View Full Version : Othello's in Bricktown

11-29-2006, 12:51 PM
Well me and my party ate there early last week before Thanksgiving to test out the new restaurant. Much to my surprise Bricktown was fairly hopping on a Wednesday night and there wasn't a Hornets game either. We walked into a nearly empty Othello's and had to wait a few minutes before being seated. Once we were seated our waitress came by with menu's but hesitated with our drink orders. Our guests from California attempted to order a bottle of wine. The waitress seemed very loopy and didn't want to be there and didn't have a knowledge of the wines. After picking several selections (about 4 or 5) each time we were told they were out of that until the chef came out (appreciated) and tried to help them select a bottle that they had in stock. One was finally agreed upon. It wasn't quite what they were looking for but it was okay. We then ordered our food. It took a unnecessary long time before our food was out for an empty restaurant. We each ordered something different, I had the Chicken Parmesean (sp?). It was good and the sauce was great. It came with a side of angel hair pasta and marinara in a little cup or bowl (it was just okay at best) although the chicken parm was average nothing different than (Zio's or elsewhere). I think the rest of my party would agree that the food was good and average, nothing that was amazing and you had to come back for it that we ordered at least. I hope this incident was a fluke and the kinks will be worked out.

Since then, one of the owners (inferno911) has PM'd me as he seemed sincerely concerned (appreciated). He advised me it was a fluke like any opening of a restaurant although nothing other than an apology was offered to rectify. I hope this longtime local restaurant makes it although I hate to see it leave it's Norman roots and have a sole location in Bricktown. It was an embarrasing time for me having guests from out of state get subpar service.

12-16-2006, 12:12 AM
five of my friends and i went to othello's in bricktown this evening. we, too, were rather disappointed.

for an appetizer, we ordered the parimasano cubes which were really great, imo. the taste of the parmesan cheese paired well with the breading.

for an entree, i ordered the ribeye delmonico (this name doesn't make sense to me... i always thought that delmonico was a large porterhouse cut... no points off there, though) and it was adequate. i ordered the steak medium rare and it was cooked exactly how i wanted it. however, i felt that the quality of the beef wasn't as good as i would've liked. it wasn't bad... but it wasn't great, either.

the entree came with parmesan garlic mashed potatoes and a salad. The potatoes weren't bad, but not spectacular. It went well with the beef, though. I was anxious to try othello's take on caesar salad... unfortunately mine never made it to the table.

one of my friends received the wrong entree and when the waiter was informed of this, he tried to defend his mistake on a technicality. bad form there. even though the restaurant wasn't extremely busy, we were rarely waited on and our drinks were consistently empty. we didn't receive bread until we were nearly finished with our entrees. i didn't miss my salad until after the entree had come out. when the waiter finally trapsed by when i was nearly halfway finished with my steak, i pointed out that i never received it. instead of offering something to actually make up for it, the best he could offer was to box up a salad for me to take home.

even after the multiple mistakes and poor service, the waiter didn't forget to add his mandatory 18% gratuity for our party of six. needless to say, i politely had him remove it from our bills. all-in-all, the food wasn't bad and i would like to try some of the other menu items. what was extremely lacking, however, was the service.

evidently the kinks previously experienced at this restaurant have not been ironed out. -M

12-16-2006, 12:31 AM
i will tell you coming from norman you sit down thinking you should order a pasta dish however the pizza is think nice dinner however pizza will make a nice dinner coming from unbelievable

12-18-2006, 11:11 AM
johnnyboyokc, not sure if you know but the Bricktown location doesn't serve their famous pizza.

Jack Wonder
12-19-2006, 11:52 AM
Wow! Hearing these luke-warm comments will definitely keep me away from Othello's until spring or summer... :(

12-19-2006, 12:58 PM
Wow! Hearing these luke-warm comments will definitely keep me away from Othello's until spring or summer... :(

If it lasts that long.....

Jack Wonder
12-19-2006, 01:07 PM
^ ...then I just WON'T.

