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10-19-2004, 02:29 AM
Sometime ago, I posted the article detailing the new Incredible Pizza venue that would be filling the old Warr Acres Wal-Mart on NW Expressway, near MacArthur. Here's a report I found detailing someone's trip to the Incredible Pizza in Tulsa. This makes me excited about the addition of this venue to our city, even if it's not gonig to be in Bricktown.

"I missed the chance the of posting the news of Incredible Pizza coming to Warr Acres.

Incredible Pizza will be renovating the former Warr Acres Wal-Mart into a Pizza buffet style restaurant and family entertainment center. This place is not your Chuckie Cheese style restaurant by far.

Myself and some family members drove to Tulsa just see if it was what the website and the paper chalked it up to be. The parking lot was packed and it almost gave us the impression that we picked a bad time to try the place out. We walked in, paid the cashier and we were eating within a few minutes.

The food was great, there are three large pizza tables, two pasta tables, a baked potato bar, a large selection of deserts as well as a well stocked salad bar. The dining area consists of three large areas. You can choose to sit in a drive-theater type layout, a high school gym, a family living room or a fifties diner. You can eat all you want, go play a few games and then go back for a bite to eat any time you like.

Incredible pizza has a go-kart track, bumper cars, bowling alley, miniature golf course and a game room with non-violent video games, skeeball, a virtual reality ride and many more to choose from. The ticket redemption counter is five times the size of any arcade I've ever visited.

We played all kinds of video games with the kids, bowled a few frames and drove the go-karts a few times. I will admit it may be a little expensive if you do everything we did. However, it was worth the drive to Tulsa.

I think Incredible Pizza will be a great fit for Warr Acres as well as the metro. I highly recommended if you are ever in the Tulsa area try this place out. Incredible Pizza is located at 71st and Memorial in Tulsa. The Warr Acres Incredible Pizza is Scheduled to open in February of 2005.

Please Check Out this Link:

(Make sure you click on the tour page and watch the videos.) "

10-19-2004, 09:32 PM
Sounds like a pretty neat family place.


12-05-2004, 10:59 AM
I just signed up for OCKtalk and I'm excited to see this information. My husband and I have been ask to move to Warr Acres to be part of the third Incredible. We moved from Abilene, TX to help do the first store in Springfield, MO. We both helped in the opening of the second store in Tulsa OK. My husband is currently the Director of Entertainment at the Springfield location and I am the Executive Assitant to the Vice President of Marketing. We have been researching the OKC area in order to move our family. Thanks for sending out such a great welcome.

12-05-2004, 11:54 AM
Welcome to the city, cbduo!! If you have any questions about our wonderful metro, please ask us!!

12-05-2004, 02:57 PM
Actually I have so many questions. . .but I can really use some help finding a place to live. . .
I'm interested in a service that I can tell them my needs for a rental place?

12-05-2004, 03:24 PM
Hmm. Cbduo, tell us what your priorities are and maybe we can find a good fit for you -- price (range), room/square footage requirements, location, nearby amenities required (schools?), atmosphere, community type (building, complex, duplex, home, etc). If you're flexible, I'm sure we can offer you many suggestions.

12-07-2004, 01:38 AM
Hey cbduo....welcome to OKC! And we're so happy you guys are locating an Incredible Pizza here. I think you made a good choice regarding location. You can't beat Northwest'll be impressed with the traffic flow through that area. We'll be glad to finally get the old Wal-Mart building leased out and re-developed. I didn't figure it would take long though, especially with the location it's in and all. Obviously, most os us here are big on downtown OKC and Bricktown, but NW Expressway is probably a better fit for your restaurant, knowing the size and all.

The only thing that really comes close to the description of Incredible Pizza is the old Crystals Pizza which used to be located at NW Expressway and Rockwell. It did very well over the years, and became quite a landmark. The only reason it closed is because the owner wanted to retire.

Incredible Pizza will definitely fill a void in our city.

