View Full Version : New Poll

10-28-2004, 11:36 PM
Please respong to the new poll in Poll Vault. It concerns the new set up on this forum. For those of you who may not know, Guests are no longer able to view posts. They can view the forum page, open the forums, and view the thread titles, but they have to register to actually open each individual post and read the contents. There are two lines of thought on this. Those that would supprot this idea may see this system as possibly encouraging Guests that jsut view the site to go ahead and register and participate. Those that would be opposed to this set up may feel that by not allowing Guests to see the posts, you're not giving them the opportunity to see the complete discussion that goes on here. Personally, I'm not going to vote in the poll because I can see it both ways. It is important to note that for months now, we've had several Guests come to this site, read posts, and never sign up. Since the new feature has been added many new members have joined. But, are these members already familiar with the discussion here, and will newcomers to the site be turned away by not being allowed to view discussions without regsitering? You be the judge. Express your opinion in Poll Vault.