View Full Version : KFOR and KAUT Sold!

01-04-2007, 05:50 PM
Anyone that's been paying attention knows that in mid '06, The New York Times announced they would be selling their television broadcast group (consisting of KFOR, KAUT and 7 other stations nationwide). Today it was announced that a firm named Oak Hill Capital has bought all nine stations for approximately $575 million.

Could be some sweeping changes at both stations, especially KFOR. I do know that this firm does NOT own any other broadcast companies. The sale will now have to go through the channels of the FCC and the SEC before being finalized.

I know most probably don't care, but more info can be found at

01-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Good read Soonerborn. I hope KFOR gets some major changes, preferably a more modern look. KOCO (ABC) currently has the most modern look in the metro in my opinion, although the broadcasters still dress a little too conservatively (look at their dress and hairstyles), although KWTV News 9 is the worst. Most of their people are older and look like Anchorman Circa 1977. I wish journalists in this town could dress a little more modern and have more modern hairstyles.

Anyhow, it will be interesting to see what changes are ahead.

01-04-2007, 07:57 PM
My brother and law works at kfor as a graphic designer, I may have to ask him the inside details if he knows anything.

01-05-2007, 12:06 PM
Channel 5 is actually up for sale right now too. It's currently owned by Hearst-Argyle, which is a huge owner of TV stations.

01-05-2007, 03:20 PM
Channel 5 is actually up for sale right now too. It's currently owned by Hearst-Argyle, which is a huge owner of TV stations.
I hope that sale goes through with a company who is a little more forward-thinking. Hearst-Argyle is worthless.

01-05-2007, 06:04 PM
Maybe this is a plus for Ch 4 - they need a little kick in the pants to keep up - hope they don't lose the helicopter though!!

01-05-2007, 08:50 PM
I'd have to say KWTV 9's new set is pretty sweet. But, they just did it in response to Channel 5's new set. Channel 4 is still behind the game on sets, using their old 90ish set. It's time for a change.

01-06-2007, 10:20 AM
Hearst-Argyle is worthless.

No doubt. What's with the HD blackmail stuff?

01-06-2007, 12:50 PM
Who leads in the coveted 6 & 10 news spots?


01-06-2007, 03:44 PM
Who leads in the coveted 6 & 10 news spots?


KFOR won the 6pm ratings battle in the all-important November book. The 10pm was won by KWTV. It should be important notes, though, to know KOCO is climbing into heavy contention for both shows and KWTV was once again (as always) helped out by the strong programming by CBS. Whatever programming you have leading into your news broadcast can kill you or make you great.

KOCO won the battle for the 5pm show. But, KFOR and KWTV don't have near the lead-in KOCO has (Oprah).

I defnitely, whole-heartedly agree about the comment on the sets. Channel 9's set is fantastic and KOCO's isn't too far behind. KFOR really needs a change in that department.

01-06-2007, 04:39 PM
Actually, in November, KOCO won both the 5pm and 6pm newscasts (There is a big banner in front of their station). KWTV won at 10 pm. Also, unless this is very new information, KOCO is not for sale.

01-06-2007, 04:52 PM
It's new in the last month.

01-07-2007, 09:54 AM
No doubt. What's with the HD blackmail stuff?
Blind greed that doesn't seem to understand that they are shooting themselves in the foot. The real losers are the viewers, not Cox.

01-07-2007, 10:01 AM
No doubt. What's with the HD blackmail stuff?

What do you mean by "HD" blackmail?

01-07-2007, 11:12 AM
It's interesting that, in this thread, criticisms of the Channel's shows have been limited to wardrobe, haircuts, and sets. I couldn't care less if the Anchor wears last year's tie. Content is (or should be) king: is the content substantive, or sensationalist? Local broadcasts, here and elsewhere, tend to emphasize the sensational, the grisly, and the morbid. Apparently (and unfortunately) audiences gravitate towards that kind of news, so the Channel's are merely giving audiences what they want. However, we really ought to be striving for a higher standard, and encouraging serious news, rather than a 'modern' wardrobe.