Hey, as floater said, we'd be glad to help you out with rental suggestions. Let us know kind of what you're looking for, and what location, and we can make some great suggestions. Many of us know OKC very well, so we can give you some good pointers!

Welcome to OKC! We're so glad you've joined us here in Oklahoma City, and on this great site. Although you may find that many of the locals don't have much pride in our city, in all reality, Oklahoma City has a lot to offer. Just read the posts in this forum and you can see that.

12-07-2004, 03:21 AM
This place is absolutely amazing...check out their website....

12-07-2004, 02:08 PM
I appreciate the Welcome! I'll post the specifics for a rental place soon. . . can I get some infor on the school districts in and around the store's location. I don't want to live to far from the stores location. I've seen a map of the area and was interested in the area north on Mac Arthour (think that was the name) around Hefner Lake.

12-07-2004, 03:17 PM
OMG, Crystal's...I haven't heard that name in years. The Crystal's in SW 74th and Penn was one of my favorite places when I was in middle school. After our school band performed a concert, our parents would drive us to Crystal's for some games and personal thin crust pizzas...Thank's Patrick, for bringing it up!!

And I'm sure Incredible will make many more memories in the future!

12-07-2004, 03:19 PM
Yeah they just tore down that building about a month ago for a chilis, i liked it when it was posados it was still in real good shape

12-07-2004, 03:31 PM
I do not eat Pizza, but loved Crystal's pasta dishes and their sundae bar. If Incrediable has the same thing, when I can, I will be there.

I also frequented the Crystal's in Southern Hills.

12-07-2004, 08:53 PM
Incredible has a better pasta selection and a potato bar, soup bar , 80 item salad bar and man the desserts are "INCREDIBLE". But then again I'm biased, I work for them. I remember the Crystal's in our home town. And I would compare Incredible to Crystal's. Our Crystal's was the place to hang out at when church let out on Sunday night's. Please do check out our site at or check out my newsletter at I look forward to move to OKC!

12-07-2004, 11:29 PM
Hey cbduo...are you looking for an apartment, rental house, or home to buy? Anyways, the are just north of NW Expressway on MacArthur is great. Lansbrook (on the west side of MacArthur) is a very nice, upscale neighborhood. Depending on how much money you want to invest, there are some extremely nice additions along NW 122nd St...Summer Field, Warwick (very expensive), Val Verde (very, very expensive), Bacoge (very, very, very expensive!!!), Fox Run (a little cheaper), etc. That's a pretty nice area.
Lake Aire is a more affordable neighborhood just east of MacArthur, noth of NW's not too shabby.

If you're looking for an apartment, try the MacArthur area north of 122nd, and along Memorial Rd. around that area....around in that area....Crowne Point (only a few years old, but affordable), the Gables (affordable, and always well kept and professional...the yuppies have always lived here!!), The Park at Memorial (probasbly the most expensive in the area), Crown Martin Park (one of the more expensive in the area), etc. are all very nice apartment complexes. Just west of Quail Srings Mall, Quail Landing and Stonleigh are pretty pricey apartment complexes. Stonleigh is outrageous in price, but they're extremely upscale.
Augusta and Invitiational, just west of Hefner Parkway on NW 122nd are nice, especially the Augusta. The Augusta is pretty pricey, but well worth it in my opinion. The Invitational is more affordable, but still well kept. Prairie Springs is a very new upscale complex just north of NW Expressway on Council Rd. Another extremely nice but pricey complex.

This area encompasses the PC (Putnam City) School district. Not too shabby. That's PC North High School/Hefner Middle School territory, so you're in the best of the PC area...the most wealthy anyhow. It's pretty much your typical upscale suburban-type school district. I'd put PC North up there with one of the Edmond Schools.
I believe that area is served by Ralph Downs Elementary, a blue ribbon school. the PC School district has several blue ribbon elementary schools.

Try to steer clear of the Oklahoma City School district. It is improving slowly but surely, but it will take some more time. We just voted around $700 million to completely overhaul the OKC Public School District, but unfortunately, many of the projects have not begun yet.
The OKC School District covers most of South OKC and North OKC east of Portland Ave.

