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04-21-2011, 11:09 AM
the real question is when would it open? at the current pace probably about 2 years.

04-21-2011, 11:15 AM
According to my daughter: August. At least that is what the company is hoping. Previously she'd told me they wanted to be open by the first of October, which would coincide with Whole Foods and seems more realistic.

04-21-2011, 01:52 PM
A building permit was issued today for a new building in the "Classen Curve Triangle" adjacent to Whole Foods and what looks to be Antropologie (permit was for 9,900 sq. ft.).

Labeled Building #3, this one is 15,000 square feet and rather than being classified as retail, the category is "Office, Bank, and Professional Buildings".

Perhaps they are relocating the B of A from NH Plaza so they can finally acquire that office building from Jeff Records?

Let the conjecture begin!

04-21-2011, 04:11 PM
From my sources, I've been told October, but maybe that's changed. And yeah, that building permit you're referring to Pete is for Anthro.

04-21-2011, 04:39 PM
Sorry I've been AWOL in part of this thread. Both Anthro and Urban Outfitters considered Penn Square, but the mall didn't have a space large enough for them. Same reason Talbots built their own store...they would've moved into Penn if they would've had the space. As stated here, Anthro is locating next to Whole Foods at Grand and Western. As some have noticed, structural steel has already been delivered to the site. But, still no official announcement, for some odd reason. Urban Outfitters is still just looking and their decision will depend on the success of Anthro, so it will be sometime after Anthro opens before we find out if UO decides to locate in OKC. But, they're strongly considering locating in a re-developed NH Plaza, although a freestanding store along Grand isn't out of the question.

Both The Container Store and Crate and Barrell are considering the old Salvation Army building site, on the SW corner of NW Expressway and Penn. I think The Container Store has the edge right now, but it's still all in the negotiation stage.

04-21-2011, 05:00 PM
Both The Container Store and Crate and Barrell are considering the old Salvation Army building site, on the SW corner of NW Expressway and Penn. I think The Container Store has the edge right now, but it's still all in the negotiation stage.

That site was purchased by CHK about six months from now.

Not sure why they did that, other than perhaps to facilitate these new retailers in our market. Still, they have tons of space at 63rd & Western so I'm not sure why they got involved with this.

04-21-2011, 08:27 PM
That site was purchased by CHK about six months from now.

Not sure why they did that, other than perhaps to facilitate these new retailers in our market. Still, they have tons of space at 63rd & Western so I'm not sure why they got involved with this.

Yeah, Chesapeake owns it, but they're negotiating a lease with The Container Store and/or Crate and Barrell. Why did they do it? It's a prime spot for retail, being on the corner of Penn and NW Expressway right across from the most successful mall in the state, so they can make a killing off of leasing it to a retailer.

04-21-2011, 11:04 PM
A building permit was issued today for a new building in the "Classen Curve Triangle" adjacent to Whole Foods and what looks to be Antropologie (permit was for 9,900 sq. ft.).

Labeled Building #3, this one is 15,000 square feet and rather than being classified as retail, the category is "Office, Bank, and Professional Buildings".

Perhaps they are relocating the B of A from NH Plaza so they can finally acquire that office building from Jeff Records?

Let the conjecture begin!

Someone recently told me they have an agreement with Records to buy the bank building, so perhaps you are right.

04-22-2011, 08:49 AM
It looks like there is vertical steel at the so called anthropoligie site now.

How can they have just filled a permit yesterday but be building today? is it possible the anothropologies store is somewhere else?

04-22-2011, 09:03 AM
Charger, the permit yesterday was for a new building; the Anthropologie permit was issued several months ago.

04-22-2011, 11:06 AM
Does seem strange that there hasn't been an announcement. And regarding the salvation army corner property, they better make a killing off leasing it because they paid a ton for it, but that's nothing new for them.

04-22-2011, 11:51 AM
regarding the salvation army corner property, they better make a killing off leasing it because they paid a ton for it, but that's nothing new for them.

I doubt they'll make much, if anything, off such a deal.

They paid $2 million for just over an acre.

04-22-2011, 12:03 PM
Someone recently told me they have an agreement with Records to buy the bank building, so perhaps you are right.

