View Full Version : I hate Denton Texas
Karried 09-27-2006, 09:48 PM aahgggg... I hate this place! I went to help a friend today get business equipment at IKEA ( awesome place) but driving back, we stopped at a gas station in Denton.. yuk!!!!
We're getting gas, checking the ties and I hear a dog yelping like it's getting killed..
I'm looking around and see a car.. and unbelievably,
a pair of Denton rednecks left their cocker spaniel in a freakin' car ( 95 degrees outside!!!!) the windows were barely cracked and the dog was yelping like crazy. Okay, me being me.. (husband swears I'll get killed one day) I set off to find the perpetrators or (friggin idiots).. and find them I did.. I said to the girl, is that your car, yes, 'your dog is crying and it's hot in there', 'oh no, she always cries.. the windows are cracked'.. me- 'no, you don't understand, it 's HOT in the car.. you can't leave animals in a hot car, village idiot ' oh, she has water'.. Me.. 'you really need to get your dog out of the car - you are never supposed to leave an animal or child in a hot car'... her, 'she's fine'
Okay, so I'm at the bathroom.. sheesh, I'm thinking, 'buy your damn skoal and cigarettes and get your fat ass out to the car and save your dog'.. but no.. I hear this girl telling Billy Bob.. there's a lady telling me our dog is hot! How dare her!' uh oh.. here we go.. damn, forgot my brass knuckles.. lol.. oh well, I came out of the bathroom ready to go to blows if I had to ( the dog was hot!) but lucky for them they just walked past me.. ha,ha..
Why are people so damn stupid?
you said it right VILLAGE IDIOTS...
Spartan 09-27-2006, 11:40 PM Now Karrie I don't think they can help the state they were born in... it's not nice to mess with Texas.
BricktownGuy 09-28-2006, 03:12 AM Just checking, how did you know they were from Denton? Did you check the plates?.... again.. like I said.... just checking.
bandnerd 09-28-2006, 06:31 AM Karrie--you go on and have your rant. You're entitled. Regardless of where these people were from, they certainly have no idea what they are doing when it comes to their pets. Let's hope they don't have any children!
Oh goodness. I dont think I would control myself had those people left their kids in their car. I go off when I have people next door running into that SPanish store leaving their kids in their car. I have some pretty heated arguements with the shoppers. One of my employees actually walked into the store and grabbed the mom and led her back out to her car after she called the police. that was great.
Karried 09-28-2006, 07:43 AM Actually I did check the plates so I could call the police if I couldn't find them.. let's see, the overalls, the mullet, the duct tape on taillights... yep - no doubt - Denton, Texas.
Sorry Texas lovers.. I really don't like it there. Some people are just not nice there. I got spoiled living in Oklahoma the last few years to people being overly nice so Texans come across as a little rude. There are a few nice cities in Texas - Denton, in my mind. wasn't one.
But, this isn't about Denton, it's about leaving dogs in hot cars.. dogs who can't tell their stupid owners that I'm burning up in here and it's the reaction of the Texans.. ' how dare someone mention that I'm mistreating my animal? It's my damn dog and I'll cook it like a hot dog on a BBQ if I want to'.
I know, I know, it's not fair to pick on one town but this is where the stupid people resided. So, Denton Texas is not my favorite place.. maybe hate is a strong word. Nah, I can still hear the puppy crying.. I still hate Denton.
You know I have seen many people in Ok leave their dogs in the car also. I just think people use no common sense. I for one spoil my animals. As my friend was just reminding me last night when he read your post. He gave a great laugh when we were moving from one place to the next. We went into a resturant to eat lunch, and Imade him leave the moving van running so my dogs would have air conditioning. He was so mad when we came back out and the dogs had destroyed the whole front of the van. I think that is one time he wanted to leave me in Texas. I have 2 little dogs and I can't imagine anyone leaving anything alive in a car period. Hot or cold just leave the poor dog at home, or get a puppy sitter.
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 10:22 AM Personally I don't know what business of yours it was to stick your nose into their business. Not trying to be mean, but it's their dog. If the dog dies, than they face animal cruelty charges.
