03-12-2007, 11:52 AM
Actually, I bet Wal-Mart is remodeling the location because they do that to stores that are not too small but out of date. The remodel is probably nothing more than a reset.
View Full Version : SW 104th and May Avenue Construction??? Pages :
mranderson 03-12-2007, 11:52 AM Actually, I bet Wal-Mart is remodeling the location because they do that to stores that are not too small but out of date. The remodel is probably nothing more than a reset. SoonerDave 03-12-2007, 12:40 PM Doubtful....Think they are doing it in response to the nice SuperTarget now in N Norman...Think it's just plain old competition No, of course not local neighborhood complaints, but general negative exposure about the WalMart name in general. Response to the SuperTarget? A better-maintained property you say? A prime reason WalMart same-store sales are flat or down? Good enough for me....although I don't think it explains the remodel @ I-240 and Santa SuperTargets in the area....much more likely is that a general recognition that cruddy, nasty stores are part-and-parcel with the WalMart name, and suddenly higher on their list of things to rectify. -soonerdave okclee 03-14-2007, 09:06 PM Here is a good read on Wal-Mart and other communities around the U.S. Wal-Mart foes fight development - Consumer News - ( SouthsideSooner 06-14-2007, 01:05 PM I got an email from the Lakeridge HOA president saying that Walmart has pulled out of this project and that the development is now up in the air. I talked to another very credible source that said Walmart is going to be part of a development at S. 104th and I-44 instead. There is 90 acres zoned C-3 on the NE corner of that intersection. Easy180 06-14-2007, 01:13 PM I got an email from the Lakeridge HOA president saying that Walmart has pulled out of this project and that the development is now up in the air. I talked to another very credible source that said Walmart is going to be part of a development at S. 104th and I-44 instead. There is 90 acres zoned C-3 on the NE corner of that intersection. Nice scoop sooner....Makes more sense for Wallymart to put one right off I-44 anyway SoonerDave 06-14-2007, 01:39 PM I got an email from the Lakeridge HOA president saying that Walmart has pulled out of this project and that the development is now up in the air. HALLELUJAH! Actually, this does not surprise me. I saw an article in the paper this week that reported Wal Mart had planned to reduce its new SuperCenter openings by 28% in the coming year, and I figure if the odds are generally the same, that meant about a 1-in-4 chance the 104th and May project would be on the block. The link to the TAPP Development site for this project was taken down/routed to a login page about two or three weeks ago. -soonerdave Martin 06-14-2007, 01:49 PM i like this better... but i'm still not big on having a walmart anywhere nearby. -M SoonerDave 06-14-2007, 02:07 PM mmm, I generally agree with you on that, but to me there's SO much difference in having that extra distance down the street from May & 104th. Rather than having it in my front yard, where it was literally walking distance, now it's driving distance. This location makes sense because it is also near where Target is supposedly interested in building a SuperTarget, but on the west side of I-44. -soonerdave russellc 06-14-2007, 02:44 PM I worked at Wal-Mart in Moore during the summer after highschool a few years ago, and they said they are supposed to remodel their stores every 7 years. jbrown84 06-14-2007, 04:25 PM The Penn & Memorial location is currently remodeling, and 7 years old sounds about right. SWOKC 4 me 06-14-2007, 08:25 PM This location makes sense because it is also near where Target is supposedly interested in building a SuperTarget, but on the west side of I-44. -soonerdave Hopefully Target will beat them to the punch and Wal-Mart will not want to build that close to Target and we can keep new Wal-marts out of South OKC all together. --- Sorry Wal-Mart lovers but I HATE Wal-mart. I would much rather see Target. I am all for new businesses on the south side just not Wal-Mart. Martin 06-15-2007, 06:49 AM just re-reading this... wouldn't the nw side of i-44 be too close to the airport flight path for a big box? i could see something going in on the ne corner, but not the nw corner. -M SoonerDave 06-15-2007, 08:12 AM I was thinking the same thing ,mmm. In fact, I thought most of the property on the NW corner of 104th and I-44 was actually behind the airport perimeter fence...the south side of that area looks vast and unencumbered, however.... -soonerdave SuperScooper 06-15-2007, 08:45 PM If the city had any common sense they would close Portland between SW 54th & 104th and close 74th and 89th just a few hundred feet away from the on/off ramps. This would leave a huge piece of property for future runways, aircraft maintence bays and possibly room for a future airline hub. SouthsideSooner 07-15-2008, 12:29 PM It looks like this project may be back on. I live in Lake Ridge and received this email from our homeowners assoc. president. "7-14-08 Hello everyone, There have been several inquiries concerning a rumor that