I wish that Records would do something with the abandoned office building at the NW/C of 63rd & Penn. Eyesore. Failed roof. Really shabby. I wonder if he'd be motivated if someone put a sign on the corner with his name on it?

04-22-2011, 04:01 PM
Went by the Anthropologie site today, and steel beams are now going up! Hooray! The site is just north of Whole Foods.

04-22-2011, 05:52 PM
Went by the Anthropologie site today, and steel beams are now going up! Hooray! The site is just north of Whole Foods.

Sweet! My wife will be pumped. Just 14 more months to go and we'll be OKC bound (hopefully sooner)! By then, much of what is going on around Chesapeake/Classen/Western/Penn Square will be complete.

When I was up in OKC last month, I got to drive by the site where Whole Foods is under construction and Classen Curve. Then I paid a visit to downtown to check out Project 180. Loving it. Just loving it.

04-29-2011, 08:51 AM
Chesapeake buying property way out on the northwest side of town

Chesapeake Land Development Co. LLC from Mary Barker, property near the southeast corner of County Line Road and NW 220, $482,000.

Read more:

04-29-2011, 01:50 PM
drove by the classen triangle development site yesterday and they have staked and prepared the dirt for the 3rd building. What is it going to be....surely someone knows.

04-29-2011, 02:09 PM
Where is the site located? is it behind the so called anthropoligie building?

04-29-2011, 03:12 PM
North and west....closer to grand than the anthropologie site.

04-29-2011, 03:26 PM
Does anyone know when they expect to open the Day Care Center?

04-29-2011, 05:31 PM
Does anyone know when they expect to open the Day Care Center?

I have heard fall of this year.

04-29-2011, 05:33 PM
Drove by on my way home from work and the north part of the wall on the east side of the road, just north of the new underground parking and athletic field (follow all that?) had been removed. Also the entire wall separating the Whole Foods from Western had been removed.

04-29-2011, 11:51 PM
Also, they've been tearing up the drainage ditch and replacing the concrete with rock, similar to how they did east of western on the campus.

05-16-2011, 04:27 PM
Icahn sold 90% of his stake in CHK so any concern about outside takeovers should be reduced for the time being.

05-16-2011, 04:32 PM
That is good news (Icahn divesting) for both CHK and OKC.

05-16-2011, 10:44 PM
He still owns like 6 percent even with the sale, still making him one of the largest shareholders, don't hold your breath yet.

05-16-2011, 11:02 PM
He owned about 6-7% total so if he divested 90%, that would get him down to < 1%. You realy dont want him around.

05-18-2011, 01:15 PM
Sweet! My wife will be pumped. Just 14 more months to go and we'll be OKC bound (hopefully sooner)! By then, much of what is going on around Chesapeake/Classen/Western/Penn Square will be complete.

When I was up in OKC last month, I got to drive by the site where Whole Foods is under construction and Classen Curve. Then I paid a visit to downtown to check out Project 180. Loving it. Just loving it.

Has your wife not been able to find one of the Anthropologie locations in Houston? I believe they have 3 locations, including a new store...

05-20-2011, 01:21 PM
Today there was finally an article confirming Anthropologie, although offering few other details:

05-21-2011, 02:41 AM
Has your wife not been able to find one of the Anthropologie locations in Houston? I believe they have 3 locations, including a new store...

Oh perhaps, mighty know-it-all Spartan!

could it be that OKCPulse and his wife want to shop in OKC? It might be hard for YOU to believe, but there are those who want to do shopping when they come to OKC. ... Particularly an expat and heavy OKC progressive enthusiast like Pulse. ... Maybe Pulse wants to be a tourist in his hometown and SHOP there when he/his wife visits or moves in 14 months. ... Imagine that?

I bet you thought that was only for cities not named Oklahoma City or that he'd ONLY shop at Anthro in Houston. ....

Larry OKC
05-21-2011, 05:11 AM
Unless the OKC location carries stuff they can't get in Austin, that would seem rather silly (to travel here, buy it and then tote it all the way back home again).

I do that with Gordman's when I go to Tulsa (every store carries slightly different stuff). Sometimes the other store is out of it already or never got it in. Same with the ones here in the City. And at least if I change my mind on something, I can return it locally instead of waiting until my next Tulsa trip.

