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01-05-2007, 08:01 PM
Does Lawton do a damn thing to promote tourism? I mean come on! They have such a great assett in the Wichita Mountains! Do they do anything to promote themselves? Really?

01-06-2007, 07:16 AM
Hmmm, maybe it's just me, but i don't get it. Exactly what is Lawton going to promote and where is all the money for promotion going to come from?

The Wichita Mountains are not run by Lawton and they don't directly get any revenue from it. They are about 12 miles from the exit to the mountains. i've been hiking there dozens of times, but I never go in to Lawton and I doubt a significant number of visitors do.

Medicine Park however does directly benefit from the wildlife refuge.

And actually, the wildlife refuge is promoted in quite a few publications and some tourism commercials.

You could attract millions more to the refuge and very few would venture into Lawton.

01-06-2007, 09:15 AM
I think natural wonders become spoiled very quickly by "tourism." I personally don't want to watch buffalo while munching on a quarter pounder or gaze at the beautiful vistas through a maze of signs, tourists, and invitations to "see the Mystery Spot!" I've been very impressed by so much unspoiled natural beauty in this state. Took a while to find Heavener Runes-missed a sign or two. But the hunt was part of the fun! Ever been to the Wisconsin Dells? They promoted tourism. A perfect example of a natural wonder that has been totally spoiled. That's my two cents!

01-06-2007, 09:36 AM
The Wichita Mountains are beautiful...

01-06-2007, 04:40 PM
I think natural wonders become spoiled very quickly by "tourism." I personally don't want to watch buffalo while munching on a quarter pounder or gaze at the beautiful vistas through a maze of signs, tourists, and invitations to "see the Mystery Spot!" I've been very impressed by so much unspoiled natural beauty in this state. Took a while to find Heavener Runes-missed a sign or two. But the hunt was part of the fun! Ever been to the Wisconsin Dells? They promoted tourism. A perfect example of a natural wonder that has been totally spoiled. That's my two cents!

I understand your reaction, but I've always thought such reactions ironic: YOU want to enjoy it, but you're not crazy about other people enjoying it.

Ironic, yes, but understandable: 5 minutes in Yosemite Valley on any Saturday in July is all it takes to appreciate that sentiment...

01-06-2007, 06:15 PM
Ironic, yes, but understandable: 5 minutes in Yosemite Valley on any Saturday in July is all it takes to appreciate that sentiment...

Haha I've been there and I agree. Personally, I love the Wichitas and love to show them off to people that are unfamiliar (most people that have grown up here have no idea they exist) and take them to Medicine Park and Meers, but I can't say there's any part of Lawton I'm keen on showing off. It's a pretty depressing town.

01-06-2007, 06:49 PM
but I can't say there's any part of Lawton I'm keen on showing off. It's a pretty depressing town.

Unfortunately I would have to agree!

I love the Wichitas and love to show them off to people that are unfamiliar (most people that have grown up here have no idea they exist)

Yes, and that truly is a problem too. They are a well kept secret in many quarters!

01-06-2007, 06:57 PM
I've heard good things about the Museum at Ft Sill. Actually, I've considered spending a weekend down in that part of the state, just to drive around and get a feel for it.

01-08-2007, 09:56 AM
Definitely go to the Refuge, Medicine Park, Meers Restaurant, and the Holy City.

Bobby H
02-14-2007, 07:42 PM
Currently there isn't a whole lot within the city of Lawton to attract lots of people from out of town. Norman and Wichita Falls have a greater variety of choice in shopping, restaurants and night life.

Over the next few years that should change dramatically. Lawton's population is increasing dramatically because of massive BRAC expansion aboard Fort Sill. Much of the downtown area has been converted into a TIF district for the early stages of the Downtown Redevelopment project. Lawton will likely get some sort of new arena for concerts, conventions and certain sporting events. The question is who will build one first, the city or the tribes? Cameron University is undergoing a significant expansion with several important new buildings, including a $11 million student activities center.