It must be a cursed location! :)

12-19-2006, 03:46 PM
I'm surprised the owner (inferno911) hasn't been on here lately. When the restaurant first opened he was on here promoting his restaurant like crazy.

12-20-2006, 02:11 AM
no pizza? what? did not know

12-27-2006, 11:06 PM
I'm surprised the owner (inferno911) hasn't been on here lately. When the restaurant first opened he was on here promoting his restaurant like crazy.

This is my first time on the site in a long time but if you have any other comments, send them my way, we are still working on making adjustments (improvements). Business is doing well and we have alot of regulars, so we must be doing something right. I have a different menu comming out the first part of January, now that we have been able to clear up some of the building issues that we were having.

12-27-2006, 11:10 PM
no pizza? what? did not know

I will state for everyone, the reason that we can not have pizza at this location is simple...Our pizza oven will not fit in the kitchen. If there was anyway that I could have pizza, I would.

12-28-2006, 09:30 AM
inferno911, any word yet if you will be opening that pizzeria or anything else in Bricktown as once thought?

12-28-2006, 08:36 PM
No word right now. Until I find out what is going to happen with all the property that is going to be sold, I am not going to make any further comitments.

I agree with everyone about the diversity of the restaurants in Bricktown and would love to open something with flare, but as it stands Othello's needs some serious work before any new places come. I can honestly say that it is getting better each week but quality workers are rather hard to find for me right now.

Anyone out there know anyone who really cares about their job without having to be babysat at all times???

12-29-2006, 02:32 PM
well i hope you're able to open a pizza by the slice store soon.

03-10-2007, 07:12 PM
I went there a couple of days ago. My overall thought was, "Why go here when I could go to Zio's just across the way?"

The first thing I disliked about it was the appearance. It didn't look bad necessarily, it just... It looked like it was trying to be a "nice" restaurant, but then there were paper napkins instead of cloth, banners for beer. It just meshed.

The waiter I had was slightly below par. He was a little slow at things, which was odd considering the place was DEAD. I think there only people there beyond my girlfriend and I were a small group of men. Our waiter was a little slow at everything. Not "I'm just getting up and leaving if I don't see him soon" slow, but definitely not as fast as I would like.

THe biggest fault, though, the one that cemented my decision to not come back, was that there was a little bit of grime on my side plate. There is no reason for that to happen at all, but especially when there was as little business as there was.

The food I can't really comment on. I didn't particularly enjoy my dish, but I think it might be more because I thought to try something new, and just didn't like it...

Anyway, as I said, I saw no reason to go there over Zio's if I want Italian in Bricktown.

03-12-2007, 08:41 AM
Yeah, that seems to be the trend in reviews, and they've been open long enough to get the kinks out but seems like they haven't. Hate to see another local restaurant go under for not doing their proper homework. Thanks for doing the restaurant review though, can't believe no one else ate out this week, especially during the Big 12 Tournaments.

03-12-2007, 09:21 AM
what's frustrating to me is that othello's bricktown could be a good and unique restaurant if it just ironed out these kinks. -M

03-12-2007, 12:39 PM
what's frustrating to me is that othello's bricktown could be a good and unique restaurant if it just ironed out these kinks. -M

There are several things that gripe me about our "Good" restaurants. I'm not including diners or fast food. Here are a few.

I can't stand:

to be called 'guys'.

Having the specials of the day or non menu items quoted at the speed of light then turning to leave before they're finished. I do enjoy calling, it's almost always a girl, back to ask what the specials are.

Hearing, "how does everything taste?" If something doesn't taste good or isn't right you'll hear about it. I don't go to a restaurant to converse with the staff.

Sticking a plate in front of me and expecting me to put it down or pass it. They're paid to do their job. I really believe nobody teaches the staff nowadays.

When I'm ordering and ask how the "fill in blank" is and having the waiter/ess say "I don't eat that".

Unclean flatware and settings.

Insincerity. Theeenk cue. Have uh nice dayeee. Barf. Why can't they say thank you for dining at ...

