View Full Version : Video Vigilante
davido 10-24-2006, 06:17 PM YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
John TV (
I am trying to figure this guy out, did he have a beef with the city and or the OCSO before he started the video taping or after. The retaliation between Bates and whetsel and the DA seem really childish, I don't think they will get rid of the hookers ever, they might cause them to move to a different spot, and why don't you ever see him call the Police as he starts to know what they are starting, and if it is that much of a problem, why isn't the Vice allways busting the area. I wonder what bates would do if you followed him and told him you were video taping him taping the hookers...LOL
mranderson 10-24-2006, 06:30 PM YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
John TV (
I am trying to figure this guy out, did he have a beef with the city and or the OCSO before he started the video taping or after. The retaliation between Bates and whetsel and the DA seem really childish, I don't think they will get rid of the hookers ever, they might cause them to move to a different spot, and why don't you ever see him call the Police as he starts to know what they are starting, and if it is that much of a problem, why isn't the Vice allways busting the area. I wonder what bates would do if you followed him and told him you were video taping him taping the hookers...LOL
Brian started taping what he thought were hookers soliciting johns and giving the tapes to the cops. At first, a lot of people were behind him. Some, me included, thought he should m.h.o.b. I knew he was destined to be busted. He is an -------. He is self centered, egotistical, rude, and every word in between. Personally, I come closer to hating him than anyone on this earth (except the Clinton's).
After he soiled the reputation of the Oklahoma City Police when they were just doing their job by aprehending a suspect with LEGAL tactics called "less than lethal force," he was finally put in his place when he got caught with his pants down.
Personally, I hope he gets life in prison and the sisters get to play with him.
I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to figure him out... Him and every other rude, self centered ------- on the planet.:hammer:
Spartan 10-24-2006, 09:36 PM What has he done to deserve a role in prison. Did he call you Anderson....?
That's not good.
mranderson 10-25-2006, 04:51 AM What has he done to deserve a role in prison. Did he call you Anderson....?
That's not good.
I guess you never read newspapers or watch newscasts. Otherwise you would have your answer. No. He never called me "Anderson."
BailJumper 10-25-2006, 05:18 AM I just watched all the videos at that link and I think it is admirable. The intervews are incredible. I think every middle school kid should have to watch them. Can you believe that woman becam a hooker at 12!
I'd think Bates would welcome someone to follow him around all day, isn't that what he craves, the camera? And don't take that wrong, I'm not a Bates hater like many seem to be.
mranderson 10-25-2006, 05:20 AM I just watched all the videos at that link and I think it is admirable. The intervews are incredible. I think every middle school kid should have to watch them. Can you believe that woman becam a hooker at 12!
I'd think Bates would welcome someone to follow him around all day, isn't that what he craves, the camera? And don't take that wrong, I'm not a Bates hater like many seem to be.
Do you know Bates? The people such as myself who can not stand the man have known him for years.
Keith 10-25-2006, 06:14 AM Do you know Bates? The people such as myself who can not stand the man have known him for years.
He was actually doing the right thing by videoing the hookers and the johns, and turning them in to the police. The problem is, though, he got too involved and started enjoying what he was seeing. Now, he is a disgrace to our fine city.
BailJumper 10-25-2006, 07:56 AM I only know him to see him downtown. He is there most every day and has breakfast in the leadership building. Seems nice enough and there are always people coming up to him. A co-worker went over and got a copy of his Wes Lane Watch from him and she said he was real nice. Obviously I haven't had the same experiences some of you have had. But I do admire anyone who is willing to take on the Dist. Atty's office. Didn't I read that he was offered a single misdemeanor and refused. Someone mentioned balls before. Now that takes balls to turn down and just doesn't seem to be the actions of a guilty person. Personally, I don't really care either way. I think he adds color and not many people do that.
Obviously he has immense contempt for the law. He calls himself a vigilante after all. I can't muster any respect for anyone like that. It's clear that any quasi-virtuous goal he had in mind initially has been swallowed up by his ego and self serving agenda. It's not like he took respectable steps to expose corruption. He wanted to ruin people's lives and get famous while doing it. He basically boils down to a paparazzi whore.
mranderson 10-25-2006, 01:47 PM I only know him to see him downtown. He is there most every day and has breakfast in the leadership building. Seems nice enough and there are always people coming up to him. A co-worker went over and got a copy of his Wes Lane Watch from him and she said he was real nice. Obviously I haven't had the same experiences some of you have had. But I do admire anyone who is willing to take on the Dist. Atty's office. Didn't I read that he was offered a single misdemeanor and refused. Someone mentioned balls before. Now that takes balls to turn down and just doesn't seem to be the actions of a guilty person. Personally, I don't really care either way. I think he adds color and not many people do that.