McMahon Memorial Auditorium gets some decent events there once in awhile, but not often enough. The venue is nice, but not big enough for certain performers. I was surprised when George Carlin gave a performance there. A few interested people are trying hard to keep the Lawton Philharmonic Orchestra going. But it may dissolve and leave Tulsa with the distinction of having the only city orchestra in the state.

The Museum of the Great Plains is pretty nice. They have some pretty interesting historical artifacts there. The museum also shows some good art exhibits from time to time.

Elmer Thomas Park certainly isn't the greatest park, but it is a very good asset for Lawton. There's a 2.5 mile concrete bike path there that doesn't get used by nearly enough bicyclists. The park also has a gravel/dirt jogging path about the same length, with lights around the eastern half of the park. Other improvements are currently being made in the park, including the construction of a new amphitheater stage near Lake Helen. The park has lots of ducks and geese. The prairie dog town is popular. But it has overrun the park boundaries, expanding across the Armory grounds, all the vacant land around Ramada Inn and even into parts of the I-44/Cache Road/2nd Street interchange. It would seem that only an outbreak of bubonic plague could make a dent in the prairie dog town at this point.

Although they're minor things, when it comes to hamburger's Wayne's Drive-Inn in Lawton is my first choice. The new location on the west side of town is nice. The Carmike theater next door offers some of the best movie going presentation quality you'll find in the entire state. All 8 screens are equipped for digital cinema. Oklahoma City still doesn't have a single D-Cinema equipped screen.

12-21-2007, 12:11 AM
Hush about the prairie dog town, Medicine Park and the refuge. I used to work at Meers and I played dumb about the cool stuff in OK. It was hard enough getting to work. Meers has a thousand people standing in line for a burger on Saturday and Sunday.

All those people go out and hassle the buffalo, prairie dogs and the residents. I'm not really keen on sharing the cool spots. I told my customers the buffalo have secret spots and they git sick of tourists. (It's true!) I don't tell where the buffalo go. My customers could tip all they wanted. I don't tell on my buffalo and I don't give up my sacred spots.

The tourists piss me off. Even my daughter has tormented the prairie dogs. There's no way I would take her to see buffalo. She couldn't behave herself. I have rubbed heads with longhorns and buffalo. I have a special rock, near a special tree. I sit up there quietly and the animals come to me. I've had conversations with the big buffalo who saunters down the highway. I love it when he does that! I can just wave at him and go on about my way.

I don't wanna share my spots with other people.

12-21-2007, 09:28 AM

12-21-2007, 10:30 AM
I was down there with a friend, who had never been there, a few months back. A beautiful fall day, AND NOBODY THERE. Very nice. Had the Charon's Garden Bolder Field all to ourselves. I actually hadn't been down there in 25 years, and did a hike that I hadn't done in that long. It's good to see it hasn't changed much. I do wish they'd get the Old Plantation back open. I miss having those rolls.

I took some video with my digital photo camera of our hike:
YouTube - Adventure Hiking - Wichita Wildlife Refuge (

12-21-2007, 10:37 AM
What's the Old Plantation?

12-21-2007, 11:12 AM
The Old Plantation was in Medicine Park. If I'm not mistaken, it was originally the State's first official "lodge" built back at the turn of the last century. In the 70's and 80's it was a restaurant, and served as a kind of a museum for the area. They served these home baked rolls that were about the size of a half-loaf of bread. They were a meal unto themselves. Honey and butter was all you needed.

Medicine Park looks like it has turned upscale to some extent. Some nicer homes have been built along the river. Not as many "houses of a mobile nature".

Medicine Park, Oklahoma (

I think it was the Old Plantation where I learned of the story of the Wichita's hidden treasure. I wonder if it's ever been found?

12-21-2007, 11:48 AM
Not that I know of...There was a book in the Metropolitan library system about treasure in Oklahoma, particularlly Jesse James treasure in the Wichitas.

The refuge is by far and away my favorite place in OK (and I've been to alot).