01-07-2007, 03:22 PM
Perhaps its because pushing for serious and accurate news from our local stations isn't practical.

01-08-2007, 09:27 AM
Nine isn't nearly as sensational. 4 is the worst in that department.

01-08-2007, 09:51 AM
What do you mean by "HD" blackmail?

KOCO won't let Cox use their HD signal unless they pay. Cox doesn't charge for HD, so they won't pay. KOCO attenuates their signal to protect an ABC affiliate in Lawton, I believe, and can not be picked up in some parts of the city with an antennae. I live less than 7 miles from their tower and I can not get their signal, while I can get everyone else’s. End result is that I don't watch anything on channel 5. except when OU is playing. Other than that I can watch something else on another channel that doesn't look like crap.

But I don't watch any local news, so maybe they don't care.

KOKH is doing the same thing, but at least I can get their over-the-air signal.

01-09-2007, 08:28 AM
I wish journalists in this town could dress a little more modern and have more modern hairstyles

I frankly couldn't care less about hairstyles. I just wish journalists in this town would get back to investigative journalism and reporting actual news rather than teasing "New Diet Tips to Start the New Year" and "The Latest from the set of Grey's Anatomy!" as vital, latebreaking information "to protect my family." What garbage.

Consultants took over local news several years ago, and true TV journalism died with it.

I recall that it was Channel Five - and perhaps even Terri Watkins in particular, but I'm not sure on that - that broke the scandal on the Oklahoma Industries Authority handing out tax breaks it wasn't authorized to issue, and I think it may also have been KOCO that broke the Corporation Commissioners scandal from several years ago. Can you imagine any of our local outlets daring to touch a story like that these days? Heck, even Linda Cavanaugh at KFOR used to do some good newsy features, but not so much anymore...

As far as KOCO's sale/not-pending sale, I hope its true. I support Cox's position in the matter entirely, and I think they've learned what I suspected at the outset - Hearst Argyle assumed there would be a hue-and-cry against Cox in the media, forcing Cox to capitulate to their payment terms. When the story died, and forced Hearst-Argyle stations to artificially prop it up with "updates" on their stations' websites, they realized they were losing the propaganda battle. HA all-but admitted they were trying to subsidize their FCC-mandated HD rollout via the cable companies, and if that was truly their plan - and it failed - it wouldn't surprise me at all to see them sell out of the TV business.


01-09-2007, 10:51 AM

I agree 100% with everything you said. Honest. (Ain't that a surprise?)

Jack Wonder
01-09-2007, 10:54 AM
^^ SoonerDave, you are the MASTER of OKCTalk! I can't/don't have the time to even come close to this type of investigatively opinionated banter! :( But I love to read it, and contribute what I can when I can...keep it up.

01-09-2007, 01:48 PM
I agree 100% with everything you said. Honest. (Ain't that a surprise?)

:) I always knew you were brilliant at heart.... :yourock:


01-09-2007, 01:51 PM
^^ SoonerDave, you are the MASTER of OKCTalk! I can't/don't have the time to even come close to this type of investigatively opinionated banter! :( But I love to read it, and contribute what I can when I can...keep it up.

Heavens, Jack, thank you for the kind words!!! :bow:


01-09-2007, 03:16 PM
I agree SoonerDave, investigative journalism in this town (and most) died along time ago. I'm tired about hearing Skippy the squirrel learning how to water ski, or Oprah's new fad diet.

01-09-2007, 05:38 PM
I agree SoonerDave, investigative journalism in this town (and most) died along time ago. I'm tired about hearing Skippy the squirrel learning how to water ski, or Oprah's new fad diet.


What happened to the TV stations having a Capitol Bureau? They used to have full-time reporters at the capitol; you know, that place where real news is being made?

