View Full Version : Finally an answer to he best place to find a man?!

01-13-2007, 01:07 AM
All right ladies, I have found your answer to the best place to find a man....

A Restaurant


According to this article: News - Weird, odd and quirky stories - Hungry men find big women sweet (

Men who have skipped lunch find larger women more attractive than their slimmer counterparts, new research has revealed.

A team of psychologists established that men who are hungry are attracted to plumper women, but the researchers found that, once they had eaten, men's taste in women reverted to those with slimmer figures.

The academics suggest the phenomenon arises from primeval associations between larger body sizes and health and survival.

The latest study in the British Journal of Psychology suggests that although modern western cultures are dominated by images of skinny models, men still have an evolutionary preference for more rounded women.

The results indicated that this preference can still be triggered by pangs of hunger. Viren Swami, a psychologist at Liverpool University's Department of Public Health, said: "Hungry men are much more tolerant and rate obese women more positively than men who have eaten.

"They found them slightly more attractive, although the difference was very small between them and women in the normal weight range."

Mr Swami and psychologist Martin Tovee, from Newcastle University, recruited 60 university students to test their theory that appetite is linked to sexual preference.

Half had just enjoyed a meal and described themselves as very full, while the rest had yet to eat and were either hungry or very hungry.

The test subjects had to look at pictures portraying women of different shapes and sizes and rate them on an ascending scale of beauty from one to nine.

None of the images showed the women's faces to ensure that they were judged on body shape alone.

Mr Swami said: "In evolutionary terms, if you are overweight it means you have more resources.

"Even today, in some parts of Africa, women are force-fed milk to make them fatter and more attractive."

***I guess if you are on the larger side, you get them going in. If you are smaller, then wait until after dinner. If you are medium size, you want to introduce yourself between the salad and main course?

01-13-2007, 12:02 PM
Someone has been locked up inside the house on their computer too long...

01-13-2007, 01:04 PM
Of course, we here at The SooNeR67 Institute For Relationships will kee you advised with our further research.

01-13-2007, 02:22 PM
You know, I'm really sick and tired of all the "scientific research" on dating that basically doesn't amount to a tinker's damn because none of it gives us any help or reassurance at all. It's just a bunch of nonsense information that states, in fancy ten-dollar words, that you're gonna lose out no matter what you do.

03-03-2007, 04:13 AM
According to that story... What happens when the guy has finished eating? He is no longer hungry and he then wants a skinny woman. I can tell you for sure that the way to find a good guy is NOT to keep him hungry, :)

03-03-2007, 05:13 PM
I have one sure method that will help any man or woman find a significant other.

Talk to people, Talk to people everywhere you go. If your shy, get over it. If you develop the gift of gab, you will meet someone in no time flat.

On another note, In this day and age especially since the fruition of women's liberation, Why are women so afraid to ask a man out? I am suprised more women do not step up ask a man catching their eye. I would think this would be a way for women to gather intel on a guy before expressing her intentions. You buy tickets to your favorite sport or action flick or something he has an interest in and say "Hey... I am going to do this and I hate to go alone.... So why don't you join me?" or Ask him if he wants to grab a beer somewhere? Most guys would jump on any of those opportunties and they will not think twice about it. If anything they will think your just being a good friend. If he likes you he will make an attempt to flirt with you. If not you know he is not interested.

03-03-2007, 05:21 PM
I agree with visiting with people.. Get out of the house and take a walk through the mall .. Go to a place where men hang out.. Come to Hott Cutz we only have guys in here I am sure I can set some people up...

That is my new thing I am going to open my message board to single women to talk to my clients.. lol...

03-10-2007, 12:21 PM

Very interesting point about women asking guys out. Why? Because I don't ask women out. I wait until one asks me. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. If a woman asks me out, there is no doubt she's interested, making for a more enjoyable date. I've been in a few GREAT relationships that started that way.