12-21-2007, 12:43 PM
I thought the treasure was left by Spanish Conquistadors who thought the mountains might be getting worse so they put their valuables in a cave behind some steel doors. Wasn't Jesse James' over in Robbers Cave?

Yea, I can't believe I hadn't been down there since High school. Definitely need to go down more often.

12-21-2007, 01:35 PM
Yes...I have heard of the Iron Door of the Wichitas.

Robbers Cave was known as more of a hideout.

Jesse James is thought to have buried a large treasure of sorts in the mountains. The book does have of account and pictures of the discovery of one clue from Jesse James...a kettle with a convant engraved, I believe.

12-21-2007, 01:50 PM
Jesse James Treasure:
Who was J. Frank Dalton. (
Dean C Salyer (

This is the book: Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales: Books: Steve Wilson (

The Iron Door:
Buried Treasures of the American ... - Google Book Search (,M1)

12-21-2007, 02:04 PM
Some other Interesting links
Gold and Silver: Miners of the Wichitas (

And not entirely related but a neat find:

12-21-2007, 02:10 PM
Jesse James Treasure:
Who was J. Frank Dalton. (
Dean C Salyer (

This is the book: Oklahoma Treasures and Treasure Tales: Books: Steve Wilson (

The Iron Door:
Buried Treasures of the American ... - Google Book Search (,M1)

Good finds! I may have to add those to my Christmas List.

I was on the south side of Elk Mountain on my last trip, and have been through several canyons back in the day. I did see the Mine Shaft on the south side of Elk mountain. Pretty precarious as it went about 30 feet straight down and was filled with water. Certainly, somebody has found the Iron Door by now.

12-21-2007, 03:56 PM
There is a "cave" on Elk Mountain that is really just a passage under the boulders. I believe it is about a quarter mile long and sometime filled partially with water. There is a guidebook available that details several extremely adventurous hikes in the refuge that are off the official trails

12-21-2007, 04:58 PM
Yep, I was in the cave at the Elk Mtn Bolder Field, although I don't think its a quarter-mile long though. The vid I posted earlier shows it.

12-22-2007, 01:13 AM
There is a "cave" on Elk Mountain that is really just a passage under the boulders. I believe it is about a quarter mile long and sometime filled partially with water. There is a guidebook available that details several extremely adventurous hikes in the refuge that are off the official trails
Could I get more info on these hikes or this guidebook?

12-22-2007, 01:23 AM

There are also maps available at the visitor center.

12-23-2007, 10:03 PM
I know a chap who's idea of showing off Lawton at its finest involves encouraging people to gaze at the city with a big smile in their hearts, as the city grows more faint in their rearview mirror. :)

12-24-2007, 08:57 AM

There are also maps available at the visitor center.

You won't find anything about that or many other hikes on any official maps or websites. Outdoor and Trail Guide to the Wichita Mountains of Southwest Oklahoma: Books: Edward C. Ellenbrook (

site forthe outdoor trail guide valley of thewichitas (

12-25-2007, 08:08 PM
Thank you very much, my friend.

12-26-2007, 01:37 AM
If nothing else, find yourself at the northside of the Elk Mountain Boulder field, looking south.

Doug Loudenback
12-26-2007, 07:43 AM
If anyone said anything about the drive up Mt. Scott, I missed it. It's a great drive with a good overlook at the top. Treasure Lake is a small but exceptionally beautiful lake on the west side of the refuge ... it was gorgeous and, I hope, still is!

Many things have radically changed since I was a kid growing up in Lawton (LHS 1961) ... serious over-regulation today prevents camping and swimming in areas originally intended for such ... Lake Elmer Thomas was a great place to swim and Quannah Parker wasn't bad either ... Camp Boulder was a great place to camp. If you follow the little creek running along its southern side westerly, you wind up in a small but beautiful canyon called "The 40 Foot Hole." If you follow the creek easterly (serious climbing involved to do this) you eventually wind up at a beautiful swimming hole surrounded by cliffs.

