View Full Version : Is the State Fair safe?
Keith 09-18-2006, 06:55 PM I have been out to the state fair 4 times already, volunteering my time for the Oklahoma City Police Department. I am actually working as a dispatcher in the safety center, receiving calls via phone, and answering and giving calls to the officers at the fair.
So, just how bad is it?
During the day light hours, the fair is lots of fun, and the biggest problem they have are children getting lost. Nighttime is a totally different picture.
Friday evening, I was there from 9 PM until 1:30 AM., and there were three of us in the dispatch office, and we could barely keep up with everything. Many of the ones that were arrested Friday evening was for public intoxication and trying to start a fight. There were two arrested for intoxication, and for carrying illegal drugs. One was carrying a concealed weapon. The ones arrested for public drunk were taken to detox. The others were taken to the county jail.
Also, on Friday evening, they were conducting an operation of citing booth owners for selling beer to minors. They wrote citations on 21 vendors that evening. Nobody went to jail, they just received citations.
Saturday evening, I was suppose to be there from 4-9 PM., but I didn't leave until 11:30 PM. We had so many people arrested that evening, i could not keep up with the count. Drugs, knives, and guns were some of the things that were found. To add insult to injury, we received three anonymous calls from people, informing us that there was going to be a huge gang fight at the fair.
At around 10 PM., officers responded to gate 5, and "escorted" 3 dozen gang members out of the gate. They hadn't committed a crime, so they had no probable cause to arrest them.
Sunday, I was there for a while, but it was a very uneventful day, with only a few lost kids. All of the kids that were brought in to the safety center were reunited with their parents.
Parking is a major headache. There are people out there that are double parking and triple parking. It has been so bad, that wreckers have to be called to tow these illegal parkers away. Another big problem this year is auto burglaries. There have been many reported, and one was reported burglarized and stripped. The only ones watching the parking lots are the members of REACT. All of the officers stay inside the fairgrounds.
Again, this year, they have the scissor lift at the Midway. One on each end of the midway. In the evening, the officers take turns going up on the scissor lift and watching the crowds.
My suggestion? Go during the daytime and enjoy yourself. Get out by dusk, because that is when most of the crimes happen. When you park your vehicle, keep all of your possessions out of site.
The food is great. I had a pork chop sandwich last night, and it was wonderful. For $5.50, it better be good, huh?LOL
I'll be out there again tomorrow evening from 4 PM- whenever, so we will see what tomorrow brings.
Patrick 09-18-2006, 09:02 PM I really don't think the fair is any different than any other major event, whether it be a major event downtown, etc. You get a wide variety of people to any of those events.
PUGalicious 09-19-2006, 05:10 AM ^ I agree.
Easy180 09-19-2006, 09:19 AM Been going for about 25 years straight now...Never been stabbed or robbed so I chalk it up as being safe enough
SoonerDave 09-19-2006, 09:24 AM I think the characterization of the night time fair as some sort of gang cavalcade is manifestly unfair. Given a scheduled, long-term event that is intended to draw large crowds, and you are inevitably going to have incidents like the ones described.
My entire family - including my wife, ten-year-old son, eight-year-old daughter and their 70-year-old grandmother, went last night (yes, on a school night) and had a *marvelous* time, staying from 5:30 until approximately 9:45. We uniformly felt secure and safe, and never *once* did we experience anything that seemed untoward, gang-related, risky, or anything of the sort. We were disappointed that the space needle was closed, however :)
We saw not so much as one single adverse incident of any kind, not even a drunk, and that was amid a crowd *much* larger than I expected for a Monday night. The game barkers were engaging and pleasant to the kids, the games were as "fair" as you could expect, the food booths were generally clean, and the buildings inviting (with the exception of Agtropolis, which is a hideous abomination that should be shut down and banished for all time).
The police were more than present, and I felt completely safe the entire time we were there.
Karried 09-19-2006, 09:42 AM I have to agree with the others.. I felt extremely safe on Thursday night and we stayed until approx 9pm..... in fact, there were many police officers walking around but they didn't look too worried or even all that busy for that matter.
