View Full Version : Favorite Comedy Ever?
Karried 09-19-2006, 10:52 AM If you had to pick a movie or a scene that had you laughing almost to the point of tears.. where your stomach hurt because you laughed hysterically, where you laughed so hard you could have shot food through your nostrils (okay you get the point)... which one would it be?
I'll start.. Most recently, there was one scene in Just Friends where Ryan Reynolds goes shooting down the hill on a stretcher and turns upside down and snow in his mouth - and when he was in the fat suit singing ' I Swear' I thought I would die..
I also loved the older movie 'Three Fugitives' with Nick Nolte where Martin Short had to wear a wig and it gets run over by a semi and he makes the ugliest woman imaginable - it was hilarious to me..
What's your favorite?
Easy180 09-19-2006, 11:14 AM karrie..Just watched Just Friends on Sunday night...His lip synching scene was hilarious
My favorite off the top of my head is Dirty Rotten Scoundrels...The scene where Michael Caine runs and hits Steve Martin in the legs with that switch...Great scene
Also found myself dying through most of Team America by the South Park guys
bandnerd 09-19-2006, 12:38 PM Hands down--40 year old Virgin. By far.
"It's the age of Aquarius"
Now, I will admit that the end of Just Friends, with the fat suit and "I Swear" had me rolling because that was about the time I was in middle/high school, so yeah, I did the same thing. Sans fat suit. When I watched it with my sister, she was laughing so hard tears came to her eyes and I said, "You're laughing because you know that's what you did!"
haha. I love comedies.
drumsncode 09-19-2006, 01:25 PM I'm awfully fond of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That has enough good lines in it to last a lifetime.
I also love the scene in Ghostbusters II, where Bill Murray is hosting the "World of the Psychic", and he says "So your alien had a room at the Holiday Inn, Paramus?"
MadMonk 09-19-2006, 04:57 PM The first thing that came to my mind was in Trains, Planes and Automobiles, when Steve Martin and John Candy wake up in spooning position in the hotel room (do you remember it?) "Where's your other hand? Between two pillows. THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!" :D That was milk-through-the-nose funny.
Lauri101 09-19-2006, 05:10 PM I'd have to say "When Harry Met Sally" and the diner orgasm scene was one of the funniest ever.
Although Steve Martin in just about anything can always make me chortle!
kellekokid 09-20-2006, 09:03 PM One of my favorites is Three Amigos.
Martin 09-20-2006, 09:43 PM blazing saddles.
Intrepid 09-21-2006, 05:14 AM Airplane!
Don't call me Shirley...
Martin 09-21-2006, 06:57 AM ^
if i would've named another, it would've been that one.
oh stewardess, i speak jive...
Karried 09-21-2006, 08:18 AM My son reminded me of Rat Race.. the one scene where the two brothers were trying to get out of the convertible and it was in slow motion! LOL, they were trying desperately to unlock the locks and the top was down, they were so stupid they didn't think to jump out the top! It was classic!
* This reminds me of my own similar funny story that I'm so embarrassed about.. I was driving home at night on a two lane dark highway from night classes at about 10:00pm.. I didn't have a cell phone. All of the sudden, my Suburban stalled, sputtered and everything just died! I managed to roll to the side and there I sat! Nothing was working, the power went out, the lighes were out, the steering was out.. boo hoo, I was stranded and a little panicked.
Well, I had said goodbye to a friend in class and he was talking to a friend as I left so in a few minutes he was driving behind me and I noticed his car coming up behind me.. whoo hoo. I had to get his attention before he passed, I had rolled down my power windows before stalling out so one was open so I literally climbed up and out the window and was hanging out the window waving frantically and flagged him down - I dropped to the street ( it was a Suburban) .. I was so relieved and proud of myself! I get home and told hubby how resourceful I was for figuring out how to get out of the locked car in time to flag my friend down ..
he says " Why didn't you just lift up the manual unlock button and open the car door?" tee,hee, :doh:
I can only imagine what my friend was thinking seeing me hanging out my window holding on for dear life with one hand and waving like a fool! :redface:
Centerback 09-21-2006, 02:58 PM The first time I saw Wedding Crashers it was hysterical. It's still funny watching it every single night on cable, but not nearly as much as the first time.
kellekokid 09-21-2006, 05:15 PM Zoolander and Starsky and Hutch both crack me up
Intrepid 09-21-2006, 06:48 PM ^
if i would've named another, it would've been that one.
oh stewardess, i speak jive...
I LOVE that part of the movie. I'm often caught quoting it, as well as "The white zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no parking in the white zone". (especially when I'm at an airport!)
Also, when I turn on my cell phone, my "greeting" reads, "I SPEAK JIVE"
PUGalicious 09-21-2006, 07:02 PM That's classic! I love that movie.