View Full Version : Halo 2 Is Around The Corner!!!

10-25-2004, 01:43 AM
I don't know how many XBOX owners are Halo fans, but I am one of them. I reserved my copy of Halo 2 back in June when I bought my second game controller. Since then, there has been a lot of anticipation, and, the game has leaked out on the internet. However, Halo is a game I feel that is worth paying money for. I will be at Game Stop on Memorial Rd. when the store opens up at 12:01 AM November 9th to pick up my copy. Anyone else a fan?

By the way, I'd sure like to know a good web site to download and play an original copy of Zelda or Zelda II from NES. Those games bring back memories!

And finally, if anyone plans to buy XBOX 2 upon its release, I read in last month's issue of CPU Magazine that ATI graphics has teamed up with Microsoft to manufacture the graphics chips for XBOX 2. I have an ATI Radeon 9200 SE graphics card in my PC, and it has done wonders for my applications, as well as my copy of Sim City 4, which I haven't played in a while due to lack of time. Nvidia made the chips for the original XBOX, and went on the wayside for PC graphics cards which resulted in a financial loss for Nvidia. Let's hope ATI is careful about this decision.

10-25-2004, 12:51 PM
I'll be getting Halo 2 as soon as it's available to me. We've been waiting for it since Halo came out. My girlfriend even loves this game.. and Fable right now. She's a big fan of those two.

The Sims come in 3rd I believe :D

10-25-2004, 02:18 PM
Just got an Xbox last week. First console game since Atari 2600...

Too many games to check out. I play on a 50" LCD and an over the top sound system - so I look for games that give you that 'vertigo' feeling - ones where you find yourself falling out of your chair. :D Any recommendations?

P.S. I suck at FPS games on that little controller...I need a mouse!

10-25-2004, 11:07 PM
Ahhhh.... 50" LCD.... over the top sound system! I hope I can make that much when I graduate and become an computer technician. If I packed that kind of gear, I'd definitely have Halo AND Halo 2 on hand, as well as Fable.