05-21-2011, 07:00 AM
There will be some differences between stores, but primarily in terms of found objects, which are obviously different in every store. Some things will sell better in one store than another so you might find something in one store that's gone in another. We may or may not have some of the higher end clothing. I would guess the store will be very similar to the Austin store. Size-wise, it is a bit larger than many though.

05-21-2011, 01:58 PM
Oh perhaps, mighty know-it-all Spartan!

could it be that OKCPulse and his wife want to shop in OKC? It might be hard for YOU to believe, but there are those who want to do shopping when they come to OKC. ... Particularly an expat and heavy OKC progressive enthusiast like Pulse. ... Maybe Pulse wants to be a tourist in his hometown and SHOP there when he/his wife visits or moves in 14 months. ... Imagine that?

I bet you thought that was only for cities not named Oklahoma City or that he'd ONLY shop at Anthro in Houston. ....

Well, I don't understand the reason for your tone, but it's difficult to see what shopping advantages OKC offers as opposed to anywhere else with over a million people. Is there a special tingling sensation someone gets when they shop on Memorial Road or something?? I shouldn't have to explain why it's ironic for "shopping access" to be one of the reasons OKC is better than Houston, because that's preposterous. There is hardly a single ZIP code in the entire Houston area that doesn't have better shopping than all of OKC.

Face the facts man. And they are quite simple, with the pending addition of Whole Foods and Anthro, and the new outlet mall on I-40, OKC is getting closer to the retail offerings of cities like Tulsa, Birmingham, and Richmond--but there's still a ways to go, and OKC is still 2nd in its own state for shopping (I am confident that if CHK is successful with their vision of creating an "uptown" city center, that will significantly elevate OKC's shopping profile). The great news is that with these additions OKC is now separating itself from the likes of Wichita and Amarillo.

And you might want to ask okcpulse if he wants to be propped up by you as a "heavy OKC progressive enthusiast" in front of people who are regulars at city commissions and such. I don't doubt that okcpulse loves OKC, and it's awesome that home has that special feeling which it does for all of us, but I can't help but notice you're being kind of petty. You should try making posts without trying to include as many usernames as possible.. name-dropping is annoying. So is your insistence that there is nothing wrong with OKC.

Larry OKC
05-22-2011, 01:27 AM
Well, I don't understand the reason for your tone, but it's difficult to see what shopping advantages OKC offers as opposed to anywhere else with over a million people. Is there a special tingling sensation someone gets when they shop on Memorial Road or something?? I shouldn't have to explain why it's ironic for "shopping access" to be one of the reasons OKC is better than Houston, because that's preposterous. There is hardly a single ZIP code in the entire Houston area that doesn't have better shopping than all of OKC....

Is Chris Matthews in town? LOL

05-22-2011, 01:49 AM
Is Chris Matthews in town? LOL

I feel a tingle already, Larry.

05-22-2011, 02:34 AM
I'm actually not sure what, besides a sparse Saks and Restoration Hardware, Tulsa has in the way of shopping that's better than OKC. We can't compete with bigger cities, obviously, but I think we've got some reasonably good shopping here.

05-22-2011, 02:44 AM
I'm actually not sure what, besides a sparse Saks and Restoration Hardware, Tulsa has in the way of shopping that's better than OKC. We can't compete with bigger cities, obviously, but I think we've got some reasonably good shopping here.

I agree, Betts. I've lived here all of my life and never felt any particular desire to have to go out of town for anything I need. And I don't feel deprived in the least. LOL

05-22-2011, 09:03 AM
I'm actually not sure what, besides a sparse Saks and Restoration Hardware, Tulsa has in the way of shopping that's better than OKC. We can't compete with bigger cities, obviously, but I think we've got some reasonably good shopping here.

They still have all of Utica Square, for example, which you must admit is superior to anything we have up to now.... but Saks is also a pretty big deal. And we all know where the first store always goes...

I don't think we're loosing sales tax to Tulsa like we are to Dallas, BUT something like Utica would be a great lifestyle addition to OKC.

05-22-2011, 10:22 AM
The Classen Curve area is already starting to rival Utica Square and by the time CHK is done, I think it will even surpass it.