Crest Foods will be building a grocery store on the vacant lot at SW 104th & May Ave. I have heard the same rumor and believe there is an 80% chance that the store will be built near SW 104th & Earlywine. The rest of the property will most certainly be developed also, however no type of stores or names have been mentioned. As other information becomes available, I will pass it along." Has anyone else heard anything about this? Martin 07-15-2008, 12:33 PM haven't heard anything... but a crest @ 104th & may would make me a happy camper. -M SoonerDave 07-16-2008, 02:25 PM I can attest to the recent addition of survey stakes along Earlywine Blvd just south of 104th, which would represent the westernmost edge of the property. That would certainly be consistent with any pending sale or construction activity, I would think. ssandedoc 07-16-2008, 05:28 PM Well, the land has not been sold as of yet. The Owner is listed as Roaring Fork Assoc. Cleveland County Assessor ( SoonerDave 07-16-2008, 08:40 PM Well, the land has not been sold as of yet. The Owner is listed as Roaring Fork Assoc. Cleveland County Assessor ( Wouldn't have to be sold to be surveyed, because a property development company could build the store and lease it back to Crest.... Martin 07-16-2008, 09:01 PM shoot... with a commercial development like that, you're pretty much guaranteed that the property will be surveyed prior to the sale. -M t3h_wookiee 07-17-2008, 03:45 PM A Crest would be awesome! I'm farther south than that, but I don't shop at Wal-mart, so right now I'm having to go down to Norman to buy groceries, and it's annoying going that far. It'd be awesome to have a good grocery store this close! Bobby821 07-17-2008, 04:00 PM A Crest would be awesome! I'm farther south than that, but I don't shop at Wal-mart, so right now I'm having to go down to Norman to buy groceries, and it's annoying going that far. It'd be awesome to have a good grocery store this close! WHy do you not shop at Wal*Mart? oneforone 07-17-2008, 11:22 PM WHy do you not shop at Wal*Mart? Shopping at Wal-Mart is like picking your nose or scratching your ass every does it or has done it at least once with in the last month. Bobby821 07-18-2008, 08:27 AM Shopping at Wal-Mart is like picking your nose or scratching your ass every does it or has done it at least once with in the last month. What??? thats not an explanation of why you dont go to Wal*Mart. Wal*Mart is about the only place to shop for groceries these days. SoonerDave 07-18-2008, 09:36 AM What??? thats not an explanation of why you dont go to Wal*Mart. Wal*Mart is about the only place to shop for groceries these days. Not if that Crest gets built!!! We now return you to your "SW 104th and May Construction" thread... Martin 07-18-2008, 09:40 AM i look forward to having crest there... i'll go to the homeland on 104th & penn when i need just a couple items, but when i'm stocking up i don't mind going all the way over to 12th & eastern just to take advantage of crest's prices. it'll be nice to have that same shopping experience so close to home. -M Bobby821 07-18-2008, 02:14 PM i look forward to having crest there... i'll go to the homeland on 104th & penn when i need just a couple items, but when i'm stocking up i don't mind going all the way over to 12th & eastern just to take advantage of crest's prices. it'll be nice to have that same shopping experience so close to home. -M Whats wrong with Wal*Mart? there is also the Wal*Mart neighborghood market on 104th and Western to shop at. SoonerDave 07-18-2008, 05:02 PM Thinking about the Crest on Eastern in Moore, I think they built a small stripmall or two or three small outparcels. I'd have to believe the same king of thing might be on tap for any new Crest development, but that's purely speculation on my part. When the previous development was in the works, there was also a rumor fo a plan for a Barnes and Noble and a Starbucks. Since Starbucks is shuttering a whole pile of stores, I think its safe to assume that's not going to happen - but I'd sure love to dream about a renewed prospect for a Barnes and Noble in the vicinity. People south of Reno really do read! I wouldn't complain if they put up a standalone Chik-fil-A either... rinni 07-20-2008, 09:54 AM Looks like there are several of us in Lakeridge. I was so hoping for another church - the Church of Christ has been a good neighbor. Martin 07-20-2008, 12:24 PM thanks for saying that, rinni... i go there. -M oneforone 07-21-2008, 02:34 AM What??? thats not an explanation of why you dont go to Wal*Mart. Wal*Mart is about the only place to shop for groceries these days. What I meant was everybody shops at Wal-Mart. You may not everyday but everyone I know has been there within the last 12 months. For most Wal-Mart haters it is the place to make quick grab because money or time is in short supply. Now back to the thread.... I hope they do build a Crest there I am tired seeing my parents get raped everytime they do their shopping at Homeland. They are creatures of habit. They rarely travel to anywhere that is more than a 5 minutes from home. They hate the Wal-Mart neighborhood dumpster (as my mom