View Full Version : Weekly chat???
Patrick 10-25-2004, 12:50 AM I think it might be beneficial for this group to meet for a chat once a week, in the chat room, to discuss everything from the OKC renaissance, to other issues of interest on this forum. What day and time would be best for our users? Just looking at the statistics for this forum, it seems like the heaviest activity is on Thursday, but I'd be open to any time. If Thursday is a good time, pick a time. Any ideas?
dirtrider73068 10-25-2004, 01:10 PM I think that would be cool to have a weekly chat. For me the best time is in the evening time after 6 or so.
Keith 10-25-2004, 01:34 PM I like the idea of chat, too. Thursday's are ok for me, however, it would be better for after 7 or 8 PM.
Hey, mranderson...Midtowner, what do you guys think?
Any night before 11:00pm. Weekends anytime. I like this idea.
okcpulse 10-25-2004, 11:13 PM My schedule varies from day to day. I'm always at work between 2:30 and 11PM, with school in the morning. I'll catch you guys when ever I get a chance. Ciao! Haven't had much to post, been keeping my face in the books to pass my computer hardware cert class. I'll be posting more soon!
Continue the Renaissance!!!
Oklahoma City is a real city. Why? Because Oklahoma Cityans love the real thing. No substitutes.
Patrick 10-26-2004, 01:26 AM Well, seems like right now I'm leaning to Thursday evenings around 8 or 9 but I'd like to hear from others on this site. Any other suggestions???
Ms.Relaxationstation 10-26-2004, 01:34 AM I like Sundays after 10:30pm, however; any night after 10 is good for me! :Smiley145
Patrick 10-26-2004, 01:40 AM I'll just let everyone post the times and days that would be best for them and then post my final decision in a few weeks. So everyone, please continue to reply to this thread.
floater 10-26-2004, 12:01 PM Thursdays at about 9:30 PM Central are best for floater :Smiley278
mranderson 10-26-2004, 12:04 PM At this point I am somewhat open. That may change at a later date, however. :Welcome:
Midtowner 10-26-2004, 02:02 PM I'm usually home pretty late on Thursdays -- or at least every other Thursday. I advise a certain committee of my college fraternity that meets bi-weekly on Thursdays and depending on the issues before them is usually there fairly late.
Heck, I'm usually home late almost every day now with the workout schedule I've imposed on myself. Gained 20 pounds since college with my fancy new deskjob. You'd think running all over town, around the courthouses, etc. would burn enough calories. Guess not :D
Keith 10-26-2004, 02:17 PM I hear you, Midtowner. How is it that we can run all over the place and still can't lose weight? I've mowed all spring and summer(got a great tan), but I still have the belly I started out with early spring. :Smiley103 UGGGH!! With my desk job, I gotta get out and exercise.
HoodRat 10-26-2004, 09:33 PM Neat idea. My schedule is too fluid to reccomend a time.