Actually, I don't recall seeing anyone even remotely resembling a gang member ( at least what I know gang members to look like in Calif). I did see a lot of interesting characters who I hope were visiting from Arkansas and not actual residents of OK... they were scarier than any gang member I've seen! Mullets and overalls just frighten me .. LOL - just kidding.
Dave Cook 09-22-2006, 10:40 AM I've said for years if they'd stop having this thing in wouldn't have all these problems.
bandnerd 09-22-2006, 11:28 AM Stop having a state fair? Every state has a fair. For the most part, it's safe and a lot of people like it. I personally don't care for it, but if they have enough police support then I don't see why we should stop having it.
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 06:28 PM I don't see the appeal of the state fair. Just a gathering grounds for the low life of the city. If you don't believe me, look around at the folks out there if you go this weekend? I hope that's not a good representation of what most Okies are like.
bandnerd 09-23-2006, 06:44 PM I don't like it, it's not my scene. But a lot of people do, people of all different backgrounds and social status. A lot of my students love going to the fair. A lot of families go.
Just because you don't see the appeal doesn't mean it should be removed from our state. Again, as far as I know, most if not all states have fairs...some even have tri-state fairs, and county fairs, and they will continue to happen because a lot of people do like them, even if you don't.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 07:42 PM I don't see the appeal of the state fair. Just a gathering grounds for the low life of the city. If you don't believe me, look around at the folks out there if you go this weekend? I hope that's not a good representation of what most Okies are like.
Now, how would you know that unless you were there... which by your own declaration would make you...
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 07:57 PM I don't see the appeal of the state fair. Just a gathering grounds for the low life of the city. If you don't believe me, look around at the folks out there if you go this weekend? I hope that's not a good representation of what most Okies are like.Out of curiosity, where are you from? I'm sure that where ever is was, it had a state fair as well. What did you mean when you said, "I hope thats not a good representation of what most Okies are like"? And what did you mean by "low life" of the city? Did you really mean anything by those statements or are you just trying to make friends here in Oklahoma?
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 08:27 PM Now, how would you know that unless you were there... which by your own declaration would make you...
I haven't been in years, but that's what it used to be like, and from everyone tells me, nothing has changed. If anything, I've heard it's gotten worse.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 08:28 PM ... hearsay carries so much weight ...
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 08:28 PM Out of curiosity, where are you from? I'm sure that where ever is was, it had a state fair as well. What did you mean when you said, "I hope thats not a good representation of what most Okies are like"? And what did you mean by "low life" of the city? Did you really mean anything by those statements or are you just trying to make friends here in Oklahoma?
I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, a graduate of Putnam City High School and the University of Oklahoma.
By low life, I meant exactly that. Scum! Trash! Gangs! Poor folks that have nothing better to do!
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 08:29 PM ... hearsay carries so much weight ...
Read the first part of my statement. It's obvious you failed to read my entire statement.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 08:30 PM By low life, I meant exactly that. Scum! Trash! Gangs! Poor folks that have nothing better to do!
You, know GrandMaMa... those people that Jesus hung out with when he was on earth...
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 08:32 PM Read the first part of my statement. It's obvious you failed to read my entire statement. I read your entire statement. I disregarded the part of what you perceived things to be like years ago; things could have changed, you know... that's right... you don't know... you're relying on hearsay...
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 08:52 PM I read your entire statement. I disregarded the part of what you perceived things to be like years ago; things could have changed, you know... that's right... you don't know... you're relying on hearsay...
Things haven't changed that much in 5 years.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 08:54 PM Things haven't changed that much in 5 years.
How would you know if you haven't been there?
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 08:55 PM You, know GrandMaMa... those people that Jesus hung out with when he was on earth...Oh, you mean with the looooooooooong hair, sandels and those funky wraps that they wore? Oh yeah, those awful women that they visited with at the well, that kind of low life. You know what, I also heard that he hung around with a passel of young men as well, what do you think people thought about that back then, we know what they would think nowadays...either a gang member or...well, you know....:tweeted:
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 08:59 PM How would you know if you haven't been there?
