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12-15-2009, 12:05 PM
I'm repeating from my postings from a few months back, but with Christmas almost here, I felt like repeating it:

Chraistmas Parade on Main Street in Downtown OKC, stores would stay open, you could shop for gifts, by hot chocolate at at the drug store soda fountain, then after Christmas everyone would take their trees to a location by the river, just S. of Downtown for a large bonfire.

12-15-2009, 02:43 PM
I'm repeating from my postings from a few months back, but with Christmas almost here, I felt like repeating it:

Chraistmas Parade on Main Street in Downtown OKC, stores would stay open, you could shop for gifts, by hot chocolate at at the drug store soda fountain, then after Christmas everyone would take their trees to a location by the river, just S. of Downtown for a large bonfire.
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I had forgotten about the Bon fire...Wasn't it Patience Latting's Bon fire Deluxe???

12-16-2009, 05:08 PM
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I had forgotten about the Bon fire...Wasn't it Patience Latting's Bon fire Deluxe???

Later the Wildlife Department would pick them up from that same area and use for fish habitat. :beaten_fi

01-10-2010, 11:26 AM
Some more neurons fired after reading some of the posts.

I have fond memories of Larsen Music, Driver Music in Bethany, and Rock World.

Of course now, Guitar Center is better than all three combined, but I can remember how it felt to go in there as a kid, watching some long-hair play guitar, with a cigarette placed on an ashtray on the amp. Seems like you could just go in and light up decades ago.

Maya was a popular band back in the late 70's. I'm not sure I know how to spell her name, but their singer, Cheryl Bonzak came into Der Dutchman one night, sat in and sang "Desperado", and I've never been the same since. She knocked the walls out with it.

Oh my...They were the best band. We partied all around town!!

01-10-2010, 01:49 PM
I have seen a few Maya videos pop up on YouTube every once in awhile.

01-10-2010, 06:34 PM
I have seen a few Maya videos pop up on YouTube every once in awhile.
I was going to play with them @1971 but was one of those musicians who
didn't want to play Top 40 covers and standards. "I'll starve before I play
that!" And I did... That band was excellent and the musicianship was far
beyond that of mortal bands.

02-15-2010, 08:46 PM
It was Joe Dodson who played the organ (and the piano on the side) at Dodson's Cafeteria.

HoHo's first dog was Jeanie, a Boston Bulldog. She eventually ended up buried near the woodpile of the family's acreage. He later had a dog named Melody. Melody ran in front of a car unfortunately. Queenie was never the name of his dogs; it was the nickname of a family member.

Golden Pheasant ... yum yum. Ditto Ned's Pizzas, and some submarine sandwich place on northside that served a New Orleans Muffaletta. What was the name of that place?

02-16-2010, 04:46 PM
HoHo's first dog was Jeanie, a Boston Bulldog. She eventually ended up buried
near the woodpile of the family's acreage. He later had a dog named Melody.
Melody ran in front of a car unfortunately. Queenie was never the name of his
dogs; it was the nickname of a family member.

... and some submarine sandwich place on northside that served a New
Orleans Muffaletta. What was the name of that place?
I know who Queenie is! The place with the Mufaletta was probably Nick's
on N. Western and just North of N.W. 23rd on the east side of the street.

I still have some of the bricks from Ho Ho's house.

02-26-2010, 12:57 PM
I know who Queenie is! The place with the Mufaletta was probably Nick's
on N. Western and just North of N.W. 23rd on the east side of the street.

I still have some of the bricks from Ho Ho's house.
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thanks for the brick my friend....We really missed you at the last meeting...I think......The brick I'm missing in my collection is a "Black Brick"....Near Beer and all.....Man I'm on some good Flu medicine....How is the street rod coming????Oh yeah it's not a street rod ....Yet....I know where it is......looks good though....

03-11-2010, 08:21 PM
Papa Jack --

D'ja ever have a "Shore Patrol Salad" at Hardy's Steakhouse?

