View Full Version : So Long 2006!! Hello 2007!!
OK, singles, you alone managing your own life, what big things happened in your life in 2006? What happend to you/for you that changed your life...or might change it, good or bad? And what do you expect in 2007?
- Completed the divorce-from-hell which started nearly a year prior
- Bought a house...all by myself.:kicking:
- Got a girlfriend.
- Attended Little Bro's graduation from college
Tracy 12-31-2006, 01:25 AM * Found a new job
* Joined a singles group
* Went river rafting on the Illinois River
* Was hypnotized at the Looney Bin
* Moved to my new apartment
* Began working on some stories and screenplays (which I resolve to finish in the next year)
* Attended my brother's wedding
* Almost lost my father due to hemorrhaging (ulcer scare)
My upcoming goals for 2007:
Just be happy, and try not to think about dating or why I'm still single or why I seem to struggle so hard to just find ONE DATE. In fact, I'm taking a year-long sabbatical from the whole thing, to work on myself and figure out who I am without worrying about "the menz".
mranderson 12-31-2006, 01:34 PM In 2006, the following happened to me.
My dog Holly died on January 2.
My employer lied to me about everything concerning my promotion which led to my resignation on July 28.
I started a new job on July 31.
I filed a descrimination lawsuit against my former employer on August 1, which is in settlement confrences as I write this.
My dad died on October 31.
My brother died on November 20.
Thank god 2006 is over. I only pray 2007 is a happy year.
bandnerd 12-31-2006, 02:40 PM In 2006:
I got married in June.
My dad developed brain cancer and was unable to walk me down the aisle in my wedding.
I saw Italy, fulfilling an old dream.
I was able to take over the instrumental music classes at my school. I am currently in the progress of growing both programs, while continuing to run the entire journalism department at my school.
I cut my father out of my life for reasons I do not care to write about.
A good friend of mine got married, and as a result of both our weddings, I lost a friend (not the one who got married).
I have made new friends that have 100% positively influenced my life.
I realized I have a knack for reading people, and am considering getting a degree in counseling for high schoolers.
I realized that most of the time, I am alone.
In 2007 I hope to continue to grow as an individual, a teacher, a wife, and a friend.
Easy180 12-31-2006, 02:59 PM Nothing too monumental in 2006 (works for me)
Made new friends who throughout the year became our best friends
Went to Cancun for the first time and had an amazing time...Will make it a yearly trip from now on
Biggest event was my department was informed we were being consolidated with the operations in Dallas....Was recruited to a similar job with another bank and was just about to inform them of my acceptance when my current company offered me a sizeable retention bonus to go along with my severance...Decided to decline the new job and roll the dice in April '07 when my job goes away
In 2007 I hope to spend some quality time with the wifey, dogs and our friends...Couldn't ask for a better life
And my upcoming job loss will mean my first job outside of my current employer in over 12 years...Looking forward to a new challenge and career
Wish everyone a Happy New Year!!
Karried 12-31-2006, 08:21 PM 2006 was an interesting year...
Let's see, career change for me ... I started drifting away a bit from practicing real estate full time to spend more time with the family & to assist my husband in growing our company.
Our company has really taken off, more so that we ever imagined.. scary and exciting at the same time. I've learned more about taxes, accounting and payroll than I ever wanted to!
Went on a vacation with 14 of our friends from California on a cruise - probably one of the best vacations ever taken.
My best friend's mom died of breast cancer, very sad and traumatic.
My teenager grew much taller than me, making me very conscious of the fact that I only have a few more years to enjoy having my kids with me at home before they leave.
Celebrated 18 years of marriage and still feel like a newly married person.. I swear, I don't feel nearly as old as I guess I am!
Goals for 2007 -
Try to get over feeling homesick and missing my friends .. still haven't made any 'real' friends that I can really relate to here... I guess I haven't really tried very hard. I have a lot of acquaintances, but not very many that I can really call true friends in OK.. probably because I left all of my best friends in CA. They aren't replacable, but I'm going to make more of an effort to be more social.
Work out weekly, get into shape, eat healthier .. plan a vacation with the in-laws and kids, then book a trip to Greece or Hawaii or Australia just for hubby and I on our anniversary, lol.
Plan and design new landscape for front and back yards this year.
Take dance lessons or at the very least, step classes, lol
Read a few more books
Go see the Grand Canyon & Yellowstone
Be a more patient with everyone.. even myself
jim1956 12-31-2006, 10:55 PM in 2006:
My boss got fired for embezzling
My office was closed, resulting in a layoff
I moved to OKC from KC in order to take a new job after a 3 month unemployment experience.
Thank goodness this year is over!!
Lauri101 01-01-2007, 12:09 AM 2006:
My youngest daughter returned from Afghanistan and got stationed at Ft Sill
My grandson (from oldest daughter) said "I love you GiGi" at age 1
I was re-elected to another 3 year term as Chapter President of National Treasury Union Chapter 45.
The Democrats took back Congress.
I am employed, reasonably healthy, and in a loving and caring relationship.
Life is good and will hopefully stay that way.
Happy New Year!
MadMonk 01-01-2007, 01:09 AM 2006...
Hmmm, mostly centered around my kids. My son turned 4 and started Pre-K, my daughter started 1st grade and recently turned 7. I took no major trips or vacations and made no major expenditures. My Father-in-law made it through his fourth year of beating pancreatic cancer so that's a big win. My buddies over in Iraq all came home safe (one with a bronze star but some seriously f-ed up memories), but Sadaam Hussein was hung by his neck so that's a nice year-end capper. Personally, there were no major illnesses, no big problem whatsoever so I'm calling it a very good year overall. For 2007, I'm thinking about a change of employer due to possible layoffs, but otherwise, so far so good. ;)
escan 01-10-2007, 03:28 PM Wow! 2007 was eventful for me....
I quit my job and started my own business.
My husband was promoted and moved to Wichita....can't join him yet 'til the business is under control.
We successfully renovated and sold four houses....even with the supposed real estate "bust"
Fulfilled a dream and drove in a convertible from Miami to Key West on Highway 1.
Made wonderful friends.
Realized that I have a very, very rich life, full of family and friends who love me, a wonderful husband, a great career and a comfortable lifestyle.
Here's to 2007!!