Oh! I just thought of something that real gets me. Whenever there's a crime - even if it happened at 10AM, there's a reporter "LIVE!" from the scene at 10PM. Can they somehow tell us more from the scene "LIVE!" 12 hours later than from the newsroom? It's all a carnival.


01-09-2007, 05:59 PM

What happened to the TV stations having a Capitol Bureau? They used to have full-time reporters at the capitol; you know, that place where real news is being made?

Oh! I just thought of something that real gets me. Whenever there's a crime - even if it happened at 10AM, there's a reporter "LIVE!" from the scene at 10PM. Can they somehow tell us more from the scene "LIVE!" 12 hours later than from the newsroom? It's all a carnival.


I'm not sure if KOCO having Laura Kinney (something like that) in Washington is what you want, but she's on a lot, and it's live.

And your second point, OMG, I'm so glad someone else out there noticed that and is annoyed by it!!! It does no good whatsoever to put a reporter "live" at a non-live scene, only to have them introduce a story that they put together hours earlier. I've seen all the stations I watch do this, so they're equally guilty. It's a pointless waste of reporter time and gasoline. FOX25 is really bad about this. I can't tell you how many times I've watched Sana Syed introduce a story from somewhere out in the cold, dark night, when she could be standing in the warm studio. Why punish the reporters like that?

This whole thread has been interesting and I'm glad it hasn't degenerated into a name-calling fiasco, as many TV-related threads did in 2006. Maybe it really IS a kinder, gentler OKCTalk! Ya think?

01-09-2007, 06:03 PM
Actually, drumsncode, I meant the state capitol. The press room used to be a bustling place!

You are SO right, Fox is the worst on the "LIVE!!!" business. I don't get it.


01-09-2007, 06:27 PM
In fact, I prefer to watch the movie "AnchorMan" with Will Ferrel, it tends to be more entertaining than the "Non News" that is on local stations.

01-09-2007, 07:43 PM
Fox is an absolute joke. I wouldn't watch if you paid me.

01-09-2007, 07:46 PM

What happened to the TV stations having a Capitol Bureau? They used to have full-time reporters at the capitol; you know, that place where real news is being made?


OETA works the Capitol beat pretty hard. How did they do in the last ratings period?:rolleyes:

Seriously, everyone always talks about how they're fed up with local news "sensationalizing" news. But ratings for all three stations are higher than ever. So if the news is so bad, why are more people watching?

01-12-2007, 04:14 PM
Yeah, and it sounds like most people on this very thread watch a lot of it. I have probably watched less than 5 hours total of local news in the last 6 years and that includes stuff on the site. I have yet to be blind sided by anything because I missed it on the local TV news. Trust me, no one is missing anything that will actually affect their life by not watching Oklahoma City news casts. If you hate irrelavent and sensationalized news, there really is no reason to watch it at all.

01-29-2007, 10:10 AM
I've been wondering about KFOR and its ratings, and the sale of their station.

I've noticed how difficult it is to obtain Nielsen Ratings in the past couple of years. Over the weekend, I did some reading on the web and discovered that Nielsen Media guards their data like Fort Knox. Some people were posting local ratings information on a website and Nielsen got WAY bent out of shape.

This explains to me why it is virtually impossible to read how the ratings turned out in the OKC market. We only get vague information as to who took first place at a given time. We seldom get to hear who took second and third, and by how much.

It's too bad they can't just publish the information in a delayed manner, such as a month later. I'd love to know how close some of the races are. It's obviously one of the most competitive markets in the nation.

Maybe someone should put up a website cleverly designed to replace the Nielsen Ratings book and put a dent in the Nielsen arrogance.

Anyway, I eagerly wait to see if any changes will occur at KFOR as a result of its new owner.

01-29-2007, 12:00 PM
Yeah with the primetime ratings they only allow the top 20 or so to be listed and the websites have to take them down after a couple of weeks. It's crazy.