All he is doing is working the room. He craves attention and is getting it. That "Wes watch" is his propaganda bomb. By taking a copy, your coworker is feeding the addiction. Plus, by taking to him as a celebrity, that also feeds the addiction. He is addicted to himself and addicted to attention.
I really can not see how anyone can admire someone who disgraces our city and law enforcement community. Guilty people act all the time. Take the convict who suddenly "finds religion," then after he or she is released, they say "God who?" and go back to their life of crime. Bates is like those people (I use that term loosly). He is telling you what you want to hear and has you fooled.
Like I thought. You do not know him. I do. And vomit at the sight of him.
MadMonk 10-25-2006, 03:45 PM I don't know anything about the guy beyond what I've seen on the news, but wow, did Bates do something personally to you mranderson? You seem to harbor a lot of hate for the guy, the kind of hate usually reserved for someone that you have a personal grudge against. It sounds like a juicy story is behind that. You wouldn't happen to be someone he caught in the act would you? ;)
Before you go on a rant, it was just a joke.
mranderson 10-25-2006, 04:06 PM I don't know anything about the guy beyond what I've seen on the news, but wow, did Bates do something personally to you mranderson? You seem to harbor a lot of hate for the guy, the kind of hate usually reserved for someone that you have a personal grudge against. It sounds like a juicy story is behind that. You wouldn't happen to be someone he caught in the act would you? ;)
Before you go on a rant, it was just a joke.
I am sure you are kidding about the reason. When he had Oklahomas own, we disagreed on a couple of things. You disagree with the guy, he bans you for life. The first amendment goes one way with him. He gets to observe it, and you do not. That and the fact I have never felt he had the right to video people talking to each other when he had no proof as to their business. If they were in a sexual business transaction, that is their business not Bates'. He is a menace to society and puts a black mark on Oklahoma City. A lot of people now think of us as Holy Rollerville because of him.:fighting3
okcnative 10-25-2006, 05:01 PM No doubt, Bates is an embarrassment to OKC. He obviously began with a cause --- that may or may not have been correct depending on how you interpret it. Originally, I thought he was trying to curb prostitution by posting his stories of the johns. But he is now part of the entire Bates v. Lane stuff. I think both he and Wes Lane need to let this go before they damage our justice system and city.
Since both Wes Lane and Brian Bates are obviously obsessed with this, I'm voting for Prater. Then Lane will be gone and Bates will no longer have a grudge to support in front of our county courthouse.
mranderson 10-25-2006, 05:08 PM No doubt, Bates is an embarrassment to OKC. He obviously began with a cause --- that may or may not have been correct depending on how you interpret it. Originally, I thought he was trying to curb prostitution by posting his stories of the johns. But he is now part of the entire Bates v. Lane stuff. I think both he and Wes Lane need to let this go before they damage our justice system and city.
Since both Wes Lane and Brian Bates are obviously obsessed with this, I'm voting for Prater. Then Lane will be gone and Bates will no longer have a grudge to support in front of our county courthouse.
I have been thinking about Lane vs. Prater. If I vote for Prater, I am voting for Brian Bates. I think I will vote for Wes afterall just to kick little Brio in the ***s.
BailJumper 10-25-2006, 08:24 PM Anderson, if you'd really put so little thought into your vote then you'd do everyone a big favor by just staying home on election day.
Vote for whomever you like but please base it on substance. Actually, voting for Prater and getting him elected would get back at Bates more. What would he do with himself if he didn't have Lane to fight. Keep Lane in office and you are sure to be seeing much more of Bates and his antics.
A friend of mine used to work for DA Lane. He was a prosecutor but he has since moved away. You can read his take of the whole Bates vs Lane squabble here. While opinions are often like a-holes (everyone's got one), since he was there at the time i give his more credit than most.
i'll go ahead and cut and paste;
Next on Jerry Springer, the "Minister of Justice" vs. the "Video Vigilante"
Anyone living in Oklahoma County who pays even marginal attention to current events probably has heard something about the play-ground style feud that has erupted between the self-proclaimed "Minister of Justice" and Brian Bates, the self-proclaimed "Video Vigilante".