There are other things. Good grief. The wife and I think every "Good" restaurant owner should visit the 21 Club for tips on how to operate.

One other thing. Turn off your phone and men, remove your hats.


03-13-2007, 07:51 PM
I went there a couple of days ago. My overall thought was, "Why go here when I could go to Zio's just across the way?"

The first thing I disliked about it was the appearance. It didn't look bad necessarily, it just... It looked like it was trying to be a "nice" restaurant, but then there were paper napkins instead of cloth, banners for beer. It just meshed.

The waiter I had was slightly below par. He was a little slow at things, which was odd considering the place was DEAD. I think there only people there beyond my girlfriend and I were a small group of men. Our waiter was a little slow at everything. Not "I'm just getting up and leaving if I don't see him soon" slow, but definitely not as fast as I would like.

THe biggest fault, though, the one that cemented my decision to not come back, was that there was a little bit of grime on my side plate. There is no reason for that to happen at all, but especially when there was as little business as there was.

The food I can't really comment on. I didn't particularly enjoy my dish, but I think it might be more because I thought to try something new, and just didn't like it...

Anyway, as I said, I saw no reason to go there over Zio's if I want Italian in Bricktown.

I will state for the record that we have been doing very well and have a lot of glowing reviews and regulars...

As our policy has always been, if you order something and it is not right, as stated in the menu, we do not charge for the item.

Now...I am not disputing anything said but I would like to clear up a few items.

We do not use paper napkins or beer banner UNLESS the Big 12 tournament is in town! We were asked as a sponser by Budweiser to hang these promotional items and out of respect for the company we did so. Our napkins are on all other occasions are white linen. As for the amount of people in the restaurant, we have 3 seperate dining rooms, one of which hosted the Big 12 Athletic Directors and Nike Corporate offices all week (about 60 people) there were probably a few more people when what you thought.

The plate issue is absolutely inexcusable and is embarrsing to all!!! We do remove most of our dishes from the oven at 450 degrees, so if you had a baked dish this could have been the case. I do not know what you had, but I appreciate your graciousness of just saying the dish wasn't your cup of tea. If you would like, I would be more than happy to have you come back and I will buy your meals for you. PM me if interested.

03-13-2007, 07:56 PM
i'll back you up on the napkins, inferno... the two times i've been to othello's bricktown, there have been linen napkins. -M

03-14-2007, 09:49 AM
well inferno911, I was the first one (or one of them) to complain about the restaurant and you didn't seem to care at that time to rectify the situation. If you're wanting to rectify past bad experiences, I'm willing to let you and repost the outcome!

03-14-2007, 11:19 AM
well inferno911, I was the first one (or one of them) to complain about the restaurant and you didn't seem to care at that time to rectify the situation. If you're wanting to rectify past bad experiences, I'm willing to let you and repost the outcome!

Shooting for a free meal metro?? :Smiley199

Some on here take their food reviews a little too seriously

03-14-2007, 01:27 PM
well that wasn't my original intention Easy180, believe me I'd rather of had a great experience the first time with my out of state guests from California. If Inferno911 wan'ts to rectify the situation months later, I'll let him.

03-14-2007, 10:33 PM
well inferno911, I was the first one (or one of them) to complain about the restaurant and you didn't seem to care at that time to rectify the situation. If you're wanting to rectify past bad experiences, I'm willing to let you and repost the outcome!

I am sorry you feel that way, but it is in no way true...

Immediately after reading your post I sent you a message requesting your address so that I could send you passes or GC's but I received no answer. I figured that after your horrifying experience you were probably very angry and vowed not to return and this is where I left it.