Anybody remember the Carnation Restaurant that used to be at N. Classen and 23rd?

I was just a kid in 1960, growing up down in Ardmore, when my baby brother took ill with Spinal Meningitis. Nobody but my dad -- who had had Meningitis when he was in the Navy during WWII -- recognized the illness for what it was. When he suggested this to one of the very good MDs in Ardmore, a spinal tap was performed, and, with the results, mom and dad raced north in their '60 Bel Air to Childrens's Hospital in Oklahoma City along old US 77.

Somewhere along the way, an OHP trooper pulled them over. When dad explained the situation, the trooper took the situation firmly in hand -- leading them to OKC while radioing ahead. At the city limits, OCPD motorcycle officers took over. Dad said he had trouble keeping up. In any case, the little guy was placed in the hands of the folks at the hospital, and thanks in part to the way things had happened to move the diagnosis along, was saved by Dr. Sapper and the staff there. (He's a 6-foot-3 cost accountant at Integris Health today...)

In any case, it seemed to me -- at age 5 -- that the family was strung out between my grandparents' house in Ardmore, where my middle brother and I stayed while mom and dad were in OKC, and "points north," nearly forever.

After the situation was under control, we got to go up and visit -- and I distinctly remember the cheeseburger, french fries and chocolate malt at the Carnation Restaurant. It seemed absolutely amazing to me at the time.

Was the "shore patrol salad" served at Hardy's? My dad called me tonight to tell me that he just fixed himself a "shore patrol salad". He reminded me that he ate that salad in the early 60s. He said the story goes that a young shore patrolman came in and asked if he could fix a salad like his mom's. They let in back in the kitchen where he proceeded to mix together chopped iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, sardines, and bacon. Then hot bacon grease is drizzled over the top.
My dad has fixed this over the years and always enjoyed telling us the story behind the salad.

03-11-2010, 11:21 PM
Was the "shore patrol salad" served at Hardy's? My dad called me tonight to tell me that he just fixed himself a "shore patrol salad". He reminded me that he ate that salad in the early 60s. He said the story goes that a young shore patrolman came in and asked if he could fix a salad like his mom's. They let in back in the kitchen where he proceeded to mix together chopped iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar cheese, sardines, and bacon. Then hot bacon grease is drizzled over the top.
My dad has fixed this over the years and always enjoyed telling us the story behind the salad.

We had the salad at home. Wonder if anyone makes "S.O.S." anymore?

Come to think of it I am going to fix the salad..........

03-19-2010, 10:09 AM
O.K., here is a "Childhood" Memory of OKC:..........Middle to late 50's we lived off Independence on S.W. 47th st. There were dirt roads in our neighborhood and every now and then the City or county would Grade the ruts out of them. There was a big neighborhood meeting (block by block) to decide if we should have Cement streets. If they were voted in (by neighborhood) it would cost each homeowner $50.00 for the concrete in front of their house....It was voted in and the neighborhood rejoiced....Then came the concrete and the kids who were attempting to do their homework in the concrete...this foreman promised about 6 of us kids fifty cents if we would make sure that no one wrote their name in the wet concrete....We stayed up all night with flashlights and watched diligently then when the sun came up we had to go to bed......Dang Foreman skipped out on us and didn't pay anyone......Could we file a lien against the city in today's sue crazy world????? do the homeowners HAVE to sell their part of the concrete?????Hmmmmm

03-19-2010, 11:25 AM
O.K., here is a "Childhood" Memory of OKC:..........Middle to late 50's we lived off Independence on S.W. 47th st. There were dirt roads in our neighborhood and every now and then the City or county would Grade the ruts out of them. There was a big neighborhood meeting (block by block) to decide if we should have Cement streets. If they were voted in (by neighborhood) it would cost each homeowner $50.00 for the concrete in front of their house....It was voted in and the neighborhood rejoiced....Then came the concrete and the kids who were attempting to do their homework in the concrete...this foreman promised about 6 of us kids fifty cents if we would make sure that no one wrote their name in the wet concrete....We stayed up all night with flashlights and watched diligently then when the sun came up we had to go to bed......Dang Foreman skipped out on us and didn't pay anyone......Could we file a lien against the city in today's sue crazy world????? do the homeowners HAVE to sell their part of the concrete?????Hmmmmm

Sounds like the foreman was a management trainee from TG&Y!!!!:LolLolLol

03-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Sounds like the foreman was a management trainee from TG&Y!!!!:LolLolLol

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He taught me, I won't wait for over a couple of hours....then I put my own special mark in it.....