Like most Oklahomans I'm not sure exactly what to make of Mr. Bates. I cannot deny that his efforts have resulted in many prostitution arrests. Mr. Bates regularly delivered solid criminal cases to the police and he was the star prosecution witness in countless prostitution cases. However, I am always suspicious of the motives of anyone who regularly appears on those day-time, Jerry Springer type shows. His motives may be pure, but his actions ring more of self-aggrandizement than moral conviction - a little bit like someone else I know. Nonetheless, Mr. Bates is a fellow citizen, and thus he is protected by the Constitution. The Constitution protects good citizens as well as bad citizens. There are not different rules for people we do not like, or who say things we do not like.
Mr. Bates contends that the "Minister" turned on him after Mr. Bates captured video of two Oklahoma City police officers beating a black man. Shortly after obtaining the video, Mr. Bates did become the subject of an investigation by law enforcement. The "Minister" devoted extraordinary efforts to this misdemeanor case. Although most misdemeanor cases are randomly assigned to a single ADA in the misdemeanor division, Mr. Bates' case had two ADAs specifically assigned - a team leader and Special Assistant District Attorney with decades of trial experience, most of it in death penalty cases. There were multiple strategy meetings with other ADA 's and police officers. Once misdemeanor charges were filed, there was an extraordinary effort made to arrest him. His warrant was served in a matter of hours while stacks of misdemeanor warrants sit unserved.
After all of this extraordinary effort, the case was dismissed by the court because the state failed to make a written response to the defendant's motion to dismiss the case - a very simple technicality. At first the DA cried foul, until it was pointed out that the DA's office regularly used the same "technicality" against defendants successfully.
The "Minister" was not ready to give up at that point and took the case to the Multi-County Grand Jury(MCGJ). After presenting evidence to the MCGJ, the "Minister" was able to obtain a felony indictment against Mr. Bates along with new charges against his wife.
Although the extraordinary expenditure of public resources on what appears to be a juvenile feud should cause tax paying citizens a great deal of concern, it is what the "Minister of Justice" did next that should cause the most alarm.
In an interview with an Oklahoma Gazette reporter, the "Minister of Justice" freely admits the reason for his continued prosecution was that Mr. Bates would not cease his criticism of the "Minister" in his capacity as an elected leader. (The full article is located at Oklahoma Gazette - Your Entertainment and Food Source (
A citizen's right to criticize public officials is guaranteed in the First Amendment. Any prosecutor who considers a defendant's exercise of his rights when deciding whether to prosecute or how aggressively to prosecute is not only doing a disservice to the people he serves, he is violating the Constitution which he swore to uphold. Again, the "Minister of Justice" demonstrates a disregard for the rights granted to the people he serves by the Constitution when those rights run afoul of how he thinks things should be.
OKLApi 10-25-2006, 08:36 PM My goodness Bailjumper, you sound like a friend of BB himself. Someday very soon the trial of Brian Bates will be held and the reality of this situation will be public information. The reality that there is no conspiracy or "Minister" of anything out to get poor little Brian Bates. The reality that Brian Bates did just what he wanted to do and he stepped right in it. The reality that Brian Bates (who refers to himself int the 3rd party) is a freakin nut case. The reality that Brian Bates will convict himself because he can't shut his mouth long enough to hear the trash that he spits out of his A**.
Oh my, I feel so much better.
Thanks so much.
Spartan 10-25-2006, 08:43 PM I guess you never read newspapers or watch newscasts. Otherwise you would have your answer. No. He never called me "Anderson."
I'll bet he did. I read the paper, unfortunately, but I do not stomach the local news as well...
BailJumper 10-25-2006, 09:34 PM oklapi so anyone who doesn't march to the anti Bates beat must be a friend of Bates'? You may be right about his court case. I don't have enough facts to wager completely one way or the other. You seem pretty convinced. What is your connection?
mranderson 10-25-2006, 09:36 PM I'll bet he did. I read the paper, unfortunately, but I do not stomach the local news as well...
You would lose that bet. I suggest you ask Keith and Patrick if you do not believe me. They were there.
OKLApi 10-25-2006, 09:44 PM Lets just say that I hang around with people who know people who know the real deal and lets just say that after his trial I am sure that the subject will come up and I will tell you all that I know. Deal?? By the way, whats with the Bailjumper?? Did you jump a bond??
Spartan 10-25-2006, 09:49 PM I'm not calling Brian Bates sane...
BailJumper 10-25-2006, 09:51 PM Sort of a friend of a friend of a friend kinda thing? Now, if I jumped a bond would I tell you? It has to do with my work. Sort of an inside joke.
