View Full Version : ?? for married folks

12-21-2006, 12:55 PM
Wife says let's not buy each other Christmas presents since we are going on vacation in February....What does she really mean?

A- She actually means what she is saying

B- She is actually testing you and if you don't get her anything get ready for one helluva Christmas where she probably won't talk to you until the vacation in February and even then it will only consist of yes and no answers and ruin the entire vacation resulting in a waste of money and time and you kick yourself for at least not getting her that Friends Season 6 DVD I mean come on now

Guess who is the potential victim in this scenario :missing:

12-21-2006, 01:19 PM
Wife says let's not buy each other Christmas presents since we are going on vacation in February....What does she really mean?

A- She actually means what she is saying

B- She is actually testing you and if you don't get her anything get ready for one helluva Christmas where she probably won't talk to you until the vacation in February and even then it will only consist of yes and no answers and ruin the entire vacation resulting in a waste of money and time and you kick yourself for at least not getting her that Friends Season 6 DVD I mean come on now

Guess who is the potential victim in this scenario :missing:

Haha. My sister and brother in law have actually decided not to exchange gifts this year, and they honestly haven't bought anything for each other. They wanted to spend their money spoiling their family and friends.

I would still get her a little "something" just in case. Nothing big, so if she doesn't get you anything she won't feel too bad. Or maybe something she can use on the vacation!

12-21-2006, 01:19 PM

No question about it.. if you ever have hopes for your PS3 - it has to be B! lol

Just something small to let her know you are thinking about her.. nothing huge.

12-21-2006, 01:22 PM
I'm thinking B too. Just get her something little and say that you love her so much that you just couldn't resist getting her something. She can't argue with that.

12-21-2006, 02:02 PM
it's a trap. i'd say everyone's right, the answer is 'b.' -M

12-21-2006, 03:20 PM
it's a trap. i'd say everyone's right, the answer is 'b.' -M
Yep, the answer is B. Ok, wives, why do you do these things to your husbands? It's a dirty trick.LOL

12-21-2006, 04:05 PM
Take her at her word. And if that wasn't the right answer, then she should have been HONEST instead of LYING.

12-21-2006, 05:10 PM
Wife says let's not buy each other Christmas presents since we are going on vacation in February....What does she really mean?

A- She actually means what she is saying

B- She is actually testing you and if you don't get her anything get ready for one helluva Christmas where she probably won't talk to you until the vacation in February and even then it will only consist of yes and no answers and ruin the entire vacation resulting in a waste of money and time and you kick yourself for at least not getting her that Friends Season 6 DVD I mean come on now

Guess who is the potential victim in this scenario :missing:
Yep. B is the answer. Plus, if you do not get her some Christmas gifts, it is a safe bet you will not get any sex for so long, you will forget what it is.:sofa:

12-21-2006, 05:20 PM
Take her at her word. And if that wasn't the right answer, then she should have been HONEST instead of LYING.

Lighten up. No one is lying here..

"Wife says let's not buy each other Christmas presents since we are going on vacation in February"

That's not a lie.. it's a suggestion... one that any caring, loving husband would ignore.. women try to be practical.. but emotions sometimes get in the way - women love to know that the one they love is thinking about them .. hence the suggestions of a small thoughtful gift or gesture ..

12-21-2006, 05:33 PM
Lighten up. No one is lying here..

"Wife says let's not buy each other Christmas presents since we are going on vacation in February"

That's not a lie.. it's a suggestion... one that any caring, loving husband would ignore.. women try to be practical.. but emotions sometimes get in the way - women love to know that the one they love is thinking about them .. hence the suggestions of a small thoughtful gift or gesture ..
Emotions? Oooh, that is such an ugly word, and that word has gotten many husbands in trouble.

Why can't our wives be honest and up front with us, instead of beating around the bush? If you really want a gift, then don't say anything. If you really don't want a gift, then let us know, but don't make us try to read between the lines. Plus, we are not mind readers, although you think we are.

If my wife told me not to get her a gift, I would still get her a little something.........not very expensive.

Last year, due to finances, we had decided to take care of our kids and family and make sure they got gifts. However, come Christmas morning, my wife gave me two gifts and I had very little for her....but a smile. I don't feel I was in the wrong because of what she had originally said.

12-21-2006, 05:46 PM
Some interesting responses...But I'm allergic to risk so I went ahead and ordered flowers to be delivered tomorrow....Gotta throw those things in when she least expects them!

Still it's these situations that our wives just love to put us in...Get the answer wrong and it's no fun for you

If the wifey ain't happy you ain't happy :bow:

12-21-2006, 06:21 PM
Some interesting responses...But I'm allergic to risk so I went ahead and ordered flowers to be delivered tomorrow....Gotta throw those things in when she least expects them!

Still it's these situations that our wives just love to put us in...Get the answer wrong and it's no fun for you

If the wifey ain't happy you ain't happy :bow:
:congrats: :congrats: Good move. If the wifey is not happy, NOBODY is happy.

12-21-2006, 07:09 PM
Why can't our wives be honest and up front with us, instead of beating around the bush?

I really think that is the difference between men and women.. men are direct .. when I go shopping with hubby, he walks in .. picks something out and is finished.. gasp! I could stay another 10 hours comparing colors and prices..