calls it) because you cannot get fresh cuts of meat and the selection is small. rinni 07-22-2008, 12:09 PM thanks for saying that, rinni... i go there. -M Funny story (at least I think it is). Not long after the Church of Christ was completed, a very nice lady came to my door one Saturday and invited me to attend the new church. We talked for a few minutes and I told her that I was impressed with the new church and that it was a beautiful building. She looked stricken and said, "It's not fancy on the inside" and left. I didn't know what to make of it but mentioned it to a co-worker who goes to a Church of Christ in Edmond. He cracked up and said that it was very important not to be too flashy. I thought that I was complementing her but wound up offending her. I've felt bad about it ever since! t3h_wookiee 07-24-2008, 12:34 PM WHy do you not shop at Wal*Mart? I used to work there years ago, and ever since I've tried to avoid shopping there as much as I can. Plus I really dislike their business practices, their produce is pretty pathetic (yay farmer's markets!), and I have a hard time finding what I need in stock at the Moore one. Back on topic, man we need some good grocery stores down here! Martin 08-01-2008, 05:03 PM i've felt bad about it ever since! that is a pretty funny story. in actuality, the lady was probably more embarassed that we came across as vain. i doubt you offended her... don't feel bad about it! back on topic, man we need some good grocery stores down here! totally agree... i wish there were a few more places to choose from. far southwest okc used to have around six or seven grocery stores... now we're down to around three. -M SoonerDave 08-04-2008, 06:54 AM Just heard from a local Crest manager that the project will be either at 104th and May or perhaps 119th and May. There is an open parcel on the SE corner of 119th and May........ And, yes, I remember when we had lots of grocery stores in this area. I remember Jim's IGA on 74th, Buchanan's at 89th and Penn, Winn Dixie (later Griders) at 89th and Western, and those are just the ones off the top of my head...... Martin 08-04-2008, 07:06 AM southeast corner, right? on 119th & may, the only empty corner i can think of is the vacant chunk of land that backs up to rivendell on the lake. southpark baptist sit on the southwest corner. in any event... either 104th & may or 119th & may would work great for me. given the 'nimby' principle, perhaps i'd like 119th just a little better. -M oneforone 08-04-2008, 07:17 AM Although you might have "Nimby" issues, I really do not think you have too many people complain about a new Crest store. I think they would apply a tasteful layout to the building and the parking lot. Not to mention, every Crest store I have ever visited is clean and sparkling inside and out. They drastically transformed the Homeland store they bought on Hefner and Rockwell. They gutted the store inside and out. It looks like a brand new store. Traffic will not be a real issue either except on weekends and days prior to holidays. Martin 08-04-2008, 07:50 AM oh, i'm not complaining... like i say, i'd be happy with either location and especially with a crest... however, if i had to pick one spot over the other, i'd go with 119th. and you hit the nail on the head about traffic... that's the main reason i'd prefer it to be just a bit farther from home. SoonerDave 08-04-2008, 08:03 AM oh, i'm not complaining... like i say, i'd be happy with either location and especially with a crest... however, if i had to pick one spot over the other, i'd go with 119th. and you hit the nail on the head about traffic... that's the main reason i'd prefer it to be just a bit farther from home. I fixed the site reference (SW->SE) on the other post GRRR. Don't know what it is with me and directional references the last few days. I have no doubt Crest will build a top-notch location on either site. I may be mistaken, but I believe they own all their own stores, rather than have a development company build it and then lease it back to them. That gives them incentive to maintain their own property. The Homeland that Crest renovated on Eastern in Moore is a terrific place - spotless, neat, and well maintained. So not Wal-Slum. chillingal 09-11-2008, 12:14 PM Hi All... My husband emailed Crest a few days ago and this is what they said: The store will be built from the ground up on 104th and South May. As far as we know there will not be any other stores besides Crest. You can post that we are breaking ground in March of 2009 and hope to open in the Spring of 2010. t3h_wookiee 09-12-2008, 10:16 PM Yay!! Jesseda 02-18-2009, 09:42 AM so whats the status on this project? orhodes 02-23-2009, 09:42 PM The Crest store manager in Moore said "it's going to be on the LEFT (north) side (of 104th) when your going east." SouthsideSooner 02-24-2009, 12:09 PM The Crest store manager in Moore said "it's going to be on the LEFT (north) side (of 104th) when your going east." That is incorrect. The new store will be located on the property southwest of 104th and S. May and will be part of a development called Lake Ridge Center. oneforone 02-28-2009, 01:01 AM |