View Full Version : Free the DOG

10-04-2006, 02:47 PM
I watched a show on this and it was sort of funny..pretty strange characters.. but looks like they have good hearts.

What was outrageous to me is that the scum was hiding in Mexico and when the bounty hunter brought him home, he was arrested!

Now, he is facing jail time in a Mexican prison.. how horrible is that? I can't believe our government wouldn't support the fact that he brought to justice this rapist.

Why is Mexico harboring our criminals?

I checked it out and I signed the petition.. Free the Dog. I just don't think he should end up in Mexico prison over this.

FreeTheDog (

10-04-2006, 03:49 PM
HE has been out for awhile as a matter of fact he was able to take his ankle monitor. I do think our government is kinda messed up on letting the mexican government tell us that we have to arrest someone that was doing what others would not do. I mean this guy was convicted on 86 cases of RAPE and he made videos also. Send the mexican government a message and tell them we control what we do here. Then tighten our borders and make it a felony to come over here illegally and I bet the Mexican Government steps down.

10-04-2006, 04:09 PM
i respectfully disagree. duane chapman is a bounty hunter not a law enforcement officer. under mexican law, bounty hunting is not legal. when a mexican citizen travels within our borders he is expected to obey the laws of our country. likewise, when an american citizen travels within the borders of mexico, he should be expected to obey the laws of that country. duane chapman broke the laws of mexico and deserves the appropriate punishment under mexican law. as a licensed bounty hunter, he should have been aware of the legality of his actions.

the fact that chapman nabbed a rapist on the lam is immaterial to the argument... there are legal ways to seize and extradite criminals. whether or not those legal means are fast and efficient isn't up to duane chapman to decide. besides, his major concern is getting paid his bounty.

do i think chapman deserves prison time? no. a slap on the wrist and a nominal fine, probably... and i'll bet that's just what he gets. -M

10-04-2006, 04:49 PM
He is not a licensed Bounty Hunter. He is a convicted felon, pardoned. I met him and was not impressed at all. When he went to Mexico to recover the max factor heir, he did it all wrong and got arrested. Problem was he posted a cash bond and then failed to appear in court. He should have handled his business with the court.

I disagree with sending any Americans to Mexico for trial. Mexico does not return their citizens back to the US for trial for crimes that they commit here. Why should we cooperate with Mexico???

10-05-2006, 06:09 AM
He is a licensed bounty hunter. What is not being said there was a mexican official with them when he arrested the rapist. Now I think all the other stuff is not important. If you get hurt by an illegal alien, and they flee to Mexico. Mexico will not send them back here to face charges. If I was to look at both sides of the issue I would agree with most people he should not have been in Mexico. However, what gives mexican officials the right to tell our government to have someone arrested when the person Dog nabbed was a convicted rapist and fled to Mexico and mexico protected him. But my biggest arguement is this. What is OUR American government thinking allowing Mexico to tell us what to do with our citizens that have not broken any laws in the States. Who cares what he did in Mexico, they break laws here all the time and flee back to safety. If we have no rights to go over there get one of our own American citizens that broke American laws, then all illegal aliens need to be in prison or deported? Since they are breaking the laws in our country, why are we protecting them?

10-05-2006, 07:21 AM
he is not a licensed bounty hunteri've seen no sources that indicate chapman is not licensed... every source i've come across lists him as either a bail bondsman or a bounty hunter. care to share your sources? i do believe, though, that his license may be in jeopardy due to his actions.

what gives mexican officials the right to tell our government to have someone arrested... mexico is a sovreign nation that has the right to enforce its laws. why would we comply with their request? unlike them, the united states honors its treaties. chapman's biggest mistake was in taking bad legal advice by posting bond and not showing up for trial. it doesn't matter whether or not the man seized was a convicted rapist... would it be ok if chapman led a criminal on a high speed car chase through oklahoma city? chapman is bound by the laws of whatever jurisdiction he's working in... and should be.

i agree that the united states-mexico extradition treaty should be renegotiated. mexican nationals are seldom extradited, cases where the penalty is death are not extradited and, more recently, cases where a life sentence is imposed are not extradited. -M

10-05-2006, 05:23 PM
Duane Lee Chapman was convicted of homicide in Texas. His conviction was pardoned and he was paroled to Colorado.

Colorado, like Oklahoma, has no license for bounty hunters. Hawaii just recently passed a law that requires a bounty hunter license or PI. Convicted felons are not allowed. Sorry this is a subject that I keep up with.

10-05-2006, 08:10 PM
i see where you're coming from now... chapman isn't licensed because he operates as a bounty hunter where he doesn't need to be licensed. ...and probably couldn't get licensed in those states given his priors. makes sense. no need to be sorry for keeping up with a subject.

i have to say that it concerns me that in some states (including oklahoma, which i'm now finding out) any old joe can work on behalf of a bail bondsman to apprehend one who has jumped bail. -M

10-05-2006, 11:43 PM
I belong to a group of PI's and Bondsmen that are working to change that. There are Bonding companies that will hire felons. I had one tell me that it takes a felon to catch a felon. I asked him what does that make the police???

My personal feelings aside about Dog Chapman, I do not agree with sending anyone to Mexico. Mexico will not assist Bondsmen or LEO with Mexican Citizens that jump bond and go back to Mexico. Why should we do it for them??

10-06-2006, 12:52 AM
All I can say is that you gotta respect a man that will go and get the people that most people are scared of capturing. If we had more "reformed" felons in the world and more people that respected the justice system maybe we would never see a need in having " DOG" and the others.6000 captures can some one say he is at least getting some criminals off the street. I dont think the treaty with mexico is enforce simply because they do not send back Mexicans criminals to face justice here? Now if and we know Dog was in the wrong for running bail then yes if he ever goes back to mexico he should face mexico law. BUT WE ARE NOT IN MEXICO. Well the last time I looked he was not in Mexico. Correct me if I am wrong but no person Mexican citizen or any other citizen has a right to flee from America after being convicted of 86 rapes and people go after the person that captured HIM. Give me a break. This guy needed to face justice no matter what Dog got out of the bounty.

10-09-2006, 07:40 PM
My person Opinion is let the victims have the attacker. Cost to the taxpayers - Zero. Justice to the victims - Priceless.

10-10-2006, 02:24 AM
well I agree with you, now that dog brung him back from Mexico.And good for Dog for getting the bounty. Even the rapist own grandma helped keep him from being captured she should do as much time as he gets.