08-19-2006, 01:18 AM
With the arrest of the Video Vigilante Wes Lane has stated he crossed the line after getting a little taste of fame.
No I believe thats it's Wes Lane who has crosed the line after getting a taste of power setting him self up as Ministry of Justice.
He said Bates' video work had become 'just this side of pornography.
Wes Lane's work has become this side of crime. with his plea bargins and only applying the law to those he sees fit to.
He's already prooven him self by claiming at the begaining of this case the witness's had no deal.
Real man don,t make excuses but lying is fine to try and win a case .
Both the prostitute, Renee McCullough, and the ex-convict, Gerald Loud, testified against Bates before a grand jury.
But notice if you will Mr.Bates did not.
According to court documents, Loud, struck a deal with prosecutors to testify in exchange for a suspended sentence for methamphetamine possession.
This is one way of handling the meth problem I guess.
McCullough is facing a soliciting charge.
And I guess this is one way of handling prositution problem.
For those not up with legal talk these days struck a deal means plea bargin.
Again Wes lane not happy with the out come of a case so he waste tax payer money on resources to get his own way.
Money that could have been spent solving the issues in Oklahoma city.
Which to refreash Wes lane's memory is prositution johns, drug dealers and drug users, gang problems such as those openly carrying weapons , drive bys,theft, property damage,murder and assult in just small areas of the city .That would include druken lawyers who picth lady's butts in a bad case of stupid and not have them registry as sex offender and people arrrested for drugs who break probation.
No I believe thats it's Wes Lane who has crosed the line after getting a taste of power setting him self up as Ministry of Justice.
He said Bates' video work had become 'just this side of pornography.
Wes Lane's work has become this side of crime. with his plea bargins and only applying the law to those he sees fit to.
He's already prooven him self by claiming at the begaining of this case the witness's had no deal.
Real man don,t make excuses but lying is fine to try and win a case .
Both the prostitute, Renee McCullough, and the ex-convict, Gerald Loud, testified against Bates before a grand jury.
But notice if you will Mr.Bates did not.
According to court documents, Loud, struck a deal with prosecutors to testify in exchange for a suspended sentence for methamphetamine possession.
This is one way of handling the meth problem I guess.
McCullough is facing a soliciting charge.
And I guess this is one way of handling prositution problem.
For those not up with legal talk these days struck a deal means plea bargin.
Again Wes lane not happy with the out come of a case so he waste tax payer money on resources to get his own way.
Money that could have been spent solving the issues in Oklahoma city.
Which to refreash Wes lane's memory is prositution johns, drug dealers and drug users, gang problems such as those openly carrying weapons , drive bys,theft, property damage,murder and assult in just small areas of the city .That would include druken lawyers who picth lady's butts in a bad case of stupid and not have them registry as sex offender and people arrrested for drugs who break probation.