03-24-2010, 08:39 PM
hey!! new to the site, was just checking out some old wedgewood village pics I found online, anyone remember?

03-24-2010, 11:01 PM
hey!! new to the site, was just checking out some old wedgewood village pics
I found online, anyone remember?
Oh yes! Wedgewood was a staple entertainment venue for many of us. This
may spark another episode of dislodging memories crammed in our senile
minds. We get back to everything eventually! We love repeating ourselves.
We really do.

Welcome to the memories portion of OKC Talk. Be sure to check out the
Southside Memories, US Grant & Capitol Hill, cars & trucks, etc...

03-25-2010, 01:04 AM
I don't think we went to Wedgewood more than 3 or 4 times. It just did not compare to Springlake as far as rides go.

03-25-2010, 04:33 AM
I don't think we went to Wedgewood more than 3 or 4 times. It just did not compare to Springlake as far as rides go.

True, but that swimming pool and the girls................

03-25-2010, 09:26 AM
True, but that swimming pool and the girls................

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In the Early 80's, I managed the TG&Y there on 63rd/N.W. Highway....Across from the Wedgewood Apartments. The Old Swimming Pool is still intact and used at the apartments. The first day I was there in that store I was discussing the work schedule with the Co-managers and they both chimed in saying they wanted (Notice WANTED) to work on Sundays. O.K. with me...As time went along the two (both young) got to arguing about who GOT to work on Sundays. The next Sunday afternoon, I went to the Store to find out what was going on. There were so many women in wet T-Shirts in the store I couldn't believe it. They were all buying Suntan Lotion, Air Rafts, and stuff for the Swimming pool.......My problem was I took my wife there with me.....Hmmmm....

03-25-2010, 10:00 AM
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________
In the Early 80's, I managed the TG&Y there on 63rd/N.W. Highway....Across from the Wedgewood Apartments. The Old Swimming Pool is still intact and used at the apartments. The first day I was there in that store I was discussing the work schedule with the Co-managers and they both chimed in saying they wanted (Notice WANTED) to work on Sundays. O.K. with me...As time went along the two (both young) got to arguing about who GOT to work on Sundays. The next Sunday afternoon, I went to the Store to find out what was going on. There were so many women in wet T-Shirts in the store I couldn't believe it. They were all buying Suntan Lotion, Air Rafts, and stuff for the Swimming pool.......My problem was I took my wife there with me.....Hmmmm.... I had forgotten all about that store until you mentioned it.

03-25-2010, 12:18 PM
I don't think we went to Wedgewood more than 3 or 4 times. It just did not compare to Springlake as far as rides go.

Wasn't thinking about it before, but the Wild Mouse could sure bruise the old rib cage on some of those 90 degree turns. Springlake was really where it was happening, though.

03-25-2010, 12:32 PM
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________
In the Early 80's, I managed the TG&Y there on 63rd/N.W. Highway....Across from the Wedgewood Apartments. The Old Swimming Pool is still intact and used at the apartments. The first day I was there in that store I was discussing the work schedule with the Co-managers and they both chimed in saying they wanted (Notice WANTED) to work on Sundays. O.K. with me...As time went along the two (both young) got to arguing about who GOT to work on Sundays. The next Sunday afternoon, I went to the Store to find out what was going on. There were so many women in wet T-Shirts in the store I couldn't believe it. They were all buying Suntan Lotion, Air Rafts, and stuff for the Swimming pool.......My problem was I took my wife there with me.....Hmmmm....