"Craterville" was a neat little amusement park just north of Cache toward the Wichitas entrance ... on land now owned by Ft. Sill. From AMUSEMENT PARKS ( ...

Southwestern Oklahoma also had many places for young and old to go for thrills. Craterville, named for a meteor crater in the Wichita Mountains, existed in the present-day Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. After the refuge took over the land, the park moved to a location two miles east of Lugert. Besides having the usual amusement park amenities, Craterville hosted rodeos and the All-Indian Fair and Exposition that began in 1924 and moved to Anadarko in 1935 as the American Indian Exposition. Craterville closed in the mid-1950s, and the land was bought by Fort Sill.
And, as others have already said, there's nothing like a Meers Burger! Just a little south of Meers, if one crawled under a fence into a restricted area, one could climb up the mountain (may be Elk Mountain, I don't recall for sure) into former mining areas ... while the mine shafts were all destroyed, one could find artifacts from that period ... if one went where one was not supposed to. Of course, I never did that myself! ;) ;) ;)

I had some really grand times in the Wichitas as a kid, too many to count. Very very good memories!

12-26-2007, 08:54 AM
Very nice info Doug. Where exactly was Camp Boulder?

12-26-2007, 10:06 AM
Yes, thanks Doug!! The Wichita Mts. is a jewel for the area IMO!! A jewel for OK too!

Doug Loudenback
12-26-2007, 11:25 AM
Here are a few images ... should answer your question, jbrown (Camp Boulder aka Boulder Camp once had several rustic rock buildings ... this is not the best map I've seen but what I could find quickly ... also see Official Site of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (

Area Map (from )

Same map with a few annotations by me ...

Treasure Lake -- it's really lots prettier than this

Most, if not all, of these lakes were made during the Great Depression by CCC Boys ... I think that my uncle who died in 1941 (who I never met, being born in 1943) was one of them. See Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) ( for more about the CCC.

12-26-2007, 11:35 AM
Sunset used to be a campground as well, it's only a picnic area now. Park there. Hike to Treasure Lake via the Boulder Field! Downside, you have to go back up through the boulder field to get back to the car.

I believe you can get a permit for the "Special Use" areas. Or at least ya used-ta-could.

12-26-2007, 02:23 PM
Don't tell anybody...but Treasure Lake is a great swimming hole.

Doug: Thanks for posting. I have explored everyone of those places you mentioned except the mining area. I believe that is across the highway from the Parallel Forest? Just south of Camp Boulder is the Narrows...another cool place to both play in the water and climb a mountain in close proximity.

Man...I haven't been since August. Reading this thread makes me want to go.

12-26-2007, 03:27 PM
Some of my pics from the Wichitas.
climbing in the Narrows
inside Meers Restaurant
Lost Lake
Medicine Park
Boulder Valley (near Elk Mountain and Treasure Lake
cacti near Elk Mountain in Charon's Garden Wilderness

more here (

12-26-2007, 04:17 PM
Good stuff man. Good stuff.

12-26-2007, 04:35 PM
Yep, I'm gonna have to go back soon. I used to go 2 or 3 times a month when I was younger.

12-26-2007, 07:38 PM
Thanks Cuatro!

Doug Loudenback
12-26-2007, 08:25 PM
Don't tell anybody...but Treasure Lake is a great swimming hole.

Doug: Thanks for posting. I have explored everyone of those places you mentioned except the mining area. I believe that is across the highway from the Parallel Forest? Just south of Camp Boulder is the Narrows...another cool place to both play in the water and climb a mountain in close proximity.

Man...I haven't been since August. Reading this thread makes me want to go.
I don't know the name, Parallel Forest. And it's been so long ago that I can't be sure about the mountain we climbed to get to the mine area ... all I recall, generally, is that, on the road going north of the Holy City, we went under the fence and up a mountain before coming to the north boundary of the refuge, on the west side of the road.