03-15-2007, 09:28 AM
I want to clarify that what inferno911 said is not completely accurate. I notified him and he did fairly quickly PM me with the following message. No where did it mention asking for my address or gift cards (that must have been someone else who complained on this thread). I replied back to you stating my situation, etc. and NEVER heard back from you just to clarify. If you're going to call me out, get your facts straight, I have record of all our PM's. I tried to solve it quietly with you the first time and never asked for my money back, gift cards, etc. I basically let it go. Now that you brought up recently that you want to rectify bad experiences of people on this forum, I mentioned you're welcome to do so if you want. (not expecting it or requesting it, simply mentioned I'm open minded for you to change my mind on Othello's, I think that is fair enough). In your PM below you will see you did ask "what you would like?" in which I did answer in my PM to you that was unanswered. If you take that as "i asked for your address so I can give you gift cards", that's stretching the truth but whatever, I'll give you that as an attempt to rectify . Ball's in your court!

Member Join Date: Oct 2006
Total Posts: 24

Othello's is a joke



May I please ask why your experience was so horrible. I would really like to know what you would like.

We have had a couple of rocky nights...had a couple of people quit because they felt that they were working to hard : ( but most reviews have been very positive.

I want to make it a place that everyone can enjoy so please give me some feedback, instead of calling the restaurant a joke in a public forum.


Here was my response back to you that went unanswered. In my opinion I don't think I was that harsh and I sounded reasonable and willing to talk with you about the situation.

Power Poster Join Date: Nov 2004
Total Posts: 3,394

Re: Othello's is a joke


Sorry if you found my thoughts offensive but please understand that I have the right to my opinion based upon my experience and am not required to follow a certain procedure. I paid for a service, not the other way around. I have been a member of this site for several years and you can read many of my restaurant reviews, most often positive feedback you will find.

Out of courtesy I will answer your questions as you seem genuinely concerned about my experience. To start not only did it take awhile to get seated in a nearly empty place, but our waitress was slow getting around to us and seemed like she'd rather be somewhere else.

We also ordered a bottle of wine (after we found out our first 5 or 6 selections were out). Finally the chef (or someone in a chef's coat came out to help us with the wine selection). That was appreciated although the recommended wine was not quite what we were looking for. Each person in our party ordered something different. Several of us had to keep reordering because several of our selections of food were out as well. The food was good I'll give you that but not anything special compared to anywhere else (Zio's, etc).

I hope these are fluke's and are kinks that are being worked out but our guests that were with us from California were not impressed and it was an embarrassing experience for myself and my fiance.

03-15-2007, 11:09 AM
Is it really necessary to post the correspondence between the two of you? I think you need to figure this out in private instead of trying to drag inferno's name through the mud, metro.

So you had a bad experience, we've all had them. Rarely do we get the chance to even speak with the person who is in charge, and it seems you're really taking advantage of this chance.

Perhaps without the anonymity of the internet you wouldn't be so bold.

03-15-2007, 11:30 AM
I think people can make or break an evening by focusing on negative little things instead of being appreciative and commenting on the good things. If I had my friends here from CA, I'd just be so happy to be with them, I wouldn't notice the lack of a wine choice.

To say a new restaurant in Bricktown is a 'joke' on a public message board, based on a few items lacking on the menu is actually pretty punitive to a new business wanting to be successful.

I'll come visit just to give them some business..

03-15-2007, 02:08 PM
It takes a lot of $$$$$ to keep an inventory up maybe they overshot the amount of business they would do that week, and cash flow was off. The liquor supplier could have been out, or truck broke down, lots of stuff can go wrong. Now if you eat at this place 3-4 times a month and they still have the same problems then you have a leg to stand on. Give a place a chance..........

03-15-2007, 02:16 PM
Got this review from a dining out website....Place sounds real horrible :cool18:

Could possibly be the best restaraunt I've ever been to!

I just moved to OK from Phoenix which is known for it's upscale restauants, but I must say, upon ariving at Othello's in Bricktown, I was instantly impressed with the restaraunt; the dim, romantic lighting, and the selection of jazz music playing.

We were quickly greeted by our waiter, Robert, who was very helpful in recommending appetizers, as well as dishes and what wines would be good to try. We ordered a sampler appetizer with bacon cheese french fries (for my husband), artichoke and spinach dip (for me), and our new favorite, the mozzerella cubes with marinara suace which are absolutely amazing!

