View Full Version : Are You Safe At Work?

10-02-2006, 08:36 PM
I know that the recent shootings at schools has caught the attention of everybody. We know that most, if not all, of the Oklahoma City Public Schools have metal detectors, which are suppose to give students and parents piece of mind.

My question is, how safe are you at work? Do you remember many years ago when they had the shooting at the Edmond Post Office? A disgruntled former employee, who had just been fired, went in and started shooting. Many innocent people were killed that day, because of his retaliation.

Where I work, it's like a revolving door of employees. If you haven't obtained your proper licenses before your 6 month probation is over with, then you get the boot. I have seen many employees leave very angry, and make threats towards management.

In my office, there is really only one way in and one way out. There is no back door, and our windows do not open. To make it even worse, if we did break a window to escape, the space would be too small for anyone to crawl through.

I am right by our entrance door, so I am constantly listening to all the noises around me. I am not paranoid, but when someone comes in to our building, I can hear them talking. The acoustics of our building are amazing. If there is a yelling match, or any type of commotion, I quietly shut our door (which we are suppose to leave open), and warn my co-workers of possible trouble.

If I ever hear something like firecrackers or something popping, I am to automatically shut and lock our door, and have everybody get under their desks. Not that doing that will save us, but that's our only option.

Does your place of employment have an escape plan if somebody was to come in and open fire? Would you be the first target? Would you have a place to hide?

If not, you may want to think about it.

10-02-2006, 08:39 PM
Huh? Am I "safe at work"?

You wouldn't be sensationalizing a lil bit just to spur a topic, would you?

If not, then I'll go ahead and answer the question. Yes I am "safe".

10-02-2006, 08:45 PM
I'm at the hospital pretty much every day, and I've actually thought about this before. We do have OUHSC campus police, and at the VA Medical Center we have VA Police, but sometimes I wonder how easy it would be for someone to walk through the front doors of one of the hospitals and start shooting. I was working in Psych a fw months back, and we had an acutely psychotic fellow on the floor.....we had to call police and it seemed to take forever for campus police to get there. Then after they finally arrived, it was one one guy. I wondered...what if we had a real emergency?

Opposite is true at the VA Med Center. When I was worknig in psych there, we had to call in the VA police to restrain a guy, and they were there in a team of 6 guys in a matter of seconds.

They've discussed tightening security at the hospitals, but it's tough to do when there are so many entrances/exits.

By the way, my father works for the postal service (40+ years)......if anyone should be afraid he should.....after all that's where the phrase "going postal" came from!

10-03-2006, 12:23 AM
pat and spartan ya'll finally agree on something that does'nt make our city a you guys are on a roll

10-03-2006, 07:14 PM
Whatever that means thanks.

I was working in Psych a fw months back, and we had an acutely psychotic fellow on the floor..

You'd better go ahead and get used to that, lol..

10-03-2006, 07:46 PM
Hey Keith...your right about the noise in the building. The only fear I have is that some of the guys at my end will go ballistic against each other over OU vs OSU football discussions.

10-03-2006, 11:31 PM
I don't dwell on things which are out of my control anyhow. If something comes up, I'll handle it. Otherwise, there's not much to be said. Right now, I'm studying at my office building in a so-so part of town, next to a window that backs up to a dark parking lot, and I'm all alone.

If someone were to break into this building, it wouldn't be first time the building had been broken into.

Do I worry about it? Not really. If it happens, it happens.

10-04-2006, 07:36 AM
But some of that is in your control... you don't have to worry but if you plan for it, you might have a better survival rate ... get some Pepper Spray to keep in your desk, or a portable safety alarm, take a martial arts class, buy a deadbolt.. preparation can go a long ways and it's better to be ready if the time comes instead of wishing that you had taken some steps in order to defend yourself better.

10-04-2006, 07:40 AM
The only thing that would be in the least bit beneficial would be a gun.

10-04-2006, 10:03 AM
That is not true. Any of the above could disable an attacker. Maybe not rendering him as helpless as death would, but still nonetheless, a nice shot of pepper spray in the eyes would give you time to get away. And, just think, you wouldn't have to live with the thoughts ( possibly guilt) that you killed a person - maybe a kid .. and I know everyone will say ' I wouldn't think twice about killing someone breaking in"

Well, ask the cops who shoot criminals if they ever think about taking someone's life.. in any circumstance.

10-04-2006, 10:09 AM
Taser. Taser has a civilian model, the X26C. Very effective and very safe. Many people that have guns would never use them anyway. A taser can disable an attacker and allow a person to escape.

10-04-2006, 04:09 PM
I've actually been thinking about getting a Taser...are they relatively easy to purchase?