If you have any specific questions, please let us know. We know OKC very well, and can give you some pointers if you have a few properties picked out.

Feel free to either post here or email me at with any questions.

12-07-2004, 11:44 PM
Hello guys Iam new here.
I happen to also work at Tulsas IPC and it is a blast. we are always busy and on Friday nights, All day saturday and sunday the place is packed. We probally have recived 70% of all birthday parties and many companys are having there christmas parties there. The place is huge so you can get everyone inside it.

They have lock-ins every week and they are a blast. There are many types of pizza to choose from and if you don't see the won you won't they'll make it for you.

Glad to be on this forum.

12-08-2004, 01:46 AM
Hey wally, we're glad to have both you and cbduo! We're looking forward to trying the new Incredible Pizza on NW Expressway in OKC. It sounds exciting. Next time I'm in Tulsa I'll have to take a sneak preview!

12-08-2004, 02:29 PM
You are so awesome Patrick!!! The President as ok'd my husband and I to come for a visit after the first of the year. Your list will help us alot. My husband what's an apartment because he'll be to busy to take care of a lawn. I have to have a townhouse if we live in apartments. We'll be looking at the nice by less expensive area. I don't want to spend more then a $1000 on a rental place. I can't thank you enough for you help. I'll need your address so I can invite you to the VIP parties before the store opens to the public.

12-08-2004, 02:39 PM
LOL! Thanks cbduo!

Hey, if you're looking for a townhouse, you might check into one at The Warrington...they're the only apartment complex that I can think of in that area with townhouses. They're located right next to Crowne Point, north of 122nd St. on the east side of MacArthur. They're pretty full right now, so you might have to check well in advance of your move. I think my fiancee and I are gonig to try to get their smaller 2 bed, 1 bath when we get married.

Warrington's 2 bed, 2 1/2 bath townhome is $689 a month.

Here is their website:

12-08-2004, 02:42 PM
You might check into Hefner Village condos as well....they're for sale, but occasionally you can find one for rent there. They're located on the east side of MacArthur, just south of Hefner Rd.

12-08-2004, 02:44 PM
If you find some homes/apartments, let us know and we'd be more than happy to make recommendations! We're here to help!

12-08-2004, 02:44 PM
Depending on your size requirements, $1,000 is a high price to pay.

Personally I HATE apartments. They are not private, noisy, and you ususally get builders grade materials which I loathe, and you are making someone else wealthier. As I know you know, buying is a better investment. I would suggest buying a house and hiring a gardner for your lawn. I pay mine about $100 per month to care for 1/4 acre and he does a great job. So good he is booked solid.

12-08-2004, 02:47 PM
I was going to say, $1,000 monthly will get you a great place. If you are investment-conscious, I would try a condo instead.

12-08-2004, 02:48 PM
If you're gonig for a 2 or 3 bed townhome, I don't think $1,000 is too just all depend son what you're getting. A 2 bed apartment at the Park at Memorial might be worth that.

12-08-2004, 04:40 PM
I have 3 children and a brother living with us. . . so I need a big place. . . We are only looking at being in OKC for a year, possible longer, but I don't want to buy until we are permanetly placed at an Incredible. We still own a house in Abilene, TX - which I hate, so I don't want to get into that headache again. I really appreciate the info. Does the Putnam School district have a website I can get infor from? I did a search on some apartments I'll post the names later to get everyones take on them. I even found some houses north of the store which were around $700 a month, 3bedroom. Thanks again on all the insight.

12-08-2004, 05:49 PM
cbduo, here's the Putnam City School District website:

12-08-2004, 06:57 PM
im a licensed real estate agent and mortgage broker if you need any advice.

12-08-2004, 11:47 PM
I have heard that the IPC in Oklahoma City will open in April and that they wanted to make the store bigger. The store in Tulsa is 100,000 sqft but 20,000 sqft of it is leased to swat Indoor Paintball leaving 80,000 sqft for Tulsas IPC. They have 696 parking spaces and that the only problem the store has. People park at DSW parking lot on Friday and Saturday nigths.