My husband ordered chicken parmesean and I, the spaghetti and though both dishes are typical, they were also to die for! Our waiter was very curteous and on top of things and I was very impressed by he and the chef who came to our table to see how the food was, and also greeted us as we left the restaraunt to see how everything turned out.

The prices were decent, the food was delicious, and the experience was unexpected and unforgettable. I Can't wait to return! [14 Dec 2006 16:38:00]

03-15-2007, 03:34 PM
geez Karried and bandnerd. Perhaps you didn't read my post, nowhere was I blantly rude or not willing to talk. I think my posts were level headed and open to discussion. For crying out loud, this is a public forum in which people review their experiences on restaurants. My experience and several others I might add mentioned they're experience was bad. I never demanded him to rectify the situation. Nearly 5 months ago when they opened, I told the manager (as you can read in my correspondence) the problems we had, wasn't very rude, and left it at that, not expecting more.

I've bet you two have had bad experiences at a restaurant or elsewhere and have posted them on this website. In fact, Karried, I believe you mentioned a bad contractor on your tile work, that you later had come out and fix! I probably contribute more food reviews on this website than anybody, and the overwhelming majority of times, they are good. Sampling new restaurants is my one of my hobby's, if I like to post my experience than so be it. Don't tell me you all never go to a place or stay away from a place, depending on someone else's experience. I wasn't and still don't attend dragging Inferno911's name through anything. You can read other bad reviews of the place and no one is mentioning them. I simply told him if he is going to call me out like he tried to rectify the situation, then to get his facts straight. Nothing wrong with that as far as I can see. Most places generally have "The customer is always right approach". FYI, we did enjoy our evening despite being out of several wines and food selections dispite it being aggrevating every time we tried to order something they didn't have it and the place was empty. There is a reason people do reviews of restaurants. Most real cities have real newspapers that have real food reviews unlike the Oklahoman (don't even think they do that period). I can guarantee you that when they get a bad experience in the NY Times, Daily News, etc. they wouldn't be near as nice as I was and their reviews would have a far more profound impact.

Hey Easy180. Do you mind sharing the food review website you got your comment off of? Not just for this restaurant, but it might be a welcome site for us to read reviews of other restaurants.

03-15-2007, 03:48 PM
In fact, Karried, I believe you mentioned a bad contractor on your tile work, that you later had come out and fix!

metro, I'm not trying to make you feel bad.. I was saying that a statement such as ' Othello's is a Joke' might be a bit harsh for a new restaurant starting out based on your complaints.

In my mind, the complaints seemed minor but apparently they were more important to you and ruined your evening.

As far as my Granite work, I didn't come on here and say this company is a 'joke' before they had a chance to rectify the situation. I 'had' them fix it because it was a costly mistake that affected the entire look of the kitchen.

They made it right and I'd gladly use them again.

I like to hear reviews of restaurants and have given some myself. I know people have different levels of expectations and something that might ruin your meal wouldn't phase me ( or I've learned not to let it ruin my night).

If something is really wrong with a place, I'd like to hear it.. but not having a few choices of wine that you wanted just doesn't warrant ' joke ' to me. How many people will read 'Othello's a Joke!' and not even give it a chance?

It sounded like the owner of the restaurant was eager to hear your recommendations and make it right but there was no follow up on either part.