I just stated that I was there 5 years ago. Do you have a vision problem, or something?
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 09:00 PM I mean -- let me spell it out for you -- how do you know things haven't changed in the last five years if you haven't been there?
ChristianConservative 09-23-2006, 09:01 PM I mean -- let me spell it out for you -- how do you know things haven't changed in the last five years if you haven't been there?
Let's just say I sit on the State Fair Board.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 09:03 PM You want us to take your word for it?
And if we do, who is more accountable for the state of the fair than those on the State Fair Board? So you gripe about that which you should be responsible for?
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:05 PM I tend to have to agree. I went to the fair last weekend, and was amazed by the quality of the people there. I won't be back.
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 09:07 PM I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, a graduate of Putnam City High School and the University of Oklahoma.
By low life, I meant exactly that. Scum! Trash! Gangs! Poor folks that have nothing better to do!May I ask where you learned your way with words, your people skills? Was it at Putnam City High, University of Oklahoma, or at church? You know what, the State fairs all across the Nation are a time and place for families to spend valuable time together...submitting and viewing exhibits and learning. With four sons, all of which participated in either 4H, FFA or both...the Kansas State Fair lasted 2 wks back then, and we attended almost every day, for one reason or the other...yes, we had to pack a lunch, but it was something wonderful and fullfilling that we looked forward to every year. I see no different mix of people at the fair than at any mall, grocery store, or for that matter, at church. I looked back on most of your posts that you have submitted on several subjects and have, to date, never witnessed such opinionated, narrow minded negativity spewing from any one person in a long, long time. I'm sorry that you cannot see and appreciate the beauty of life and all the colors that it entails. I'll bet you're a hoot at parties.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:12 PM It all depends on what time you go to the state fair. It's a family atmosphere during the days, and on weekends, but I'm not too hip on it at night. Seems like the gangs just gather at night and cause problems.
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 09:12 PM I tend to have to agree. I went to the fair last weekend, and was amazed by the quality of the people there. I won't be back.The quality of people is the reason why you attend the State Fair? That's a first for me, I have never heard that before. It's all the same people that we see on the streets every day, in the stores, in everyday surely don't stay home just so you don't have to be around them, do you? What about church? I know that you attend church. If you see someone of "questionable" repute there, do you leave? Gosh, Patrick, I am surprised at you, I really am.
PUGalicious 09-23-2006, 09:13 PM It all depends on what time you go to the state fair. It's a family atmosphere during the days, and on weekends, but I'm not too hip on it at night. Seems like the gangs just gather at night and cause problems.
Maybe you should say something to a member of the State Fair Board. Convenient for us, we seem to have one who has been reading this thread -- and bashing it just the same.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:14 PM The quality of people is the reason why you attend the State Fair? That's a first for me, I have never heard that before. It's all the same people that we see on the streets every day, in the stores, in everyday surely don't stay home just so you don't have to be around them, do you? What about church? I know that you attend church. If you see someone of "questionable" repute there, do you leave? Gosh, Patrick, I am surprised at you, I really am.
Like I said, it depends on when you go. The first time I went (last Friday), I got off early and went during the day. It was fine. But I went during the evening the other night, and there were quite a few kids being arrested. It wasn't a very pleasant place to be. That's just my experience.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:15 PM Maybe you should say something to a member of the State Fair Board. Convenient for us, we seem to have one who has been reading this thread -- and bashing it just the same.
I don't think there's anything you can do about the clientale at the fair, other than pick the time you go.
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 09:18 PM Like I said, it depends on when you go. The first time I went (last Friday), I got off early and went during the day. It was fine. But I went during the evening the other night, and there were quite a few kids being arrested. It wasn't a very pleasant place to be. That's just my experience.Sounds like the police are on that ball, that's good to know. I know that things are different now than they used to be, everywhere...but, we don't have to let it completely change our lives. It does sound like the problems have been anticipated and hopefully, curtailed.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:21 PM Sounds like the police are on that ball, that's good to know. I know that things are different now than they used to be, everywhere...but, we don't have to let it completely change our lives. It does sound like the problems have been anticipated and hopefully, curtailed.