There is always an ulterior motive when the pups want to work on Sunday, isn't there. That was a really good store, too, as I recall. I'm thinking My Pie was still in operation then. Butterfield's too. Both maybe a little bit on the downhill slide.Back to TG&Y, wife wants to know if you were ever at the Almonte store and if so, when and in what capacity?

03-25-2010, 01:04 PM
There is always an ulterior motive when the pups want to work on Sunday, isn't there. That was a really good store, too, as I recall. I'm thinking My Pie was still in operation then. Butterfield's too. Both maybe a little bit on the downhill slide.Back to TG&Y, wife wants to know if you were ever at the Almonte store and if so, when and in what capacity? I been trying to remember the name of that club for the longest time. I used to go there in the 70's. Thanks..

03-25-2010, 02:36 PM
There is always an ulterior motive when the pups want to work on Sunday, isn't there. That was a really good store, too, as I recall. I'm thinking My Pie was still in operation then. Butterfield's too. Both maybe a little bit on the downhill slide.Back to TG&Y, wife wants to know if you were ever at the Almonte store and if so, when and in what capacity?
Tell her I was there when it was first being laid out (I worked at 74/Penn) and then I managed the Store on 59th/Penn. I also bought the last part of the store when it closed and I still have one of the complete Checkstands in my warehouse.....

03-25-2010, 03:34 PM
There is always an ulterior motive when the pups want to work on Sunday, isn't there. That was a really good store, too, as I recall. I'm thinking My Pie was still in operation then. Butterfield's too. Both maybe a little bit on the downhill slide.Back to TG&Y, wife wants to know if you were ever at the Almonte store and if so, when and in what capacity?

I been trying to remember the name of that club for the longest time. I used to go there in the 70's. Thanks..
Joker's Comedy Club started out in the Lakeshore Mall as well before it moved to the old Shotgun Sam's at Britton & May.

03-25-2010, 04:23 PM
Joker's Comedy Club started out in the Lakeshore Mall as well before it moved to the old Shotgun Sam's at Britton & May.

And then moved to 59th and North May where the infamous Rhea's (Ray's) nightclub is now located.

03-25-2010, 04:28 PM
Yes, they did that when I lived in Dallas. I went there a couple of times after I moved back to OKC but it just wasn't the same. I never did go to the Bricktown Joker's. I went to Faces quite a bit when it was in that location, knew quite a few people who worked there.

03-25-2010, 11:51 PM
I been trying to remember the name of that club for the longest time. I used to go there in the 70's. Thanks..

See there, my CRS was in remission today. I couldn't remember the big beer bar on SW 74 until I saw After The Goldrush on one of these threads.:kicking:

03-26-2010, 12:31 AM
See there, my CRS was in remission today. I couldn't remember the big beer bar on SW 74 until I saw After The Goldrush on one of these threads.:kicking: I spent waaay to much time in After The Gold Rush in those days. And I must say all the "happening" places at the time.

03-26-2010, 05:04 AM
I spent waaay to much time in After The Gold Rush in those days. And I must say all the "happening" places at the time.

Know the feeling, man. Saw quite a bit of another southside establishment, as well, Aztec Gold on S Western, Stone Pony up at NW 10 & MacArthur, Blue Onion in Norman, etc, etc, etc:ohno:

03-26-2010, 08:20 AM
I remember the Stone(d) Pony next to Quicksilvers.

03-26-2010, 09:21 AM
Know the feeling, man. Saw quite a bit of another southside establishment, as well, Aztec Gold on S Western, Stone Pony up at NW 10 & MacArthur, Blue Onion in Norman, etc, etc, etc:ohno: Ditto..

03-26-2010, 11:56 AM
Ah, you guys, I remember The Red Dog when it was just a bar and Grille....I think.....I'll ask Prunepicker....The first Beer joint, Dive, A$#-Kicking place was in Ardmore at the Paradise club.....Even the old men in Wheel chairs wanted to fight.....Been there Gen70????