03-15-2007, 04:04 PM
Karried, well I understand you didn't intend to make me feel bad, but you and bandnerd, sure did do a good job of it. Where might I ask you anywhere in this thread in my review of Othello's did I say Othello's is a joke? I sure couldn't find it anywhere in this food review thread. The only place I saw it was in the title of the PM that inferno911 sent me, so that mean's he typed it in the title of his PM to me in which I later replied and didn't change the title of the PM. You don't know my experience or wasn't there nor was bandnerd or anyone else, so how come you can't give me the benefit of the doubt for not having the same experience as me. I especially would considering most of the people on this thread who reviewed the place gave bad reviews too. I have nothing personal or anything for that matter against the owner and I'm sure he's a great guy. Other people who don't know everything first hand, often blow the thing out of proportion like it has now. And FYI, it wasn't just the wine, I didn't care about the wine, I don't like drinking it to be honest. It was the wine (which our Cali guests wanted and were disappointed who kept trying to change their selection since the others were out, although they and us still made a great time of the evening, FYI we were celebrating my fiance's and I engagement so it was a little upsetting but we still had a great night, just a bad experience ordering wine and food, if you will re-read many of our food selections were out. After 4 or so choices are out, your appetite doesn't change if your hungry for a particular item or two and it's out. That narrows down your choices. I'm not arguing I couldn't be nicer, I know I'm sure not perfect and don't claim it, but if you RE-READ everything I've said publically and privately, I think my comments are level headed and not too harsh. And like you said, there was no follow up. I left it at that and was FINE WITH IT. However now he's coming back on here saying he tried to offer gift certificates, etc and it flat out wasn't offered. That was my whole point for talking about the topic again. I was okay with chalking it up as a loss and probably not eating there again. He was making himself sound like he did everything to rectify when in fact, he didn't offer or follow up with me. Anyhow I rest my case, it's stupid and pointless and this point.

Dungeon Master
03-15-2007, 04:12 PM
I just wanted to mention,

I visit with the owner of Othello's on many occasions as he is outdoors alot visiting with folks during the slow periods. I've eaten his food and really like it. He's a really nice guy and seems to treat folks on a professional and concerned manner. Although I can't speak for everyone's visit there, I can say he seems like the type of guy that would try to get things right and try even harder to correct any problems that might have been out of his control.

It might be worth just one more visit to see if things improve. And if you do return and things are much better or not, I hope you let him (the owner) know. I would sure want to know "either way" being a business owner. That's how we learn, from our mistakes and from honest critics. And if a business owner cares, he will fix what he/she can within their capability.

Just my thoughts,

03-15-2007, 04:14 PM
Othello's is a joke


May I please ask why your experience was so horrible. I would really like to know what you would like.

We have had a couple of rocky nights...had a couple of people quit because they felt that they were working to hard : ( but most reviews have been very positive.

I want to make it a place that everyone can enjoy so please give me some feedback, instead of calling the restaurant a joke in a public forum.

I thought I remembered that that was the original Thread starter.. did you change it?

Anyway, ... I re-read your original post .. okay, I'm sorry for not reading it thoroughly.. it just seemed harsh especially since the owner came on here and said he tried to make it right. I apologize for making you feel bad.

03-15-2007, 04:19 PM
Frankly, metro, your experience was months ago and you're still going on about it. Most people would have let it go by now.

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, but perhaps maybe open your eyes a little to how the rest of us were viewing the thread. Posting private correspondence between the two of you, IMHO, was going too far. It just seemed like you had a personal vendetta against the guy.

I can't recall having posted a bad review of a place here. And if I wasn't happy with it, and I did post a negative review, I wouldn't still be complaining about it 5 months later.

03-15-2007, 05:05 PM
First off Karried, to clarify no I didn't change the thread title, I'm not a moderator and don't have those priveledges. Just to clarify I never originally titled the thread that either.

Again, since bandnerd still doesn't seem to get it, I did leave it alone 5 months later, I'll repeat, the only reason I brought it up because the owner tried to come on here like mr. niceguy (which I'm sure he really is and genuinely cares and wants to rectify my situation or any bad situation like Dungeon Master mentioned). Basically he put it on me publicly like it was my fault he couldn't rectify the situation. Wanting to clear it up on my end (most people don't want both sides of the story) I simply stated that he did not try to offer me gift certificates and ask for my address as he had claimed. I'm guessing most people would want to clarify anything wrongly said against them publicly regardless of the topic. I posted our exact conversations so NO ONE (PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SITUATION) could have clarification and both sides of the story. Just to clarify bandnerd, the whole reason for me getting involed again in the convo was to clarify that I did not leave it hanging on my end. You of all people shouldn't be so critical of harshness considering your husband Midtowner and his experience with people judging him, etc. on this website. It's not like I've been complaining constantly over the last 5 months about the place. If you want to talk about getting over it, why are you even involved in a conversation that didn't concern you in the first place? You tell me I should have resolved it privately (after I had let it go) , but why didn't he try to rectify it privately instead of coming on this thread and say I offered ............" Yet no one has anything bad to say to Inferno for dropping the ball.