OKLApi 10-25-2006, 10:06 PM Now if you jumped bond what could I possibly do to you online?? One of the guys that I work with just located one of his skips on What an idiot.
OOps off the subject. Brian Bates is scum.
okcguy 10-26-2006, 01:38 PM I don't know any thing about this Bates person, but that interview with the crack addicted prostitute was so sad. I feel bad for that lady.
Spartan 10-26-2006, 10:23 PM Is Brian Bates by any chance related to Michael Bates?
okcnative 10-27-2006, 12:53 AM mranderson --- Personally, if I were basing my vote on Bates (who, incidentally is NOT running,) I would have to vote for Prater just because Bates has tried to align himself with the poor guy. However, I’m not basing my vote on Bates. Again, Bates is NOT running.
At least with Prater, the entire Bates issue would become a non-issue --- unlike that which Lane has continued to focus upon. Bates is a giant albatross around Prater’s neck. And Bates would obviously no longer be empowered if Lane weren’t in office.
The main focus I have on the vote are the candidates themselves. I believe Prater will make for a better D.A. --- away from the Macy/Lane legacy...and for this discussion's sake, away from Bates.
And BailJumper, please! :fighting3 BACK OFF of OKLApi. Does there have to be a connection just because he knows his facts and is in the business? The only person (other than the attorney for the prostitute McCullough or her pimp) who would have a connection would be the investigator whose husband Bates claims was caught with a prostitute. See News & Features: Oklahoma Gazette: Crime & Justice: Jail Bates? ( if you don’t keep up with the news at John TV ( --- which you said you do (in a previous post.) OKLApi is in the business and he is probably much more informed than you are. Unless you are in the business or a private investigator, I doubt you know the in’s and out’s of the situation.
So I ask you, BailJumper, what is your connection to Bates?
My question is simply this: When did the race for D.A. between Wes Lane and David Prater became about a guy who is NOT in the race and not worth giving the time of day to? Can we just get back to the race and who will make the best D.A. without bringing a nutcase like Bates into it?
mranderson 10-27-2006, 04:26 AM "mranderson --- Personally, if I were basing my vote on Bates (who, incidentally is NOT running,) I would have to vote for Prater just because Bates has tried to align himself with the poor guy. However, I’m not basing my vote on Bates. Again, Bates is NOT running.
At least with Prater, the entire Bates issue would become a non-issue --- unlike that which Lane has continued to focus upon. Bates is a giant albatross around Prater’s neck. And Bates would obviously no longer be empowered if Lane weren’t in office."
I am perfectly aware that Bates is not running. In fact, Bates could not run even if he wanted to. He is not an attorney which is a requirement to become DA. The point is that if Prater wins, then Bates wins. He is causing trouble for Lane because Lane is the one who filed the charges against him, and Bates thinks Prater will have them dismissed. So, a vote for Prater is a vote in favor of Brian Bates' agenda.
The Old Downtown Guy 10-29-2006, 01:30 AM . . . I knew he was destined to be busted. He is an -------. He is self centered, egotistical, rude, and every word in between. Personally, I come closer to hating him than anyone on this earth (except the Clinton's). . . . Personally, I hope he gets life in prison and the sisters get to play with him. . . . I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to figure him out... Him and every other rude, self centered ------- on the planet.:hammer:
You do not know him. I do. And vomit at the sight of him.
Perhaps you should seek professional help about all this anger; very unhealthy.
Midtowner 10-29-2006, 01:40 AM ODTG: I concur.
mranderson 10-29-2006, 08:25 AM Perhaps you should seek professional help about all this anger; very unhealthy.
I do not need professional help, thank you. I can, however, think of some on this forum that do need it. My "anger" is well under control.
davido 11-05-2006, 02:38 PM I don't think Bates is the only one he has a vengence for, and I don't think Lane is the only one with a power trip and Alpha syndrome abuse.
THEComedian 11-05-2006, 02:47 PM Perhaps you should seek professional help about all this anger; very unhealthy.
I think most people feel this way about Bates. The guy is a real loser. Paying prostitutes to act before his camera is pretty sicko.
Dave Cook 05-09-2008, 06:11 PM Driving home from downtown, I took the Robinson route and noticed four prostitutes in broad daylight working the streets. Then I suddenly remembered 'The Vigilante'.
After checking youtube, I see this guy is still at it.
Didn't he declare war on this thing back in the mid-90's? I commend his efforts but looks as if we're falling a bit short on our mission.
kevinpate 05-09-2008, 07:05 PM Only 4? What I hear tell, some folks would call that a Tuesday