View Full Version : OK, any eye doctors or assistants in the house?

11-26-2006, 05:44 PM
Here goes......

I have a 6 yr old daughter who since she was 3 we have noticed she has wondering eyes, like goes cross eyed especially when she looks directly at you. I did take her at 3 to ped. doctor he blew it off because she could read the letters on the wall. Then this yr she begin telling me she saw double. I took her last week to eye doc, someone I had been referred to, he said she is SO bad far sighted (+4) that she is going cross eyed. So we have glasses now, and she says she can see. Here lies my problem. My husband, does not believe any of this, because, she reads well, she is in advanced everything at school, and if she was having such a problem, should she be able to read etc. so well? SO now, I have to take her to someone else to get a second opinion just to suffice his non belief in this doctor.

I read online (which we all know it is not always right) that if a child is farsighted, they cannot see to read well. WHY then can she read great. The doctor said it is because you are born farsighted and she has had to compensate and did not know different, but if not taken care of now, she would have been worse later (lazy eye). I just want to make sure, I am right to believe him.......

I am farsighted and I can read. But her glasses I cannot see one thing out of, they are also like a 1/4 inch think (one more than the other) magnifying glasses.

I am just a Mom, I can only believe her and the doc, and now I have to prove he is right to my spouse....who btw, if he had come to the appt he could have heard the doctor explain this, but he does not believe me either......UGH

11-26-2006, 06:13 PM
Well the most important thing is to have the best corrective/preventative tools in place, which it sounds like you do.. your spouse probably just wants to do what's best for your daughter .. make him come to the appts with you if he doubts the diagnosis.. men are usually much more logical and want data and facts.. just the facts ma'am, lol - It sounds like you are on the right track though, giving her the best tools to succeed.

11-27-2006, 08:01 AM
Well, I will take her for a second, but I know she sees better in them. I think he is in denial that one of his kids has to wear glasses. YOu are also right about the facts, and he should have gone with me, but as you know with construction, they do not have that choice sometimes..............

11-27-2006, 01:58 PM
Typically positive lenses are used for far-sightedness, so they would appear thick and they would magnify, unlike those used in myopic near-sightedness that do the opposite.

Sounds like she has strabismus, for which she may need either prisms on her lenses, or botox injections.

If you're unsure, I'd make an appointment with an opthalmologist at Dean McGee Eye Institute. They're the best in the state, and they can get to the bottom of the problem. I'd personally recommend Cindy Bradford, MD.

11-27-2006, 03:34 PM

The doctor we went to came from there, Dean Mcgee..... He was referred to me from a friend and another doctor. I know from reading online that farsightedness is usually at birth, and because she does what is called ACCOMODATION, she can read and well, because she is used to using those eyes to read and do other things. BUT, it did cause her to go cross eyed with one or the other when she was focusing on something. I appreciate your reply and if my husband wants an appt I will call them. As it stands he is waiting for the next appt with Dr. Richards to ask him all his concerns.

11-27-2006, 03:59 PM
I'm still a little confused as to what's happening other than for the strabismus.

11-28-2006, 08:42 AM
What is happening? OK, when she was 3 she was crossing her eyes, or her pediatrician was called, he blew it off, said kids do that when they are tired. 3 years later, she is seeing double sometimes, so I take her to the eye doc, he says she is a +4 far sighted, which he said +1 or 2 is average for farsightedness, so she is pretty bad. One eye has a slight stigmitism (sp), and the glasses are going well!!!!!!!!!!!!! if she takes them off, and looks at you, one of her eyes almost immediatly crosses. The reason I posted this, is because my husband is having a hard time believing she had a problem. To get some info maybe from others on other docs to take her to to get a second to ease his mind. BUT, a doctor friend of ours in the meantime told him to go to the 3 week follow up in December and listen to the Eye doctor and to how she could see all this time to that what you were asking? for more of an explanation? What is strabismus? Thanks!!