03-15-2007, 05:10 PM
Wow. You just make me want to go to the place more.

03-15-2007, 05:25 PM
I don't care if you go to the restaurant bandnerd, I'm not stopping you or anyone nor trying to. Heck, if people not involved didn't blow the situation WAYYYYY out of proportion (probably to entertain themselves more than anything), I'd probably give the place a second shot, especially if inferno did want to geniunely change my impression of the place. I don't have a personal vendetta or anything. Your ignorance is more annoying than anything but I understand. As I mentioned you of all people should be more understanding giving Mid's OKCTalk experience. I just figured you of all people on here would want both sides of the story but its apparent you don't.

03-15-2007, 05:49 PM

1. You do not get to talk about my husband or his experience here. Or mine. You do not know what happened, so don't even try and bring it up. It does not apply to this situation.

2. The point I was trying to make was that posting your PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE with inferno on this forum was going too far. Private messages are that, private. I felt like you were giving the guy an unfairly hard time. Am I not entitled to feel that way?

And yeah, it's entertaining for me. Perhaps if you actually read what I said in the first place you might not think it so inflammatory. I was simply stating my opinion on the matter. You're the one who's gotten all riled up here, trying to defend yourself. I simply said that if you were faced with the owner in person, then maybe you wouldn't be bringing up your private conversations in front of other people like you are here.

I had a bad experience at a restaurant back in January. It was slower than usual, and I felt fairly ignored. But I like the restaurant, and though I was a little put off that night, I will go back, because I enjoy the food and the atmosphere.

I know that sampling restaurants is your's kind of obvious...and yeah, I read other's opinions of restaurants. But just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean I will.

What do you do if your fiance doesn't cook your food to your liking, kick her to the curb? It's a RESTAURANT. I know you have all these high and mighty feelings about how you should be treated when you go out and all that, and that's fine. But some of us don't get so uptight about a little bad service.

Dungeon Master
03-15-2007, 05:55 PM
I know Othellos has a nice porch outside and along the canal. We could all have a beer and visit (leaving all weapons at home) :bright_id

03-15-2007, 06:02 PM
So I don't have a right to talk about you or your husband on this forum, but you have a right to talk about me and my wife? That's a double standard but your comments are usually one sided so what can I expect?

Especially since you have NO experience or wasn't involved in my situation. Actually I do know a little about Mid's situation because I asked you how he was doing awhile back and you told me SOME (not all of course) background info and thanked me for asking. And yes I do generally care about that situation too. FYI, my wife is an excellent cook, she gets it from her mother. I have a committment to her, I don't to a restaurant. I pay a restaurant for a service I expect at a bare minimum, if I don't get that bare minimum service, then yes it's going to leave a bad taste in my mouth, common sense.

03-15-2007, 06:03 PM
That would be nice, DM.

03-15-2007, 06:06 PM
Okay, metro. The situation here with Mid and me is not the same as me making a joke about you and your wife (I apologize, I didn't realize you had gotten married). It was meant to simply be a joke, though a bad one. But they are not comparable.

So my comments are only one-sided now? In what way? You were not involved in what happened on this forum with Mid, or me. You just sat back and watched, probably. But that doesn't mean you know everything that happened. But then, I didn't post all the private messages that occurred between me, Mid, and the mods for all to see, either, because I didn't feel that was necessary or anyone else's business but my own.

It is in the past. You brought it up, and I am not speaking of it anymore. I apologize if my comment was offensive, but I feel attacked here because I really didn't think what I ORIGINALLY said to you was all that bad!