I think Utica Square is great and charming but it also has lots of places like The Gap, American Eagle, and the Olive Garden and several other retailers OKC already has, just in malls. The 63rd & Western area is likely to be more upscale than that.

Also, while Tulsa got the first Anthropologie and Whole Foods, the OKC versions will be well larger than either.

05-22-2011, 10:30 AM
The Classen Curve area is already starting to rival Utica Square and by the time CHK is done, I think it will even surpass it.

I think Utica Square is great and charming but it also has lots of places like The Gap, American Eagle, and the Olive Garden and several other retailers OKC already has, just in malls. The 63rd & Western area is likely to be more upscale than that.

Also, while Tulsa got the first Anthropologie and Whole Foods, the OKC versions will be well larger than either. I have to agree about Classen Curve. It is much more sleek and modern and cool architecture than "dated" provincial Utica Square. Their Saks in Tulsa is not their "flagship" store and does not carry as much of the luxury brands than other Saks that I have been to and shopped. Classen Curve is also more cutting edge in design and what I must like about the design of CC is it is not "predictible" and common in it's sleek design. If you really want to see upscale shopping then go to Highland Park Village in Dallas where you will be greeted with such "upscale" stores as Jimmy Choo, Christian Louboutin, Hermes, Valentino, Ralph Lauren etc.. makes Utica Square look like an upscale Walmart.

05-22-2011, 10:32 AM
I'm actually not sure what, besides a sparse Saks and Restoration Hardware, Tulsa has in the way of shopping that's better than OKC. We can't compete with bigger cities, obviously, but I think we've got some reasonably good shopping here.

I agree. I'd rather drive to Oklahoma City to do shopping than fight pretentious attitudes and traffic in Dallas.

05-22-2011, 03:03 PM
The Classen Curve area is already starting to rival Utica Square and by the time CHK is done, I think it will even surpass it.

I think Utica Square is great and charming but it also has lots of places like The Gap, American Eagle, and the Olive Garden and several other retailers OKC already has, just in malls. The 63rd & Western area is likely to be more upscale than that.

Also, while Tulsa got the first Anthropologie and Whole Foods, the OKC versions will be well larger than either.

I'm still not a fan of how they have designed Classen Curve though, and think they could've done a better job making it more pedestrian-friendly and cohesive like Utica Square. I think the two centers (Classen Curve and the Triangle) will never feel that integrated due to their layout, which is a shame because they could have..

05-22-2011, 04:44 PM
Yes, the main part of Classen Curve basically has it's back turned even to the Triangle at Classen Curve (WF & Anthropologie with more to come) and it's hard enough just to move from Baliet's to the back of CC, let alone from one development to the other.

Still, I strongly believe a remodeled NH Plaza along with the proposed hotel south of 63rd and more retail to come all along Grand, 63rd & Western (CHK owns tons of retail property there) has unlimited potential. And all that combined with what is already there and under construction could be really great.

05-22-2011, 05:08 PM
They still have all of Utica Square, for example, which you must admit is superior to anything we have up to now.... but Saks is also a pretty big deal. And we all know where the first store always goes...

I don't think we're loosing sales tax to Tulsa like we are to Dallas, BUT something like Utica would be a great lifestyle addition to OKC.

The design of Utica Square is superior to anything we've got in OKC, but the shops? When I said sparse Saks, I meant sparse. Balliet's has clothing comparable to and a step above the Tulsa Saks, to be honest with you. I do love Restoration Hardware and I'm sad we don't have it, but otherwise, there's nothing there I would drive to Tulsa for, now that we're getting an Anthropologie. The shops in Nichols Hills Plaza, Classen Curve and along Western are comparable to or surpass anything in Tulsa that I know of.

05-22-2011, 05:38 PM
I too disagree with Spartie about Tulsa has better shopping. Utica is old and worn out, and needs some TLC, especially the northern portion. The few retailers Tulsa gets before OKC, it's failed to mention OKC gets some over Tulsa. I'm pretty sure we had Apple first, and we know Container store is coming, in which T town doesn't have. Our Williams Sonoma is also bigger. They also don't have a Dior like OKC, and nothing a new and nice as Classen Curve and Triangle are becoming, just to name a few.

