main entrance. So at least something was done. But now we're down to how many real stores? 2? Really GNC is all that's left and it's only a matter of time before they leave. So we're counting the months now folks. Can we all cross our fingers that once their lease is up, that the place will go? Check out the layout here. LifeChurch and Sears could EASILY survive as islands if the mall is taken out. Doze the place and start over!!! http://geocities.com/bombermwc/hpm.JPG Jesseda 09-14-2009, 02:32 PM whats left inside the mall? woodyrr 09-14-2009, 05:27 PM whats left inside the mall? The other day I recall: A game store, a clothing store, a vitamin store, and a cell phone kiosk. Oh, and the most appealing thing of the whole darn place was the children's play area way down at the Dillard's end of the dark, hot cavernous expanse. I repeat myself: Please, somebody turn off the lights and lock the doors! kevinpate 09-14-2009, 07:37 PM Don't write it off completely. if the folks in another thread are right, some peeps in Crossroads will need a place to go at some point. woodyrr 09-16-2009, 06:09 AM I stopped by Crossroads yesterday in search of soap. It's in pretty bad shape as well. At least they had the security guys driving around the lot in their van with the blinky lights and an off duty OCPD officer at the information desk. I was on my way to meeting so I didn't walk the mall, but next time I'll get a better idea of how many boarded up stores they have - sad. Centerback 09-16-2009, 09:55 AM Ikea Sooner2003 05-26-2010, 01:13 PM I wish the car repair place at the edge of air depot and reno on the outskirts of the mall would move along as well. Nothing against ma-and-pop places like that but after many years with little improvement to provide curb apeal, I think it's time to go. I could easily see a pond being built there with a fountain and a spread of commercial suites behind it. You could also put in at least 20-30 houses on the outer ring facing back into the Cleveland Bailey Elementary School neighborhood. I can envision this so easily if I had the startup capital I would make it happen myself! MJM sleepy 09-25-2010, 02:53 PM You need to "MOVE ALONG". That car repair /station was there WAY before a mall was there & guess what ,it's still there. It's not their fault MWC has became a shell of its former self & is now a shooting gallery/ hoodlum fest in that part of town. MWC should welcome ANY business in that part of town that can somehow stay in business and stay afloat . No retail outlet is dumb enough to come into that part of town except the 2-bit places like BIG LOTS. The only reason Aaron's is making it is it's near impossible to shoplift a couch and a TV. bombermwc 09-27-2010, 07:53 AM Really? So all the other businesses in the area are crap huh? I just will not understand why anyone feels like this is a bad area. There aren't any abandoned buildings....not one. Pep Boys is being converted to something, and it was the only empty place around. Let's go through the list, shall we? Del Rancho / Popoeys - It's Basil now and it's more sucessful than anything else that was ever there. Captain D's - It's a very nice looking State Farm insurance office, way better looking. K-Mart - Anthony's, which is doing just fine there. Pep Boys - It's being convereted to a medical facility, short-term rehab or something like that Circuit City - It's been a Goodwill facility for years and years now. I don't understand the issue people have with this place...if you don't want to shop there...don't. OK, so find the empty store there in the list that makes this a dead zone. I don't see one anywhere. And FYI - Big Lots is the same junk you'll find at a normal store...just cheaper, so don't act like you're above it because you buy the same junk. I bought 2 Zero-Gravity chairs at Big lots for $35 each while on the same weekend, Kohl's was selling the same EXACT chair for $99. Tell me why Big Lots is crap again? kevinpate 09-27-2010, 08:02 AM bombermwc, I don't know much about your community, other than I've met some nice folks from there over the years. FWIW, what you've laid out does seem far removed from a dead zone. Lauri101 09-28-2010, 02:37 PM bombermwc - I agree. I think that the hulking mass of the former HPM is what leads to the overall perception. I've shopped at almost all of the above - just haven't tried Basil yet. And don't forget Office Depot - a lot better prices/selection than WallyWorld for most office supplies. Not at all dead, but could use some cleanup and bulldozer on NW corner of AD/Reno. Thunder 09-28-2010, 03:15 PM Basil is basically dead. I never see any traffic there. TaoMaas 09-28-2010, 04:48 PM Westlake Ace Hardware does pretty good over there. And Pelican's and Checkerboard Cafe seem to have plenty of customers. bombermwc 09-29-2010, 07:44 AM Thunder, then you aren't looking. Ever been around on a sunday afternoon either? You can't even find a table. It's actually doing just fine....why am I not surprised you would be the one offering the opposite view...which happens to be inaccurate...hmm. Thunder 09-29-2010, 09:51 AM I go by every Sunday between 4:30 and 5:00, still empty over there. metro 09-29-2010, 11:51 AM I go by every Sunday between 4:30 and 5:00, still empty over there. I'm not a MWC fan by any means, but come on Thunder that's the deadest time for ANY restaurant. Hardly anyone eats during that time frame. Most restaurants are busy during lunch and dinner hours, not the in between hours. Redskin 70 09-29-2010, 10:11 PM Well, though not a MWC person, I do not think that intersection nor the area around it is any where near dead. Still lots of potential and I really like the new Checkerboard restaurant. Sears will always get my business |