Many of the mangers coming to Oklahoma City are coming from Texas, mostly San Antonio area, but they will hire many local mangers. The Managers at Tulsa IPC came from either Chucke Chesse or Celebration Station.

12-08-2004, 11:53 PM
Will the IPC in Oklahoma City take up the entire space at the old Wal-Mart building? Or will part of the building be leased out to someone else? The original article in the Oklahoman said that IPC would only take up part of the building. Personally, I'm kind of hoping IPC takes up the entire building.

By the way, wally and cbduo, IPC couldn't have picked a better location....right at NW Expressway and MacArthur. IPC should do well there.

12-09-2004, 12:08 AM
Patrick, I don't know. I will ask one Of the guys that should know what there putting in it. And ya it should do really good. Maybe it Will be Swat, that place is really fun and it is always packed with parties. But i do know that they have mentioned several times that they wan't to add on it.

The Simulater ride at Tulsas IPC was built by Disney and it is the coolest thing in the world, I hope they Put one in the OKC IPC store. Is the parking in the Area good?

12-09-2004, 12:12 AM
Sure, it used to be a Wal-Mart (before Wal-Mart moved to their new Super Center locations on NW Expressway at Council and at Belle Isle), so there's tons of parking around there! Wal-Mart built a pretty large parking lot on that property....I can't remember a time when the lot was ever close to being completely full. Parking shouldn't be a problem.

12-09-2004, 12:21 AM
Thats good. You guys should visit the IPC in Tulsa for a sneak peek and ask for Wally and Ill make you any Pizza that you want!

They should be opening 3 in Dallas, 3 in Houston, the biggest one is supposed to be in Albecurque, New Mexico. Its a Homedepot site. If they do lease space out it will probaly be a small amount of space, not that much.

12-09-2004, 12:22 AM
Yeah, I'll definitely have to visit IPC next time I'm in Tulsa. I'll contact you prior to going to make sure you're going to be there!

12-09-2004, 09:51 AM
Do you work at TIPC Wally??

12-09-2004, 09:56 AM
Wally. If it flies here, how will the company feel about a South Oklahoma City location. There is a lot of space along I240 open.

I speak for all or most southsiders in saying we would welcome your buisness. Many refuse to travel north. A south Oklahoma City location would just increase your business.

12-09-2004, 09:59 AM
I'm from the corparate side of Incredible. And I know that we aren't taking up the entire building and we will be smaller than Tulsa. However don't fret the size will only be felt in 85 seats throughout our 3 diners. The game room will be the same size. Warr Acres' Incredible Pizza Company will have the Bowling Alley, Go-Karts, Mini-Golf and Bumper Cars for attractions. We will have a simulator however the details of that haven't been released yet. And the other IPC locations haven't been released yet either. 34 stores have been purchased by the French Group ,who is doing Warr Acres'. These stores range from Arizona to Florida but specific locations have not been released to the public.

12-09-2004, 10:03 AM
Wally what department do you work in and who is you manager?

12-12-2004, 11:48 PM
Hey cbduo, keep us up to date on your search for a home in our city. We'd still be glad to help.

12-13-2004, 12:26 AM
What do you think about the Springbrook Apartments. They have a four bedroom for $815.00. Is it nice? We are tentatively moving at the first of May. Cuts it close with the store opening also being in May. My son however is in Kindergarten and I don't want him to miss out on finishing his school year with friends.

12-13-2004, 12:52 AM've got me on that one....of all the one's we've looked at, we actually never looked at Springbrook...I'm familiar with where it is though...right behind Pioneer Pies on NW Expressway. I'll scope it out over the next few days and I'll ask around. The best way I've found to find out about a complex is to go right up to people living there and ask! I've heard some interesting stories. When I get a chance, I'll drop by and see what I find out.