03-26-2010, 12:12 PM
Ah, you guys, I remember The Red Dog when it was just a bar and Grille... I
think... I'll ask Prunepicker... The first Beer joint, Dive, A$#-Kicking place
was in Ardmore at the Paradise club... Even the old men in Wheel chairs
wanted to fight... Been there Gen70?
The Red Dog was first a bar. It became a cafe a few years back, maybe 20. I
wouldn't eat there for anything.

Back in the 70's it had local rock bands. There was a law in OKC that said
you couldn't have a dance floor unless there were rooms for rent, or
something like that. At any rate, the Red Dog and other bars had a room(s)
in the back, like a storage room, that had a mattress on the floor, a chair and
an end table. The bands would hang out there during breaks.

03-26-2010, 12:15 PM
The Red Dog was first a bar. It became a cafe a few years back, maybe 20. I
wouldn't eat there for anything.

Back in the 70's it had local rock bands. There was a law in OKC that said
you couldn't have a dance floor unless there were rooms for rent, or
something like that. At any rate, the Red Dog and other bars had a room(s)
in the back, like a storage room, that had a mattress on the floor, a chair and
an end table. The bands would hang out there during breaks.
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Now, the dancers hang out there....their hamburgers were pretty good back in the day....a long, long, time ago....

03-26-2010, 12:52 PM
Know the feeling, man. Saw quite a bit of another southside establishment, as well, Aztec Gold on S Western, Stone Pony up at NW 10 & MacArthur, Blue Onion in Norman, etc, etc, etc:ohno:

I loved the Aztec Gold. Nice relaxing place. How about the Montana Mining Co. on Shields? Charlie Brown's on 29th and Western....

03-26-2010, 04:54 PM
Ah, you guys, I remember The Red Dog when it was just a bar and Grille....I think.....I'll ask Prunepicker....The first Beer joint, Dive, A$#-Kicking place was in Ardmore at the Paradise club.....Even the old men in Wheel chairs wanted to fight.....Been there Gen70???? No..but, I know where it was.

03-26-2010, 04:58 PM
No..but, I know where it was.

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couple of the worst fights I ever saw was in there....They (the owner) would just lock the doors until someone either won or gave up....Saw many a bet placed there.....Wasn't me in the fight....

03-27-2010, 01:02 AM
couple of the worst fights I ever saw was in there... They (the owner) would
just lock the doors until someone either won or gave up... Saw many a bet
placed there... Wasn't me in the fight...
The Red Dog was never known for being a civil establishment. It's still a

03-27-2010, 12:05 PM
The Red Dog was never known for being a civil establishment. It's still a

Saw one of the dancers a loooong time ago who was waaay high, to pass out and do a swan dive off the dance stage into some pl' boys pitcher of beer on the bar below. Another time saw one of the dancers hustling tables for tips with with a beer pitcher between her chest appendages. Yep, its always been a mess. Hey, the Rose Glo on 29th still has its old sign up. Hotel and dancing. Yeah right, hotel
BTW remember the petition drive to save the Red Dog?

03-27-2010, 05:02 PM
Saw one of the dancers a loooong time ago who was waaay high, to pass out and do a swan dive off the dance stage into some pl' boys pitcher of beer on the bar below. Another time saw one of the dancers hustling tables for tips with with a beer pitcher between her chest appendages. Yep, its always been a mess. Hey, the Rose Glo on 29th still has its old sign up. Hotel and dancing. Yeah right, hotel
BTW remember the petition drive to save the Red Dog?

The Rose Glo still has rooms for rent upstairs over the club. Have wondered how that place has stayed open mainly because of its location. I think it is the only bar/club on 29th that has not turned into a Latino joint......

Tall Girl
03-27-2010, 05:08 PM
You guys have had quite a "childhood"!!!

03-27-2010, 05:18 PM
You guys have had quite a "childhood"!!!Yep, I agree. Sounds like a rough crowd. I'm glad I don't know anything about those places...