05-22-2011, 06:25 PM
I think a better layout for the Triangle would've been for Whole Foods to come up to the corner of Classen & Western and the future stores wrapping around to the west facing Classen with all parking to the north. Then another strip of stores along the creek, including several restaurants with outdoor seating overlooking a landscaped creek. I think they could've done a much better job making Grand more of a connector between Classen Curve and the Triangle. It all feels really disjointed. I love the architecture though, and the variety of stores and restaurants will be really nice. It will be similar to Utica Square but also very different and unique in its own way. IMO they should've tried to mimic Utica Square's layout (which is more pedestrian-friendly) but with modern design, while Utica is more traditional (first built in the 50's).

05-22-2011, 06:34 PM
Classen Curve has a long ways to go in regard to leases before it's close to anything like Utica. You can get a full shopping experience at Utica, can't do that at classen curve yet.

05-23-2011, 05:06 AM
Classen Curve is also more cutting edge in design and what I must like about the design of CC is it is not "predictible" and common in it's sleek design.

I don't know, I've always had reservations about Classen Curve--the site layout is bad. There is no getting around that subject. Elevations are cool, the interiors are cool, but it is very poorly laid out.

The design of Utica Square is superior to anything we've got in OKC, but the shops? When I said sparse Saks, I meant sparse. Balliet's has clothing comparable to and a step above the Tulsa Saks, to be honest with you.

Not for me ;-)

I agree that Utica's lineup isn't anything OKC can't get, albeit probably not in one location. Although I think the Balliet's comparison is more appropriate with Miss Jackson's, which kind of has a weird building (Balliet's looks superior, never been inside either one though). Is the site layout not at least as important as the retail lineup though?

I too disagree with Spartie about Tulsa has better shopping. Utica is old and worn out, and needs some TLC, especially the northern portion. They also don't have a Dior like OKC, and nothing a new and nice as Classen Curve and Triangle are becoming, just to name a few.

This comes off as a post that was written just for the purpose of being snarky, because you're lacking worthwhile points, accept for where you get "spartie" in there. Utica is old and worn out is a statement that pretty much disqualifies anyone from being taken seriously about quality shopping. There are a lot of people, including myself, who really appreciate Utica's "old and worn out" feel, especially the northern portion. Not everything has to look fake and be centered around a parking lot. Furthermore "Classen Curve and Triangle, just to name a few" ?? You mean thee's other retail developments in OKC? And let's be honest. What we're talking about so far is about 150,000 sf that has commanded the entire spotlight in OKC. And I am not really convinced that this 150,000 sf is going to be anything but auto-centric at this point, so my concern isn't just for Tulsa, but obviously I wish the site layout was better. It's not going to feel like a single shopping development.

And just where is OKC's Christian Dior location?

05-23-2011, 07:32 AM
You guys seemed shocked that the same company that built a sprawling office campus was not capable of designing an urban shopping center. What did you expect?

05-23-2011, 08:47 AM
Christian Dior is right across the street from the Nichols Hills Plaza. Until a couple of years ago they carried Chanel as well. Bebe's, Gretta Sloan, CK & Co all carry items superior to anything at Utica. The two men's stores in NH Plaza are excellent as well.

05-23-2011, 09:10 AM
Christian Dior is right across the street from the Nichols Hills Plaza. Until a couple of years ago they carried Chanel as well. Bebe's, Gretta Sloan, CK & Co all carry items superior to anything at Utica. The two men's stores in NH Plaza are excellent as well.

Gordon Stuart, not Christian Dior, is right across the street from NHP. They carry Dior, Chanel, etc. just like Saks carries Burberry, Lacoste, etc. Miss Jackson's in Utica Square is very similar.

05-23-2011, 09:13 AM
There isn't an actual Christian Dior store location in Nichols Hills/OKC. The place is Gordon Stuart, which carries Dior among other designer labels and it just happens to have a Dior and/or Chanel sign outside their store.

edit: bg918 beat me to it.

05-23-2011, 11:31 AM
Yes, it is Gordon Stuart. I don't believe they carry Chanel anymore. I guess I should have said, "The store carrying Christian Dior is right across the street from the NH Plaza".