I really don't want to get a gun...I got freaked out just taking a shooting lesson a few months ago. But I think a Taser would be a good alternative for me.

10-04-2006, 04:23 PM
The key is to immediately befriend the strange ones who everyone makes fun of...They would then give you a free pass when they are going down the line after they snap :tiphat:

Oh and stay the hell out of management!

10-04-2006, 04:42 PM
Outdoor america carries the X26C. It is realy easy to use. A friend (LEO) says they will be changing the SDA to include Taser. So if you will be carrying one you should get yourself a permit to carry concealed. That will be the way that felons are excluded from the Taser. I love mine, I even have a camera on it.

10-04-2006, 05:50 PM
I think Midtowner should volunteer as a target - LOL - Just teasing ya!

OKLApi are you are Private Investigator? From your posts it appears that you are knowledgeable about law enforcement issues.

10-04-2006, 09:49 PM
Private Investigator, Bailbonds, Process Service and CLEET Instructor. My day to day job is locating missing clients for Bonding Companies.

10-04-2006, 10:36 PM
Private Investigator, Bailbonds, Process Service and CLEET Instructor. My day to day job is locating missing clients for Bonding Companies.

Interesting. In other words, you're a bounty hunter? Seriously, I DO understand that Bail Bond Enforcement is tough - and kudos for the guts to get out there and get it done. Interesting comments on the tasers and I agree they are a better option for most people than a handgun.


10-05-2006, 01:55 AM

When I used to trade the stock I pondered on buying a taser gun. I'm getting a hand gun instead.

10-05-2006, 06:25 AM
Safe at work. As a few days ago I would have said yes. Today I am not so sure. The other day I think it was tuesday, I look in the sky and there is a police and all news statiosn helicopters flying right above my business looking for a suspected rapist. They still have not caught the guy and he was 2 blocks from my building. Yes I was concerned about this. Also the store next to us has been broken into 2 times. One time at night and the next time he was alone my store was open and the robbers attacked the poor guy and hit him with a bat. He ran to my store pounding on the window. My guys chased the bad guys down and caught them. Now I dont recommend that but wtg. We all have silent alarms and we also have things that can protect us, but No I dont feel safe anymore alone in my own business. We also have security cameras and just in case a little pepper spray within reach. I also want everyone to know OKC PD does a great job doing drive by's and checking on us. Thanks OKC PD we appreciate you lots.

10-05-2006, 10:13 AM
I might suggest that if you work for anyone other than for yourself, that you ask about carrying tasers and pepper spray with you to work. I'm certain not every employer would allow it. While I normally embrace the "It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission" scenario, I'm not sure that's the right stance to take in this situation.

10-05-2006, 11:06 PM
Good point indeed, Centerback and thanks for the feedback, oklapi. Personally, i do not plan to carry the taser into work, as I feel quite safe there (we have armed security), but it'd be for "home" use. I walk every morning and there aren't many streetlights in some areas of my neighborhood...I think I need some sort of defense other than be willing to kick someone's ass if they mess with me. :D

10-05-2006, 11:20 PM
I might suggest that if you work for anyone other than for yourself, that you ask about carrying tasers and pepper spray with you to work. I'm certain not every employer would allow it. While I normally embrace the "It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission" scenario, I'm not sure that's the right stance to take in this situation.

If you have a conceal carry permit (which taser's require) it would have to be posted on the employer's entrance or in an employee handbook for them to discipline you. If you've got the permit - it's none of their business what's in your purse. Women have to protect themselves. As for us men, it's a bit trickier per the intimidation factor which would prompt a sign on the entrance pretty fast. Unless packing a weapon is part of your job. :)


10-06-2006, 04:17 PM
Yesterday a straggly looking guy came into my place of business carrying a plastic bag. He approached the front counter and I asked him 2 times if I could help him. He stood at the counter I guess expecting me to come up there, but since I seen what he pulled out of his plastic bag was a knife there was no way I was going to put myself into a bad situation. Lucky I have men that hang out here alot. He said he just wanted to sell the knife. He was homeless and wanted to make some money.
Let me tell you he had me a little afraid to approach my front counter.

10-06-2006, 06:18 PM
ha,ha.... after reading this post, I'm surprised you didn't open a can of whoop a** on him, just because work safety has been on your mind!

LOL.. talk about wrong place, wrong time kind of situation ...

10-06-2006, 08:46 PM
You don't even know I was like grabbing pool sticks and the can of mace we keep close.. lol. I don't know if he was really hungry, but I could just see me beating up a homeless man. I woulda felt like crap for about a second or 2 or maybe

10-07-2006, 03:49 PM
Im safe at work......lots of police officers work hereoff duty and the only way u can get in here is with the right id