03-27-2010, 05:23 PM
Yep, I agree. Sounds like a rough crowd. I'm glad I don't know anything about those places...

================================================== =========""Excuse Me?".....Weren't you the designated Driver????

03-27-2010, 06:01 PM
================================================== =========""Excuse Me?".....Weren't you the designated Driver????You can't prove that................

03-27-2010, 06:06 PM
You can't prove that................

And you can't prove you weren't

03-27-2010, 06:10 PM
oh about the designated decoy?

03-27-2010, 06:45 PM
And you can't prove you weren'tAs far as anyone knows...the "Exotic Dancer" sitting in my, uh...Generals64's lap, was driving. At least that is what I will testify she was doing at the time of this alleged event...that never happened.

03-27-2010, 06:58 PM
================================================== =========""Excuse Me?".....Weren't you the designated Driver????

designated driver.....he who could still walk relatively unaided

03-27-2010, 10:42 PM
As far as anyone knows...the "Exotic Dancer" sitting in my, uh...Generals64's lap, was driving. At least that is what I will testify she was doing at the time of this alleged event...that never happened.

Yep - that was me...I'll testify...

04-01-2010, 06:10 PM 1957 I had a friend (actually did Prunepicker) who was two years older than me at the time....We traveled the southside of OKC on our bicycles and attempted to conquer the Dragons....Then one night he came to my house and told me they (his family) were moving to another part of town....That was it.....About two weeks ago I saw his name on another forum and I questioned if it was the same guy and lo and behold it was.....The only thing bad this whole thing is he ended up Graduating from "cough-cough" Capitol Hill...52 years ago was the last time I saw or heard of him........thanks Southsiders....We still have memories....

04-01-2010, 06:14 PM
omg thanks for putting across the street i worked there as a teen, nice to see the old sign again

the attached signs were really cool...

04-01-2010, 06:14 PM
omg thanks for putting across the street i worked there as a teen, nice to see the old sign again


04-01-2010, 06:26 PM
You can't prove that...
You're right. But he was passed out in the back of your car, and your car
doesn't even have a backseat.

04-02-2010, 08:22 AM
Yep - that was me...I'll testify...

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Hey Lauri101:..........this is a pretty rough crowd.....once they get their "Walkers" greased up......Prunepicker heard they were doing some dirt work on S. Walker and he panicked....He thought they were trying to work on his Walker....

04-02-2010, 02:17 PM
Hey Lauri101... this is a pretty rough crowd... once they get their "Walkers"
greased up... Prunepicker heard they were doing some dirt work on S. Walker
and he panicked... He thought they were trying to work on his Walker...

Wouldn't anybody? It came to quite a shock since mine had been tuned up a
month ago.

04-02-2010, 04:09 PM
Wouldn't anybody? It came to quite a shock since mine had been tuned up a
month ago.

I just put a hemi on mine - you ought to see how fast it drags me down Robinson now!

04-02-2010, 04:28 PM
I just put a hemi on mine - you ought to see how fast it drags me down Robinson now!
^^^ That's style! :yourock:

04-02-2010, 08:51 PM
^^^ That's style! :yourock:

You guys (and gals) are sick:....Prunepicker is out right now have his painted Candy Apple Red.....Just so he can out do Frisky' s bright (victory) Yellow one....I don't know what color tennis balls he's attached but the Squeeze horn is hilarious.....It plays the OSU Fight Song Backwards.......Oh well....He'll enjoy it with the Bass strapped on the side.....

04-06-2010, 09:58 PM
Hey:...Childhood memories....this has been mentioned before (long ago) but do you remember Kaiser's on 10th and Walker?.....That was some of the best Ice's now called "The Grateful Bean"....and it's an ice cream parlor and sandwich shoppe......we ought to meet there some other Saturday for the Old Timers.........If you youngsters don't remember it was fun....
For the Guys do you remember going to Sam's Surplus on Agnew and buying the old (WWII) military goods?????Tell the newbies your stories if you do....