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11-17-2006, 08:47 PM
If ever OKC would have a Central Park, I would rather have it in Riverside from the new I-40 to the riverfront or even farther north from downtown. Plans differ on a continuous field. But denser housing is being planned for the area, so you'd have the users.

11-19-2006, 04:48 PM
I can see it working if it's not huge and is maybe a three sided stadium, with the open end facing the river, and right on the river. It would have to work as a concert venue as well. And it needs to be really nice.

11-19-2006, 04:54 PM
"If OKC were ever to have a Central Park, I think it'd be better suited eventually in or outside of Midtown, possibly even across the highway, north of the medical district."

It is not as large, however, we HAVE a "central park." It is called Myriad Gardens.

11-19-2006, 06:42 PM
You're right, but I figured they were talking about a larger sprawl for various park and outdoor activities. If anything, Will Rogers Park would be a best choice for a "Central Park" if the areas around the park were stimulated much more than in thier current state. No way will it ever compare, but I'd have to say we're just as well off with W.R. Park and the Myriad Gardens.

11-19-2006, 10:45 PM
Nothing wrong with more parks. We need more parks. We have plenty of land.

11-19-2006, 11:13 PM
No. Parks are the devil. They are for liberals. Thus, I am totally, completely against the idea of the installation of more space that would actually be green, with trees, or anything that is otherwise landscaped in any way, form, or fashion.

We need more treeless subdivisions. Huzzah!

11-20-2006, 12:10 AM

...did it really sound that bad when I said it?!

11-20-2006, 12:40 AM
Yes, absolutely. Never again. We don't need no stinkin' liberal pansy fruity tooty good for nuthin' green space. Ya hear? Just shut up and enjoy the urban dust bowl.

11-20-2006, 02:15 AM
Agreed, but wouldn't it be better to do so in a different area? That's prime real estate, too close to the Myriad Gardens. If OKC were ever to have a Central Park, I think it'd be better suited eventually in or outside of Midtown, possibly even across the highway, north of the medical district.

No joke...

What where those guys thinking when they put that huge empty space right in the middle of Manhattan? And what about those morons who left all of that lakefront property in Chicago empty? That is what I call poor land use. Stupid bleeding-heart liberals. Screw a "Central Park", OKC needs a "Perimeter Park".

11-20-2006, 07:10 AM
there have been quite a few homes taken out south of sw 29th and robinson to make way for an expanded green belt/park.


11-20-2006, 10:54 AM
Haha, man. Leave it to the internet to allow for thing to be taken out of context (and by the way, I'm sure it'd shock you to learn that I'm a Democrat. A moderate anyhow...)

What I meant by that, CM, is that the space between downtown, bricktown, and the riverfront would be better suited for business and entertainment. The riverfront seems more classy to develop more of a park-friendly atmosphere, along with thriving entertainment to suit us all. In all actuality, Oklahoma has literally thousands of sites and landscapes that should be showcased more to be of a park-friendly atmosphere than downtown OKC.

I'm not advocating to remove all of the greenery, I just don't think it should be a prime focus. We all know that Oklahoma City isn't large enough to support a Central Park as well as NYC, so why not improve upon what we have with the Myriad Gardens and Will Rogers Park? Both locations are conveniently-located for most, just one has the space large enough to handle a thriving park atmosphere we're all looking for.

11-20-2006, 11:31 AM
I can see it working if it's not huge and is maybe a three sided stadium, with the open end facing the river, and right on the river. It would have to work as a concert venue as well. And it needs to be really nice.

Good points. A nice multi-use and expandable facility would be great. When you think about it, the Ford Center was a forward thinking project and the same approach could be made with an outdoor facility. I think a facility in a park setting on the river would be great and, done right, could be an enviable landmark for the region. Start on a scale we could afford. Make it look nice, but don't blow a huge load of cash on it until its use can justify it.

Also, I caught some of Days of Thunder on TV last night and the early montage showcased a lot of the diferent locations across the country that have NASCAR events. It struck me as odd that OKC does not have any of these events or a facility for them. I am in no way a NASCAR fan and wouldn't really want a motor speedway on the river, but with our large fairgrounds, why couldn't OKC get on that list of cities with NASCAR facilties? Whether you love it or hate, it brings in tons of people. just a thought.

11-20-2006, 11:48 AM
I'd be more inclined to believe we can support NASCAR than an MLS franchise. I think the Edmond plans for MLS (as I remember them) are a much more suitable fit. Sorry to the MLS fans out there, but as an "anchor" attraction in the Bricktown area? No way.

A (much earlier) post in this thread talked about CompUSA in trouble, and it isn't terribly surprising. When the margins began to be squeezed beyond belief in the retail computer market, they shifted into higher-end electronics like big-screen TV's, with the added liability of some of the worst prices in town and absolute indifference to it. I would not be at all surprised to drive by their store one day with a big "CLOSED FOREVER" sign on the front.


11-20-2006, 01:42 PM
"If OKC were ever to have a Central Park, I think it'd be better suited eventually in or outside of Midtown, possibly even across the highway, north of the medical district."

It is not as large, however, we HAVE a "central park." It is called Myriad Gardens.

And I'd love to see the Myriad Gardens expanded. Plans originally called for two Crystal Bridges, one with desert/arid plants and the other with rainforest. Why not complete the project? I'd love to see the city buy up Bob Howard Ford, and expand the Myriad Gardens, with more water features, and possibly another Crystal Bridge for arid plants. And the canal could be extended down Reno to connect in with all of this. Taking a water taxi ride under the Myriad Gardens would be pretty nifty.

11-20-2006, 02:04 PM
I'm kind of surprised at how underutilized the Myriad Gardens is now. It seems to do okay for special events, but when I go just to hang our or eat lunch, it's all but empty.

11-20-2006, 02:58 PM
And I'd love to see the Myriad Gardens expanded. Plans originally called for two Crystal Bridges, one with desert/arid plants and the other with rainforest. Why not complete the project? I'd love to see the city buy up Bob Howard Ford, and expand the Myriad Gardens, with more water features, and possibly another Crystal Bridge for arid plants. And the canal could be extended down Reno to connect in with all of this. Taking a water taxi ride under the Myriad Gardens would be pretty nifty.

Not a bad idea, Patrick. I never knew that about the gardens, but that definitely would appear much nicer than having a car dealership across from the gardens. BDP also made a great point. The gardens are highly underutilized. I don't see why they don't support at least weekend attractions by now...

As for NASCAR in Oklahoma City, sadly I'm all for it. While it would definitely bring many eye sores to the city, it'd also increase revanue substantially. The Fairgrounds are a perfect place to place a track, so long as they buy up land around the area to make room.

11-20-2006, 03:08 PM
The remodeling of the Water Stage and move of Shakespeare in the Park will help a lot with that, BDP. I agree that Bob Howard should be gone and the Gardens expanded. I've said that for a long time. I'm not sure I would want a second Crystal Bridge though. I know that was the original plan, but it's now the closest thing OKC has to a landmark. I know it sounds a little silly, but I feel like adding a twin would be like St. Louis building a second arch or New York building a second Statue of Liberty.