View Full Version : Thank you Keith and grandma ma!

10-24-2006, 06:26 PM
I want to say thanks to grandma ma for giveing me the dishwasher, its defenetly newer and better than what I have, and want to really say thanks to Keith, for giveing his time and truck to go pick up the dishwasher and bring it to me in norman. It saved me a trip to mid del to have him follow me back. This is what okctalk is about others helping others, I hope some day I will be able to help another member or help Keith back in return. I do know I am woring and trying and hopeing I will be able to buy my first house, if all goes well I may end throwing a house party for my self and will invite members from okctalk to celebrate my home purchase. Again thanks Keith for your help, it was much greatly apreacated.

10-24-2006, 08:32 PM
This is awesome. Thanks guys! This is what OKCTalk is all about. Helping our community!

10-24-2006, 08:46 PM
I want to say thanks to grandma ma for giveing me the dishwasher, its defenetly newer and better than what I have, and want to really say thanks to Keith, for giveing his time and truck to go pick up the dishwasher and bring it to me in norman. It saved me a trip to mid del to have him follow me back. This is what okctalk is about others helping others, I hope some day I will be able to help another member or help Keith back in return. I do know I am woring and trying and hopeing I will be able to buy my first house, if all goes well I may end throwing a house party for my self and will invite members from okctalk to celebrate my home purchase. Again thanks Keith for your help, it was much greatly apreacated.
My pleasure. Glad to help. Like you said...OKCTalk is about helping others. Let's keep it up.

10-27-2006, 11:18 AM
Very cool!

An story.