Karried 09-28-2006, 10:40 AM You must be from Denton..
Martin 09-28-2006, 10:48 AM personally i don't know what business of yours it was to stick your nose into their business. not trying to be mean, but it's their dog. if the dog dies, than they face animal cruelty charges. so what you're saying is that if somebody witnesses something wrong or illegal going on, then it's better to mind your own business than to take action. -M
bandnerd 09-28-2006, 10:51 AM Would you feel the same way, ChristianConservative, if she had witnessed these people doing this to a child?
Easy180 09-28-2006, 10:52 AM All the man does is take a look at a thread and come up with something that will piss off a poster
Wish we had an ignore feature on here
Karried 09-28-2006, 10:58 AM Yeah, I agree. It is hard to ignore CC's posts because it is intentional posting to get us all riled up and create heated discussions.. and he usually succeeds.
Some people just posts things like this so we'll all react.. I have a visual of posters that do this intentionally - I see them hunched over the keyboards gleefully rubbing hands together and chuckling reading our responses. My visual is similar to Gollum but I'm sure we all have our own fond pictures in our mind.
I usually do ignore him.. maybe he'll go away.. far, far away.
Easy180 09-28-2006, 11:17 AM Guess he gets a little kick out of it...Oh well if that's what floats your boat
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 12:19 PM I'm sorry you misunderstood my post. My intent was not to "rile you up." I was only stating my thoughts. I think your biggest problem is that my opinions are different than yours and you don't want to accept that. Yet, isn't the world made up of a variety of opinions? Why discriminate here?
Back to the topic. It isn't like the people were away from the car for a very long time. They were at a filling station. I wouldn't have a problem with it being done to a child, if the people were going into the filling station to buy some items, and then returning to the car. How long could someone possibly stay inside a filling station? Think about it.
Karried 09-28-2006, 12:49 PM You make a good point..but there was a cafe next door to the station. We had time to fill up, check and add to the ties on the load of shelving and they were still no where to be found. I understand about running into a store but you have to understand that it was nearly 100 degrees outside.. this car was parked in the sun with the windows rolled up.. it only takes a few minutes to get excruiatingly hot inside a car.
As to your comment about what business it was of mine.. I would do it for an animal, a child or even for you if you were in distress and needed help.
bandnerd 09-28-2006, 12:50 PM I don't know, I've seen some people hang around gas stations for awhile. Usually when there is a long line and the gas is cheaper, they seem to stay just to piss everyone else off!
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 12:52 PM Okay, thank you for explaining the situation more. Not sure I would've had the gutts to go talk with them, but I can see where you were coming from.
Easy180 09-28-2006, 12:53 PM I definitely don't mind different opinions on here...Except those that begin with "What business is it of yours to stick your nose into their business"
I'm sure that wasn't meant to get Karrie riled up at all...I normally start off all my conversations here at work with those same words with positive results :poke:
I have no problems with you at all cc just find you to be a little "in yo face" is all...
And back to the topic...If someone had the craps they may be in the convenience store long enough for their pooch to die :spin:
Karried 09-28-2006, 12:55 PM I think your biggest problem is that my opinions are different than yours and you don't want to accept that.
Your opinion is that I should mind my own business? That a child or an animal, who can't make a decision if they would like to be locked inside a hot car should be made to suffer because of the stupidity and cruelty of their parents/owners.. is an acceptable thing to do? That is your opinion?
Okay, you are right. We will never agree.
I will never accept an opinion that a defenseless animal or a child shouldn't be protected by those of us who are able to speak for them.
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 12:56 PM I definitely don't mind different opinions on here...Except those that begin with "What business is it of yours to stick your nose into their business"
I'm sure that wasn't meant to get Karrie riled up at all...I normally start off all my conversations here at work with those same words with positive results :poke:
I have no problems with you at all cc just find you to be a little "in yo face" is all...
And back to the topic...If someone had the craps they may be in the convenience store long enough for their pooch to die :spin:
No, my intention was never to rile anyone up here. I suppose my comment just came off the cuff, and was my first thought. Sorry if I offended you Karried.