05-23-2011, 02:48 PM
Well I'm not going to pretend to say that metro's post convinced me there was a Dior in OKC...I just hope he doesn't say that sort of thing outside the friendly confines of OKC Talk.

I know a place in Stillwater that sells some Juicy Couture items. Hopefully we all recognize how laughable it would be to say that Stillwater has a Juicy Couture and Tulsa doesn't!! lol...

05-26-2011, 09:51 AM
I think there has been some sort of screwup over at the carpark. I noticed a couple days ago that they were ripping off a large portion of the roof covering and now the site looks to have been idle in that area for several days. Curious as to what happened.

Is there a artist rendering that shows what the final car park will look like?

05-26-2011, 11:59 AM
I've been wondering the same, as the roof appears to be several feet higher than ground level, which makes no sense to me since they are putting ballfields and a track on top.

05-26-2011, 12:07 PM
They are definitely putting a synthetic turf playfield on top of the central parking structure with a track around the perimeter. However, both will be rather small, especially compared to the existing setup (soon to become a hotel, if rumors are correct) just west of Western.

It looks like there is a light well all around the edges of the structure; about a 4 foot gap that goes all the way to the bottom floor of the garage.

05-26-2011, 02:09 PM
For what it is worth, Tulsa would have had that Anthropologie several years ago were it not for Mr. Helmerich. In fact, I would agree that Utica Square underperforms, considering the demographics surrounding it. Put it to you this way, Mr Helmerich has the final say over what stores they sign leases with. The fact that several of the small, non-national stores like Pavilion or the Dolphin, have continued to exist there in place of some other National brands is due to Mr. Helmerich. On the same hand, Anthropologie and Apple both coveted the Utica Square location for some time. The old man wouldn't let Anthro in because he felt it would compete with some other existing stores (he didn't understand the demographics of the brand), and he still won't let Apple in because he doesn't like their stark, modern facade. It is fair to say that once Utica Square is no longer under his scrutiny, the shopping center will likely be able to attract pretty much whatever store they want to. All that being said, Helmerich has propped up Miss Jackson's, Petty's and some other legacy tenants for a long long time. I fear those will suffer the same fate as Brown-Dunkin, Harold's, Renberg's, Vandever's at some point. It's inevitable.

05-26-2011, 03:55 PM
Well I'm not going to pretend to say that metro's post convinced me there was a Dior in OKC...I just hope he doesn't say that sort of thing outside the friendly confines of OKC Talk.

I know a place in Stillwater that sells some Juicy Couture items. Hopefully we all recognize how laughable it would be to say that Stillwater has a Juicy Couture and Tulsa doesn't!! lol...

Spartan, there aren't Chanel and Dior items sprinkled throughout many stores in the country. It's actually pretty impressive that they carry them, regardless of what the store is called. I don't think you can throw out Juicy Couture as a reasonable comparison.

05-26-2011, 04:28 PM
For what it is worth, Tulsa would have had that Anthropologie several years ago were it not for Mr. Helmerich. In fact, I would agree that Utica Square underperforms, considering the demographics surrounding it. Put it to you this way, Mr Helmerich has the final say over what stores they sign leases with. The fact that several of the small, non-national stores like Pavilion or the Dolphin, have continued to exist there in place of some other National brands is due to Mr. Helmerich. On the same hand, Anthropologie and Apple both coveted the Utica Square location for some time. The old man wouldn't let Anthro in because he felt it would compete with some other existing stores (he didn't understand the demographics of the brand), and he still won't let Apple in because he doesn't like their stark, modern facade. It is fair to say that once Utica Square is no longer under his scrutiny, the shopping center will likely be able to attract pretty much whatever store they want to. All that being said, Helmerich has propped up Miss Jackson's, Petty's and some other legacy tenants for a long long time. I fear those will suffer the same fate as Brown-Dunkin, Harold's, Renberg's, Vandever's at some point. It's inevitable.

I have heard they do the same for Saks. I also heard the same thing about Apple but it wasn't because he didn't like them but that there wasn't a vacant spot in Utica when they opened their Tulsa store, which ended up at Woodland Hills Mall.