12-13-2004, 12:57 AM
Ah. Those are managed by Oklahoma Property Management, Inc.. I'm pretty familiar with the other property they manage...Vintage Lakes. They don't do so swell of a job with Vintage Lakes. But, Springbrook could be different. I do know Springbrook is a pretty old complex. I guess the reason I never considered it, is because if it's age.

The price you listed sounds reasonable, but it may be too reasonable....anytime you go that low for a 4 bedroom, you have to be careful. It just kind of depends what you're wanting and how picky you are about things.

Anyways, I'll visit there over the next few weeks and let you know.

12-13-2004, 01:55 PM
I appreciate it . . . I can't find any other place online that has a 4 bedroom set up?

12-13-2004, 02:00 PM
yeah, those arent the greatest of apartments although it may be hard to find a 4 bed

12-14-2004, 12:22 AM
I took a stroll through Springbrook wouldn't be my first pick, but I suppose it isn't the worst in Oklahoma City either. It's an older complex with a wide range of types of people that live there. It actually reminds me a lot of Vintage Lakes....I'm not surprised.
Do you have to have a 4 bedroom for certain? If you could settle for a 3 bedroom and wouldn't mind paying a little more, it might be worth it. Whatever works for you though. I personally wouldn't be afraid to live there, but it definitely wouldn't top my list.

I didn't get a chance to talk to anyone was kind of cold outside....I'll go back here in a few days and take a better look.

02-08-2005, 04:57 PM
Anyone know the status of the OKC/Warr Acres Incredible pizza?

Been to the one in Tulsa, had a good time but was packed. I heard the one in Warr Acres would be open Feb 05. Is this true? Can someone send me some info. Like when it will open.

02-08-2005, 11:12 PM
The last I heard the opening date was suppose to be sometime this month; however; looking at the progress of the building it will probably the end of this month if not sometime in March, possibly April.

02-09-2005, 06:29 AM
I do not like Pizza, but DO like some pasta dishes. Even though I have started a strict diet, I might try them. Especially if they are like Crystals was.

02-09-2005, 11:57 AM
I’ve been there, a couple of times now, for parties with my kids. They are begging to go back.

The place is just massive. Shockingly big. There really are some pretty cool games and attractions. It’s pretty cheap too. And loud. It’s a cool place for kids and teenagers, I don’t recommend anyone else set foot in there unless you have to. It is so busy and so loud, the kids go on instant overload.

Pizza is mediocre, pasta is not quite that good. They have a nice salad bar. Hadn’t seen a salad bar in a long time.

That said, compared to Celebration Station and Chunky Cheese, the food is a lot better, it just plain sucks at both those place and they have a vastly larger variety of games and activities. One minus for some people compared to the other kid places, no beer.

It’s like a Dave and Busters for kids, with worse food. The closest thing I can compare it to is the Disney Experience in Chicago, but all on one level and without the Disney characters.

My kids love the place, I kinda dread it.

02-10-2005, 12:49 AM
Thanks for the info. swake! We really appreciate it!

This will be a nice use of big box space! Something new to the market will also be a plus! Fortunately, since the building was a Wal-Mart, there should be plenty of parknig to accomodate the venue. I've heard in Tulsa that parking has been an issue at times!

02-10-2005, 02:14 AM
I’ve been there, a couple of times now, for parties with my kids. They are begging to go back.

The place is just massive. Shockingly big. There really are some pretty cool games and attractions. It’s pretty cheap too. And loud. It’s a cool place for kids and teenagers, I don’t recommend anyone else set foot in there unless you have to. It is so busy and so loud, the kids go on instant overload.

Pizza is mediocre, pasta is not quite that good. They have a nice salad bar. Hadn’t seen a salad bar in a long time.

That said, compared to Celebration Station and Chunky Cheese, the food is a lot better, it just plain sucks at both those place and they have a vastly larger variety of games and activities. One minus for some people compared to the other kid places, no beer.

It’s like a Dave and Busters for kids, with worse food. The closest thing I can compare it to is the Disney Experience in Chicago, but all on one level and without the Disney characters.

My kids love the place, I kinda dread it.