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 12:57 PM Your opinion is that I should mind my own business? That a child or an animal, who can't make a decision if they would like to be locked inside a hot car should be made to suffer because of the stupidity and cruelty of their parents/owners.. is an acceptable thing to do? That is your opinion?
Okay, you are right. We will never agree.
I will never accept an opinion that a defenseless animal or a child shouldn't be protected by those of us who are able to speak for them.
Read post #19. Thank you.
Karried 09-28-2006, 01:18 PM Sorry, apparently we were all posting at the same time..
I tend to agree with Easy180... I love different opinions, makes the world go round...but I tend to get a little defensive when I feel picked on..
Personally I don't know what business of yours it was to stick your nose into their business.
Those are fighting words - lol ... You have to admit, that might have been construed as a tad insulting.
ChristianConservative 09-28-2006, 01:21 PM Sorry, apparently we were all posting at the same time..
I tend to agree with Easy180... I love different opinions, makes the world go round...but I tend to get a little defensive when I feel picked on..
Those are fighting words - lol ... You have to admit, that might have been construed as a tad insulting.
I understand now. Sorry if I offended you.
Karried 09-28-2006, 01:38 PM No problem ... here's another way to look at it .. one of these days, hopefully in the far, far future, you might be out on a day trip and your aide from the nursing home 'forgets' you and leaves you sitting in your Green Pastures Minivan.. (and of course, it's approaching a hundred outside in the shade)....whew! you can look around for me! ... LOL :tweeted:
On a serious note, this post was actually to remind people again about the dangers of leaving kids/pets in the car.
When I worked in Calif I took my lunch and ate outside on a grassy area near the parking lot.. I kept hearing this strange sound. I looked around and saw this little kid about 4 with his face pressed up against the window, covered in sweat and tears and a screaming baby next to him in a carseat. The windows were up and the doors were locked.. I tried to get him to open the windows but he was too scared. I ran and called 911. The police came in a few minutes and then the mom comes running out to the car.
Take a guess as to what she was doing?
Getting her nails done.
So, I learned then, not to mind my own business.. the paramedics said the children wouldn't have survived much longer and the mom was arrested right there. It was horribly sad.
And it wasn't anywhere near as hot as it was yesterday.. I wouldn't have been eating on the grass if it was. But it was so hot in the car.
So, yes ignorance is everywhere - not just Denton.. I shouldn't have said I hated Denton - just these two residents maybe. Sorry to the fine people of Denton Texas... I was upset about this poor puppy and the response of the owners.
aintaokie 09-28-2006, 08:49 PM Karried... I lived in Denton for 20 years before leaving the DFW rat race to move to the OKC metro. There are the same type of inbred rednecks here in OKC that there are in Denton, TX. I worked for a university Police department (Denton has 2 colleges, including one that's bigger than OU, it's just that they don't have a big name football team to be noticed) and I have dealt with many animals left in vehicles with the windows rolled up. I used to slimjim the doors, call animal control to take the animal, and then file a report. So, folks in Denton do care about animals. One university even has a feral cat rescue program that takes care of stray cats on its campus. Denton and OU's beloved Norman are very similar towns and both have nice people. These "Jerry Springer" rednecks seem to worse in some towns than others.
Karried 09-28-2006, 08:59 PM So, yes ignorance is everywhere - not just Denton.. I shouldn't have said I hated Denton - just these two residents maybe. Sorry to the fine people of Denton Texas... I was upset about this poor puppy and the response of the owners.
Yes, I agree.. read above quote - I'm glad you feel the same way about animals locked in cars, it's a sore spot with me apparently.
I know I shouldn't base my opinion on one incident - again sorry to the Denton Texas population minus the two Jerry Springer podunks.
aintaokie 09-28-2006, 09:08 PM No offense was ever taken. I would've reacted the very much the same as you, but taken things a little further by seeing the people, the animal, and their car impounded, if possible. The animal would of course, be rescued. did the right thing...idiots like that need to be told just how stupid they did the right thing in my book