03-15-2007, 06:13 PM
Finally, you get my point. ORIGINALLY I didn't think what I said was all that bad. Just like you just said! Apparently you and Karried did and the thing exploded. So, let's all be adults, quit entertaining ourselves and drop it already. I brought the Mid situation up because it was the only way to get you to realize how upset I was by you, Karried, and others exploding a situation that wasn't really all that bad and I could suck it up until it got exploded out of proportion. Then I did get on the defense and feel attacked. Mods of all people should be trying to calm the situation down and if they thought it was out of hand should have deleted inappropriate content, not you saying it. By your standards, you should have PM'd a moderator if you thought I was out of line. Anyhow, let's all be adults, quit entertaining and attacking each other and move on. I am, whether everyone else will or not. Peace I'm out.

Dungeon Master
03-15-2007, 06:15 PM
Ok, a few beers.:sofa:

I don't mean to butt in, but then again I really do and I know this is not about me but.... we already have a war going on else where.

Can we have a truce, then a really big beer?

Let's see what another visit to Othellos does and leave the side bar stuff to PMing.

It's only a thought,

03-15-2007, 06:16 PM
You weren't out of line in the respect that you weren't calling me "used material" and whatnot. I don't report people on this site unless what they are doing in some way violates my rights as a person and as an American. You weren't slandering/libeling me, and you were entitled to your opinion. But the two situations are still not the same.

You got defensive. It happens. Everyone gets a little snippy here from time. I don't know how you think you know what my standards are, though.

Just had to say that.

Oh yeah, and when the hell does Spring Break start? Damn kids are making me edgy haha.

Dungeon Master
03-15-2007, 06:19 PM
Oh yeah, and when the hell does Spring Break start? Damn kids are making me edgy haha.

You're in luck. Spring Break starts next week. :kicking:

03-15-2007, 06:23 PM
And tomorrow, at my school, is a weird day because of the TALENT SHOW so it'll go by faster than normal.

I love my kids, but wow, it's been a long semester. And we don't have any breaks until Memorial Day, and then I'm there until June 1. Again, I love them. But I've had A LOT of them lately. With a lot of deadlines. Craziness of the pure sort.

Bring on the beer!

03-15-2007, 08:44 PM's just a restaurant review!

I hold no grudges toward anyone and yes I would like to correct whatever mistakes have been made in the past. In stating this, no I am no looking to give everyone a free meal...LOL

This has gotten blown way out of proportion and we are all taking this too seriously...yes I would like to clear up the situation but geez...


I looked back at our chat log (PM's) and I did send the appology and request as I stated...the problem was it was sent to the administrator as a reply. I never noticed this until I just went back and looked. This was my mistake.

Everyone can't we all just get along!!! :fighting3

03-15-2007, 08:52 PM
How about free beer? lol

Dungeon Master
03-15-2007, 10:04 PM
How about free beer? lol

OK, I'm in :congrats: .

NE Oasis
03-17-2007, 06:22 AM
So, let's all be adults, quit entertaining ourselves and drop it already. I brought the Mid situation up because it was the only way to get you to realize how upset I was by you, Anyhow, let's all be adults, quit entertaining and attacking each other and move on. I am, whether everyone else will or not. Peace I'm out.
Metro, I'm glad you're moving on - IMHO bringing a family matter into a thread started as a restaurant review (and the aftermath) doesn't support let's all be adults

03-18-2007, 10:37 AM
I like chives on my baked potatoes. :Smiley099

NE Oasis
03-18-2007, 02:48 PM
I like chives on my baked potatoes. :Smiley099

Chives, bacon bits, cheese, AND sourcream! Eat the skin, particulary if it's crispy.

03-18-2007, 04:57 PM
Chives, bacon bits, cheese, AND sourcream! Eat the skin, particulary if it's crispy.

Peanut butter is awesome on potato skins.


05-03-2007, 08:18 PM
I finally made it to Othello's in Bricktown. I'll admit that I was a bit apprehensive, given the reviews on this site and experiences I've had at another Othello's.

All of the food we had was quite good (the garlic bread could have been cooked a bit more, but no real complaints). The service was friendly and efficient too. I was impressed.