I was pretty impressed with the place when I went. Then again I was expecting a CiCi's type buffet with a game area. I thought the food was great and the family atmosphere couldn't have been better. It was a little loud but, then again isn't every place that is kid oriented.

If your the type that is expecting something along the likes of Carinos, Incredible Pizza is not the place you want to go.

We went on a Sunday and several church youth groups were there. I will pretty much bet this will become a haven for youth groups. They play Christian music videos throughout the arcade area. There are no violent games and there were police officers providing security and they are very visible.

Overall its nice family restaurant in my opinion. I especially like the idea of being able to back and eat as many times as you like. Its not a one shot deal, you can eat, go play, and stop for a quick snack go play again, and grab some dessert before you head out.

Okc needs something like this especially during the winter. When the only family things to do are movies, bowling or rollerskating.

02-10-2005, 04:55 PM
Hey Guys . . . Sorry I've not keep you all up to date . . . been real busy with new stores. We open in Warr Acres on May 19th (mark your calendars). Job fair will be on May 7th if anyone is interested or has teenagers interested. We are scheduled to open seven stores this year . . . we are just booming.

Thanks for the info on that apartment. I've got little ones so I think I'll look else where. I'm thinking of going for a house instead of an apartment. I bet I'll have a better chance of finding something.

I'm getting so excited about moving up there. My husband and I are planning a trip in March to come a look around. My husband is scheduled to move in April. He's the Director of Entertainment and I'm scheduled sometime in May.

02-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Parking is terrible.

The location was one of the those "BigK" Kmarts, so it has a lot of parking but there was no parking in the lot either time I was there. The location is surrounded by another shopping center and a Burger King in the front and you have to park out in these areas.

I'm guessing it will be busier in the winter than in the summer. Their competition probably will be Celebration Station who has all the outdoor rides.

02-11-2005, 12:23 AM
Hey Guys . . . Sorry I've not keep you all up to date . . . been real busy with new stores. We open in Warr Acres on May 19th (mark your calendars). Job fair will be on May 7th if anyone is interested or has teenagers interested. We are scheduled to open seven stores this year . . . we are just booming.

Thanks for the info on that apartment. I've got little ones so I think I'll look else where. I'm thinking of going for a house instead of an apartment. I bet I'll have a better chance of finding something.

I'm getting so excited about moving up there. My husband and I are planning a trip in March to come a look around. My husband is scheduled to move in April. He's the Director of Entertainment and I'm scheduled sometime in May.

Glad to hear you're so excited about moving to OKC. As with any big city, OKC has its good parts and bad. Try to head down to Bricktown and downtown if you get a chance.

I'm glad you decided against those Springbrook apartments. They seem like a good deal for what you're getting, but the complex just isn't that great. It's kind of weird, because that's actually a pretty good part of town, it's just that complex isn't too good. All of the complexes off Wilshire and NW Expressway, with the exception of Boardwalk, are also not so fact, they've had some shootings along Lyrewood Lane in the past. I wouldn't advise anyone to live around that area. Funny thing is, all of the neighborhoods around there are very high end. I guess that's what keeps the area up.

Looking for a house in that area should be okay! I really can't think of any bad housing additions in that area.

Thanks again for the update. We're looking forward to the opening of Incredible Pizza.

02-11-2005, 12:25 AM
Parking is terrible.

The location was one of the those "BigK" Kmarts, so it has a lot of parking but there was no parking in the lot either time I was there. The location is surrounded by another shopping center and a Burger King in the front and you have to park out in these areas.

I'm guessing it will be busier in the winter than in the summer. Their competition probably will be Celebration Station who has all the outdoor rides.

Fortunately, for us, the parking lot around the Warr Acres Wal-Mart on NW Expressway was huge, larger than parking lots at most Wal-Marts. I never understood why Wal-Mart built such a big parking lot at that. They never even came close to filling it. Wal-Mart was set back quite a ways off NW Expressway. That might explain the large lot. Anyways, from the way it sounds, having a parking lot that large will be a plus for our Incredible Pizza.