I also think that some women were raised to not appear to be very assertive so they beat around the bush a bit.. and there is that princess fallacy.. my 'prince' should just know my heart's desire without telling him.. women are giving and pretty empathetic.. they can relate to others emotionally and men are more logical and direct.. If a woman is upfront and direct, she comes across as aggresive or bithcy.. ( the older generation can probably relate to that) .. it might seem strange to some of the younger women but some women have been raised to be a little more reticent and 'submissive'.

In my mind and most of my friends agree .. it just wouldn't be the same if I said to my husband... I really want a pair of diamond earrings and he said okay, and went out and bought a pair of diamone earrings. He wasn't the one who wanted to surprise me and spoil me.. I gave him the idea.. if I wanted that, I would have just waltzed over to the jewelry store and bought them myself! Now, if he took it upon himself and surprised me with diamond earrings? ohhh laaallaaaa.. very, very nice. ( Actually, I'm allergic and can't have pierced earrings, lol)

But, honestly, I don't think women are trying to beat around the bush, they are hoping the man they love will be in tune with what they really want and show their love by taking the time to make them feel special..

12-22-2006, 08:20 AM
But, honestly, I don't think women are trying to beat around the bush, they are hoping the man they love will be in tune with what they really want
In other words, women expect men to be mindreaders. It's a "game" that sets up unrealistic expectations in the woman's mind that typically won't be met by the unsuspecting husband. There are few winners in this ongoing ritual between women and men.

I do my best to make my wife feel special, but I have made one thing quite clear: I'm not a mindreader, so I'll take her at her word. If she says she doesn't want something, then I'll RESPECT that. If she says she doesn't want something, but is secretly testing to see how "in tune" I am, then she'll soon realize that my mindreading machine is completely out of tune.

12-22-2006, 08:40 AM
The wife and I do stockings only for each other at Christmas. Then, we decide on a home project and we go in half to get it done. Last year it was new patio furniture. This year it is new countertops in the kitchen.

Oh, did I mention, my wife's stocking is 4 1/2 feet tall (seriously) and will hold a cappuccino machine, leather gloves, pearl earrings, a new water pick, and two boxed outfits (size 0 petite) from Ann Taylor (on hold in my name). How do I know this - SHE MADE A LIST! I'm sorry - 'suggestions'

It's "B" brother, trust me "B"

12-22-2006, 08:58 AM
Wow, I think some people are getting a little too heavy in this thread. Seriously, women and men will always be different. Women will always say one thing and mean another, and men will always misunderstand them. An entire gender isn't going to change overnight.

Pick B, get her something that will work with the vacation. It's a no-brainer, really.

Even if my hubby and I decided not to do gifts, I would still get him stuff to go in his stocking.

In fact, my gift from him this year was one big thing, a new digital-SLR camera. It's exactly what I wanted. I already have it. I bought him what he wanted, though he hasn't opened his gift yet. The girls in his office building were like, oh no, you have to get her something else besides the one camera...get her some jewelry or something to go along with it! I laughed when he told me that, because I most certainly don't need any of those things...the camera was both a want and a need and I'm perfectly happy. I thought it was laughable that the women over in his building didn't think that the camera was "enough."

12-22-2006, 09:40 AM
Take her at her word. And if that wasn't the right answer, then she should have been HONEST instead of LYING.

Exactly! and I am a woman, but if my husband said we are not buying gifts for each other to save for a vacation I would still feel guilty if I did not get alittle something just because it is the giving season, but as Karrie said make it small enough so that if you do not get something from her, it does not make you angry. Hope the vacation is fun!!!!!!!!!! Where you goin in Feb? hopefully somewhere like Cancun?

12-22-2006, 09:42 AM
Yep. B is the answer. Plus, if you do not get her some Christmas gifts, it is a safe bet you will not get any sex for so long, you will forget what it is.:sofa:

Ok, women do not seriously withhold sex do they? that is just wrong.

12-22-2006, 09:56 AM
Actually, it's not the Gift that is important.. it's the thought behind the gift.. honestly.. I can go out tomorrow and buy something if I want it.. that's really not the point at all!

It's knowing that the person who loves you was thinking about you and wanted to do something to make you happy. Whether that is a card, flowers, a pair of pliers (whatever floats your boat and brings a smile to your face !) it's not the material gift itself!

Here's an example ... I love fuzzy socks.. guess what makes me smile the most.. knowing that my hubby remembers that I like warm, soft fuzzy socks and him taking the time to go out and put some effort into getting something I like. Good thing I'm not as fond of diamonds.. tee, hee!

It bothers me to think that men are thinking women are being manipulative or dishonest about not wanting to say ' Dear, I would feel so loved and cherished if you would out of the blue one day bring me flowers just to say ' I'm glad I married you."

If you have to tell him that it's just not the same as him doing it on his own! That's the point I'm trying to make.

12-22-2006, 12:10 PM
. Hope the vacation is fun!!!!!!!!!! Where you goin in Feb? hopefully somewhere like Cancun?

Actually we usually head to Cancun in May so we decided on a cruise out of Nawlins, which is one of our favorite cities....Didn't have a great time on our first cruise, but we needed to do something that wouldn't break the bank and involved drinking and warmth!

The flowers worked well....She called form work and said they completely surprised her...Now I'm thinking just a cool mug from Starbucks and I will call it a Christmas