Keith is actually part of the Citizens police department out there. He's been working alongside the OKCPD. So he will probably be able to give a better idea of what's going on.
My point wasn't to bash the fair and agree with this other guy, I just wanted to make it known that there is a wide variety of people that go to the fair, and pick your times wisely. It isn't always the safe, family-fun place we'd all like it to be.
I do applaud our PD for the work they're doing though.
Karried 09-23-2006, 09:23 PM :congrats: Thank you, Grandmama,
For those of you who condemn people based on appearances - What a snobby attitude ....
if you don't like the fair, stay home.
Sheesh, the holier than thou attitude is so ridiculous... Low life?? Tell that to all the kids who love the fair. I love the fair, my kids love the fair... how sad for you that you can't enjoy the fun and dwell on the perceived problems of people that might look different from you.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:29 PM For me, it's not a holier than thou attitude, it's more a feeling of whether I feel safe. When me and my wife are walking, and all of a sudden this fight breaks out in front of us, and police are called in, it doesn't feel like a very pleasant atmosphere. But, as far back as I can remember, the Midway has always been rowdy in the evenings. As long as there are plenty of cops around, I'm fine. My wife on the other hand......
Raspberry 09-23-2006, 09:30 PM I have been to the state fair in each of the 6 years that I have lived here, and I thought that this year's fair was the best so far. It was bigger with more free shows, and the livestock barns were the fullest that I have seen them. I have plenty of friends that do not like the fair, and wonder why I go.... in my opinion, they are just a bit snobby, and do not want to be seen with that crowd. I went twice this year, and stayed well past dark with my two kids (aged 2 & 3), and felt safe, even at night. Yes, there were people that "looked" a bit scary, and if I were a more shallow person, perhaps I would be writing about how dangerous the fair is.
Can't wait till next year!!!
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:33 PM Raspberry, I agree with you. I was impressed with the overall quality of the fair this year. Skip Wagner, the former fair director, almost ran the fair into the ground the past few years, and the new fair director has been doing a fabulous job trying to bring it back the past two years.
Karried 09-23-2006, 09:36 PM I was born and raised in Oklahoma City, a graduate of Putnam City High School and the University of Oklahoma.
By low life, I meant exactly that. Scum! Trash! Gangs! Poor folks that have nothing better to do!
This is the comment I was referring to Patrick... safety is one thing.. that I can agree on...
I'm talking about the above inflammatory comment... 'Scum, Trash, Gangs, Poor folks that have nothing to do'!
Spoken like a true Christian.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:37 PM This is the comment I was referring to Patrick... safety is one thing.. that I can agree on...
I'm talking about the above inflammatory comment... 'Scum, Trash, Gangs, Poor folks that have nothing to do'!
Spoken like a true Christian.
Couldn't agree with you more, Karrie.
writerranger 09-23-2006, 09:40 PM It sounds like now we're supposed to accept gangbangers? The whole tolerance thing has been expanded to include thugs? And, yes, why dance around the fact that with gangbangers - you know them by their clothes, their walk, their talk.....that's not snobby, that's reality! To not feel safe around them should be a given - not something to be condemned for.
Patrick 09-23-2006, 09:44 PM It's kind of like going to Crossroads Mall at night. It's not that I'm being snobby for avoiding the place at night, but at the same time I want to use the cerebrum that God gave me and make smart decisions that are going to keep me safe.
writerranger 09-23-2006, 09:47 PM It's kind of like going to Crossroads Mall at night. It's not that I'm being snobby for avoiding the place at night, but at the same time I want to use the cerebrum that God gave me and make smart decisions that are going to keep me safe.
Karried 09-23-2006, 09:55 PM 'Scum, Trash, Gangs, Poor folks that have nothing to do'!