I'm just glad to see another empty big box filled!

02-11-2005, 09:55 AM
Patrick -- I'm not the kind of person to drive downtown in a big city but my husband is so we'll be visiting Bricktown as soon as we get there. He's going to be like a child on christmas with a new present. He's going to keep us busy on his day off.

I've been worried about the parking in Warr Acres, so it's good to hear that it's big. Tulsa is unreal. On Saturday people are waiting over an hour to get in. And our President has estimated that Warr Acres will do twice the business as Tulsa because of the demographics. I think that makes me a little nervous about going. Can't wait to see the place for myself.

02-15-2005, 12:37 PM
CBDuo, here is a wonderful website for school comparisons:

This is another company that my husband is project manager for some of the subs.. we will be at both of the Grand Opening parties so maybe we will get to meet some of you going to this event. I'm looking forward to that - CB, I have a first grader (boy) maybe our children can meet up.

Good luck on your search... welcome to OK!

02-15-2005, 02:31 PM
Thank you for the welcome. I should be at the front of the store for both parties so please do come and say hi. So do you know the owners of the store? Robin French is a great buisness man and his team is fantastic so this store will be great. Our interior designer said that this store will be his favorite one. My kindergartener is a boy also so he'll be excited to meet some new friends.

02-15-2005, 03:09 PM
Hi again CB, no, I don't know the owners. My husband has worked on this project in a construction estimator/project manager capacity. He hasn't worked with the actual Incredible Pizza staff. He has met some of the team I believe but I don't know about the owners.

I think this company is on the verge of becoming really successful... I'm excited for it to come to OK.

I can't wait for it to open, because the kids will have a blast - let's get the kids together. I have two boys -one older -age 11. Maybe they can meet at the Grand Opening.

Anyway, good luck in your rental search, if you were purchasing I could help you out more but rentals I don't have much access to. Were you able to open Tons of info there and it will help you pick an area to move. Putnam City schools are highly rated, Deer Creek, Oakdale, Edmond School Districts are some that you might research. There are many more good schools but these are some that I am most familiar with. Check it out, let me know if you need any help or have questions. Take care, Karrie :-)

02-15-2005, 04:31 PM
Constuction! That makes since! Maybe when I'm up there before the opening we can set up a time for you guys to walk through. That way you can see everything before it's jammed backed. I have a stepson that is 10. He won't be at the parties but will be coming down for the summer soon after. I've pretty much decided on the Putnam City schools but I'll look into the other. Thanks so much! Look forward to meeting a friendly face! Carolynn

02-15-2005, 04:50 PM
Thanks CB, that would be fun, actually hubby is there quite often checking the progress but nothing fun there yet for us :-)

Your 10 year old will be just perfect this summer! That's the perfect age combo for us! My boys are into X-Box, Bionicles, swimming, rollerskating, skate boarding, movies, Cartoon Network, you name it, they like it.

I wanted to also send you a website - click on Real Estate and then compare cities. That might help you as well when determining where you want to live. If you want to email me personally - and I'll ask around for any rentals or leasing at the office.

Take care, Karrie

02-16-2005, 12:41 AM
Constuction! That makes since! Maybe when I'm up there before the opening we can set up a time for you guys to walk through. That way you can see everything before it's jammed backed. I have a stepson that is 10. He won't be at the parties but will be coming down for the summer soon after. I've pretty much decided on the Putnam City schools but I'll look into the other. Thanks so much! Look forward to meeting a friendly face! Carolynn

Hey CB....some of us might interested in gonig through a walk thru with you before the store opens. That would great if you could take 2 or 3 of us on a grand tour!

Hey, I think the PC Schools schould be okay for you guys. They're pretty decent, with the exception of the poorer PC School Hilldale Elementary. All of the others are good, many even being Blue Ribbon Schools.
I'd recommend finding a house in the Ralph Down Elementary area if you can. It's one of the newer PC elementary schools! One of the better ones, in my opinion.