09-21-2006, 03:27 PM
Lot's of great things going on in OKC. Perhaps one of the best things we can lay claim to is Oklahoma's own Flaming Lips. Their show at the Zoo was one of the best of all time - and I've seen some great shows (u2, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, GreenDay, The Who/Grateful Dead) etc. These guys are loved all over the world - and we should embrace them as ambassadors of our state (and play their music on our local radio stations). Wayne Coyne is involved with a creativity project that has national (and possibly) international implications as far as how we teach our children to learn, create, and think. We have some great state treasures. Perhaps the Flaming Lips and their messages of tolerance (and intolerance of our lame leaders), love, and questioning the status quo will some day lead them join those illustrious ranks.