This is the topic we were discussing... gangs were thrown in.. but I'm taking offense to the rest .... that is what I consider snobbish.
(Poor Folk? How freaking rude)
Gangbangers? Yes, they can be scary when you're lost in Oakland or East LA - but I never saw one person that even resembled a gang member when I attended the fair the last few years - (I saw lots of overalls, plenty of mullets ( ouch) and quite a few overweight people ).. but I come from one of the gang capitals of the nation .. California, so I know a gangbanger when I see one - and even then, it's not like a gang member is going to come up and pop a cap in your ass just because you're 'white' .. typically, it 's a turf war or a drive by that you have to be concerned about.. wrong place, wrong time, - here, you are more likely to have your copper stolen by a meth freak than a gangbanger doing you harm at the fair -
I don't recall anyone I know of having problems at the fair. I've only heard of bad things occuring at the fair being reported on the news.
It would be naive to believe peace, love, and harmony would rule over all at such a large regional event.
GrandMaMa 09-23-2006, 11:31 PM [QUOTE=Karried]This is the topic we were discussing... gangs were thrown in.. but I'm taking offense to the rest .... that is what I consider snobbish.
(Poor Folk? How freaking rude) That was what inflamed me as well, POOR FOLKS, WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO....Seems like if someone had so much negative to say about the Fair, they would have sense enough not to admit that they sat on the board, (If they do, in fact)
Keith 09-24-2006, 03:55 PM I worked at the State Fair Safety Center until 2 AM this morning. I was in the dispatch office, dispatching officers to disturbances, and also working in the booking area where the arrested are searched, and put in a holding cell until they can be transported to county jail.
Last night was the busiest night. There were many events going on at the fair, and unfortunately, many of the events finished at the same time, making it difficult for people to leave the fairgrounds. There were people that waited over two hours in the fair parking lots, because there was such a huge crowd. Plus, we got numerous calls about fights at 7 out of the 10 gates at the fair.
There were several accidents in the parking lots, and many fights broke out because of these accidents. Last night, our radio was very busy. There was a stabbing on the Midway and a stabbing at the arena. There were also many shots fired on the Midway around midnight. I was rushing around, dispatching the officers, and getting info about the stabbings to EMSA.
When I left this morning, the police paddy wagon had already transported over 30 individuals, either going to detox or going to county jail. These indiviuals were arrested between 5 PM - midnight. Out of this group, there were around 20 juveniles. Weapons, cocaine, and marijuana, were just a few of the many drugs that were found on these juveniles.
There were also 4-5 cars that were stolen from the parking lot. Patrons came in the safety center to report these crimes, and a report was written up.
Missing chldren.......this is absolutely disturbing. This proved to me that there are many parents out there that shouldn't be parents. We had at least 35 missing children reports last night, and around 15 children came in the safety center because their parents put them on a ride, and then left.
I really believe that the state fair is rather safe during the daytime and a great place to take the family, however, the evening is a total different story. After being in the safety center and seeing all that goes on behind the scenes, I would not ever want to attend the fair after dark.
I did get to enjoy a Dans Indian Taco, a Funnel cake, and pork chop sandwiches.
Easy180 09-24-2006, 06:02 PM To each his own, but you just described a typical night on Bourbon in Nawlins...That little risk of mugging makes it all the more fun :tiphat:
Lauri101 09-24-2006, 06:27 PM Missing chldren.......this is absolutely disturbing. This proved to me that there are many parents out there that shouldn't be parents. We had at least 35 missing children reports last night, and around 15 children came in the safety center because their parents put them on a ride, and then left.
I agree that this is the most disturbing part. For the previous twelve years, I've worked the Missing Children's booth at the State Fair. This is the first year I did not work it in that period.
I had one mother tell me that she thought her 10 year old daughter was old enough to take her 5 year old son to the midway - on a Friday night!
Had it not been for my co-volunteer, I think I would have lost it and taken her down. The idiot went to O'Brians and told her daughter to come find her! Fortunately, the 10 year old found an officer instead - she had more sense than the biological producer of children.