I've used Yahoo Maps to assemble (copy, paste and reassemble) a rather large Wichita Mountains area map for my personal use and some of you might find it useful, also.

Link to large version (3761 x 1721 px):

To usefully print the large version, it would be better to copy and then divide the image into segments so that road numbers, etc., would show up better.

Here's a much smaller and not really usable version of the same map which shows the area covered ... I intentionally went beyond the borders of the refuge to show various access roads, etc.

Very much enjoyed your pics, JBrown! Were you the fool climbing the big rock (1st pic) ??? :dizzy: (just kidding!)

12-27-2007, 06:03 AM
Yes, thanks for the visuals Jbrown! I need to visit again one of these days myself!

12-27-2007, 11:30 AM
Your welcome.

Doug, that's not me climbing (that time ;) )

Doug Loudenback
12-27-2007, 01:48 PM
New to me but not maybe to youze guys, I've run across a great place for topographical maps generally and the Wichitas in particular: Topozone ...

TopoZone - Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters, USGS Quanah Mountain (OK) Topo Map (

Though it's a bit tedious, you can meander through the sections presented, select "Print", but don't, and then do a "Print Preview" and there do screen caputures and paste the captured elements into your graphics program where you can crop the image and make it just right!

I've done several so far but haven't uploaded them all to my photobucket account (where I intend to stick 'em all when completely finished).

Here's couple of examples, though ...

Camp Boulder Area

Another View

Eagle Mountain, Just South of Camp Boulder

Another View

I suppose that it shouldn't be hard to reassemble them into one humongeous map, or some regional maps, when all is done with the segments.

I'm getting excited about getting down there again! Take my son & grandson and freeze, probably! :dizzy:

Doug Loudenback
12-30-2007, 08:14 PM
I posted a post a few minutes ago but I guess it didn't "stick." So I'll give it another go.

I've started my Wichitas post ... Doug Dawgz Blog: The Wichitas ( ... but there's a lot left to do. Particularly, I need some images ... what I've got there right now is Greg Burn's fine drawing of the Meers station, given to me by my daughter a couple of Christmas' ago ... volunteered images are welcome!

Larger image:

And I've got to do the history and more stuff, too. But the clickable topographic map is done. A single large map is available (5200 x 2750 px, 5.44 MB) but this map is broken up into 18 navagatible segments. The segments are in 2 sizes, 800 x 800 px, and 1000 x 1000 px.

12-31-2007, 08:22 AM
Doug: I have a topo I bought at the vistor's center that I can scan an upload. It has a little more information. Will do this morning.

Doug Loudenback
12-31-2007, 09:06 AM
Doug: I have a topo I bought at the vistor's center that I can scan an upload. It has a little more information. Will do this morning.
Great! I've given one I bought several years ago to my son ... it may be the same map and it would be great to have a scan.

By now, I've added some "beef" to the article ... still need some current day pics, though. I'd certainly give credit to anyone who wants to volunteer some! Not sure when I'll get down to take some pics myself, but hopefully not too long into the future!

01-02-2008, 01:11 PM
Feel free to use any of mine, Doug.

Doug Loudenback
01-02-2008, 03:28 PM
Great, jbrown! I'll send you a pm ...

01-02-2008, 03:47 PM
I've loved the Wichita since I was a teenager and have made at least one pilgrimage there each year since (30+).

I would disagree with Mr. Loudenback that it is over-regulated though. I remember back when it was more open that many of the camping areas were really rough drunk, drugged out places most weekends--this was early '80s when bikers weren't just mid-life crisis suburbanites but real outlaws and many of them considered specific campgrounds their turf. I got run out of a few places after being made aware that I was not welcome to be anywhere near thier turf.

Much of the park had gotten so rough that it wasn't suitable camping for most adults and kids would be out of the question.

I remember one of the last times I camped by Elk Mountain, a really scary dude came by at night to try and get us to go "smoke angel dust and watch the bats come out" at some unspecified spot off the trail. He, of course, was also offering to sell us the drugs.

