View Full Version : Last Farmers' Market of the Season!!

09-13-2006, 09:53 AM
Look What's Fresh at the Last Downtown Farmers' Market of the Season!!

It's a beautiful day! Visit the market from 10 am - 2 pm today in Couch Park (between Robinson and Broadway, just south of R.S. Kerr)
100% Oklahoma Grown / Many Items Certified Organic

Fresh cheese
Yogurt cheese
Delicious bakery bread
OSU or OU Scare-Dolls
Handmade cards and stationery
Soaps and lotions

And much more!

The OSU-OKC Farmers’ Market in Downtown Oklahoma City, introduced this year by Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City, will return in 2007 with the promise of more vendors and with the support of additional partners in the project.

The Old Downtown Guy
09-13-2006, 10:30 AM
Thanks for the reminder Kim. It has been great to have the market there this year and I look forward to its return in 2007.

Now, if Downtown OKC and The City can get that great new design you have for Couch Park built, it will be an even better place for the Market in years to come and also a fabulous connector between the revitilized Skirvin and Leadership Square.

Eat UP Downtown.