GrandMaMa 09-24-2006, 09:55 PM Keith, I don't have any idea what the numbers usually are at the fair, but how do the stats stack up to, say a general pupulation of that number? And, is there a correlation between what the main entertainment is for the evening and the number or types of incidents reported?
Midtowner 09-24-2006, 10:06 PM Let's just say I sit on the State Fair Board.
And you haven't been to the state fair in 5 years?
What major item was removed in 2005 from the Fair?
GrandMaMa 09-24-2006, 10:21 PM And you haven't been to the state fair in 5 years?
What major item was removed in 2005 from the Fair?hehe
Karried 09-24-2006, 10:34 PM Apparently metal detectors..
writerranger 09-25-2006, 12:06 AM Keith is just telling us the truth. (Thanks for helping out there by the way.) According to the TV news, the fair apparently ended Saturday night with knives pulled and three stabbings. They said it started around 10:00PM with 200 people "congregating" around the big Ferris Wheel. But, just as they have done on previous occasions in Bricktown, they say there is "no evidence of gang involvement." Please.
Patrick 09-25-2006, 04:22 AM Guys, I worked trauma Saturday night at OU Med Center, and we had 4 stabbings come in from the state fair. It was a pretty busy tonight. Tonight, I was told, they had a couple of gun shot wounds from the fair in what was a huge gang fight to end the fair.
GrandMaMa 09-25-2006, 06:08 AM Guys, I worked trauma Saturday night at OU Med Center, and we had 4 stabbings come in from the state fair. It was a pretty busy tonight. Tonight, I was told, they had a couple of gun shot wounds from the fair in what was a huge gang fight to end the fair.My question is the same to you as to Keith, and I'm not trying to prove a point. (not this time, anyway). What would the ER stats look like on a regular weekend or say, 3 weekends making up two full weeks? I don't know the answer, I'm just looking to see how different this is than when the fair isn't going on. I can remember when ER at St Anthony's consisted of at least a couple of stabbings and a gun shot, 2 or 3 cardiacs, a couple of domestics, the results of several drunken fights, along with the deliberate self-abortions and the usual things for which they should be going to the Dr's office..and those who need a fix or a place to spend the night...that was a loooooooong time ago, just wondering what the stats are now.
Midtowner 09-25-2006, 07:55 AM It's likely that with these crimes, if the stabee had not been stabbed, they could have just as likely been the stabbers. Makes me feel a little less sorry for 'em. Stabbing crimes are targeted, these people showed up to a place where they knew there was a likeliehood they'd get in a fight/get stabbed/endanger others, they chose to go anyway.
It kind of limits the amount of 'sorrow' I feel for them.
Easy180 09-25-2006, 08:37 AM That's why the wife and I hang out by the karakoe when there late at night...Have heard through reliable sources that gangmembers hate karaoke :numchucks
Karried 09-25-2006, 09:21 AM ha,ha.. can you visualize a 'gangbanger' screaming out 'I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor?? (sp) The sad thing is they might not survive ( and I'm not all that sad about it). I agree with Midtowner that they all tend to kill one another - the only thing I would be worried about it getting caught in the crossfire.
Well, I stand corrected about the safety of the fair I suppose. What a sad state of affairs. Knowing that everytime I pay my admittance/ride/food I'm actually paying more just to help support the extra needed police force.
Now, knowing this kind of thing happens at the fair on weekend nights.. I won't go at that time but I'm not going to let things like this take over my life and ruin the joy of a simple day at the state fair.
I think they need to bring in even more police officers, undercover, canines, maybe they do need to have something like a metal detector and pat down at the door.. like at some concerts or even the airport... how sad is that? We need to get a handle on the gang problem.
Midtowner 09-25-2006, 09:32 AM The Texas State Fair does have metal detectors at the entrances. I think it's a pretty smart move.
Thank God these are responsible gang members. With knives, there is no crossfire. Good for them. I can tell that public education investment we're making is really paying off!