There were also yearly deaths caused by idiots diving/jumping/belly flopping into the numerous streams and pools not aware that unlike the rest of Oklahoma, the bottom isn't mud but jagged skull piercing granite.

You can still get to many of the cool spots by permit and Camp Doris is a nice spot I don't hesitate to take my kids to.

01-02-2008, 05:15 PM
I was in my forties before I even knew about the Wichita Mountains. I just love it there. Took my late father to get a Meers burger one time and that was a memory making trip. I am so glad I took him since he'd never been there, either.

Doug Loudenback
01-02-2008, 06:19 PM
Edmond-Outsider, I hear and understand what you're saying about rowdies. But, as an example, I sure wouldn't mind a nice swim in Lake Jed Johnson out to the tower/lighthouse thing (at least, I think that's the lake) again. Too much, or too little, control both present problems. But, it's a great area, either way.

01-04-2008, 08:34 AM
Yes, it is a great area and I wouldn't mind a little more available area to camp/backpack. Isn't the Charon Gardens area the only place available by permit to camp? Also, if I recall, the permit system is a bit complicated. It's been about 10 years since I did that.

I've always found it funny that "swimming" isn't allowed but "scuba diving" is. How does one scuba dive without swimming?

01-04-2008, 09:17 AM
Well the backcountry permit process is complicated at all national park properties.

They have 2 developed campgrounds and backcountry camping in Charon's Garden. The north side of the refuge is reserved for the wildlife, although I believe they give occasional ranger tours in that area.

04-29-2008, 04:11 PM
okla doesnt do enough to promote the parks here, few years ago they were but have slacked off recently.

wish the gov would do more to promote them, draw in some out of state visitors .

04-29-2008, 08:23 PM
WOW... i didn't know this forum existed. i was doing a google search on the house
Extreme Home TV show did in Lawton and came across this site. i grew up in Lawton left in '89 for the big city. reading this thread has brought back some old memories.
i love the mountains, i'd really like to find some land around there and build my retirement home someday. i visited lawton about a year ago, how depressing. the town just looks old and outdated, seeing all the growth going west was a little refreshing. i'll be watching this forum any news on my hometown.

06-11-2008, 11:49 PM
Haha I've been there and I agree. Personally, I love the Wichitas and love to show them off to people that are unfamiliar (most people that have grown up here have no idea they exist) and take them to Medicine Park and Meers, but I can't say there's any part of Lawton I'm keen on showing off. It's a pretty depressing town.

I've lived here for 4 years, worked at Meers. I played stupid about the Wind farm and Medicine Park, unless my customers rode bikes, then I spilled it all. I never understood the Meers attraction. Gas is too high for me to try to work. It's a 35 mile drive, one way, if I want to work.

I could tell you where the buffalo hide, but it's a walk and you won't tip me. Come to think of it, we drive past the buffalo every day. I'm on a first name basis with the bull who saunters down the road. He loves holding up traffic. You honk your horn, and he ignores you. I stick my head out the window and holler, "DUDE!" He moves to the center lane and I'm gone.

02-21-2009, 09:15 AM

And I've got to do the history and more stuff, too. But the clickable topographic map is done. A single large map is available (5200 x 2750 px, 5.44 MB) but this map is broken up into 18 navagatible segments. The segments are in 2 sizes, 800 x 800 px, and 1000 x 1000 px.
This is how it looks today

05-29-2009, 06:15 AM
These are some shots from a recent trip to the Wichita Mountains.

05-29-2009, 06:43 AM
Those are terrific! I hope to go down to the Wichitas when I am home, next month.

04-26-2011, 05:44 PM
When I was a youngster (years before 1956) we lived in Blair. Question: Is there still a (sort of) amusement park in the Wichita Mountain area? In those days there were carnival rides, a swimming area, etc.. Now, I'm not talking about that small spot just before you go farther west and north to the Quartz Mountain area, just north of Blair.
