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10-16-2006, 07:12 PM
I didn't say you were wrong :)

I just said my buddy Scalia tells me he would broaden Terry while my other buddy Ginsberg would narrow it.

I can't offer legal advice to your buddy there, and the Justices have informed me than neither can they :(

Actually, I learned about the Terry decision, which if I remember correctly is Terry vs. Ohio, in the Citizens Police Academy. I had forgotten about it, but remembered it was a Supreme Court decision that was the basis of the federal law.

That is why I replied with the statement that there must be more to the story.

Either way, a cop must do his or her job. If you are not guilty, then I would think you would be glad they raised suspision.

10-16-2006, 10:54 PM
I could go more into it, but I think we get the gist.

Of course, as a practical matter, if the cop writes the guy up for public intox after a pat down which turns up an open container, while that search might not have been legal, the defendant is more than likely just going to pay the fine and forget about it rather than hiring a lawyer to fight the charge.

Of course, if the cop arrests the guy for public intox off of an illegal search, we might have an interesting case on our hands :)

Most cops are not this stupid. Bricktown, however, used to have this nasty policy of hiring out-of-town officers to come in and work the area. These guys were terrible. I used to play in a band which had a regular gig down in Bricktown -- I saw these guys drinking in the bar while on duty, hitting on women, and doing all sorts of unprofessional crap (even heard one brag that he "shoots first and asks questions later).

10-16-2006, 11:06 PM
I could go more into it, but I think we get the gist.

Of course, as a practical matter, if the cop writes the guy up for public intox after a pat down which turns up an open container, while that search might not have been legal, the defendant is more than likely just going to pay the fine and forget about it rather than hiring a lawyer to fight the charge.

Of course, if the cop arrests the guy for public intox off of an illegal search, we might have an interesting case on our hands :)

Most cops are not this stupid. Bricktown, however, used to have this nasty policy of hiring out-of-town officers to come in and work the area. These guys were terrible. I used to play in a band which had a regular gig down in Bricktown -- I saw these guys drinking in the bar while on duty, hitting on women, and doing all sorts of unprofessional crap (even heard one brag that he "shoots first and asks questions later).

Hey, Mid.....Tell Anty boy I said hello. You guys buds too? I have a hard time keeping in touch between him and all the NFL commissioners I correspond with.


10-16-2006, 11:19 PM
Hey, Mid.....Tell Anty boy I said hello. You guys buds too? I have a hard time keeping in touch between him and all the NFL commissioners I correspond with.


Write, I'm very glad that someone caught the humor of that post.

I even accurately reproduced where the justices would likely come down on the issue (although Scalia might just stick with his fanatical reverence to precedent in all things not called 'abortion')... It was a thing of beauty.

10-17-2006, 08:57 AM
Write, I'm very glad that someone caught the humor of that post.

I even accurately reproduced where the justices would likely come down on the issue (although Scalia might just stick with his fanatical reverence to precedent in all things not called 'abortion')... It was a thing of beauty.

Your OCU Law School education serves you well. Somewhere Chuckles Cantrell is smiling.

10-17-2006, 09:11 AM
I hear he's a good prof. Haven't had him yet.

10-17-2006, 09:14 AM
Great prof (at least he was 15 years ago when I had him) - sense of humour drier than a Bombay Sapphire martini sans the vermouth.

But I digress . . .