View Full Version : In this thread bandnerd brags on her students

10-22-2006, 01:45 PM
Yesterday was our first-ever state-level sports competition--Cross Country!

We had two students make it as individuals (we didn't have enough members for a team this year) and one that should have made it, but she was tripped and SPIKED at the regionals, and finished just two spots below the state cutoff line.

Both our kids ran in that horrible wind yesterday (the race finished just before it really started getting cold around 3) in Shawnee.

One student, a senior, ran for the first time (he's been ineligible all this time) at the Regional competition in Lindsay, OK last weekend. This was his second race, and he placed 42nd out of about 112 runners. He shaved about 1:40 off his previous run.

The second student, a junior, completed his first year with cross country in 62nd place, about a minute behind the other student. He shaved about 1 minute off his run at the Regional competition.

Both students were very excited to make it to the state level, being the first students to compete at the state level in an athletic event. We have had a couple of students make it to the state level in the fine arts area before. This was a HUGE deal for my little charter school!

The senior said "This sucks," because it was his last race and he regrets not being able to run sooner. Lesson learned--gotta keep those grades up!

The other student is on the honor roll, and normally competes with tennis, so he will definitely be back next year.

Our principal even came out to support them, and I got the sweetest picture of him hugging them in a huddle pre-race for a pep talk.

Plus, the senior is my "birthday buddy," since we share a birthday, which makes it more fun for me! Both students were only my students for a semester, but they have always been close to my heart.

Please support your local schools, public, private, and charter. These kids need support more than anything else--money, fame, anything.

Someone once asked me "why bother?" about my job. This is why I "bother."

10-22-2006, 01:58 PM
Awesome bandnerd! Thanks for sharing this!

10-22-2006, 05:21 PM
Congratulations. I coach little league football so I definately know what it feels like to brag on kids, especially the ones that aren't yours.