View Full Version : Just this side of crime

08-19-2006, 01:18 AM
With the arrest of the Video Vigilante Wes Lane has stated he crossed the line after getting a little taste of fame.

No I believe thats it's Wes Lane who has crosed the line after getting a taste of power setting him self up as Ministry of Justice.

He said Bates' video work had become 'just this side of pornography.

Wes Lane's work has become this side of crime. with his plea bargins and only applying the law to those he sees fit to.

He's already prooven him self by claiming at the begaining of this case the witness's had no deal.
Real man don,t make excuses but lying is fine to try and win a case .
Both the prostitute, Renee McCullough, and the ex-convict, Gerald Loud, testified against Bates before a grand jury.

But notice if you will Mr.Bates did not.

According to court documents, Loud, struck a deal with prosecutors to testify in exchange for a suspended sentence for methamphetamine possession.
This is one way of handling the meth problem I guess.
McCullough is facing a soliciting charge.
And I guess this is one way of handling prositution problem.

For those not up with legal talk these days struck a deal means plea bargin.

Again Wes lane not happy with the out come of a case so he waste tax payer money on resources to get his own way.
Money that could have been spent solving the issues in Oklahoma city.
Which to refreash Wes lane's memory is prositution johns, drug dealers and drug users, gang problems such as those openly carrying weapons , drive bys,theft, property damage,murder and assult in just small areas of the city .That would include druken lawyers who picth lady's butts in a bad case of stupid and not have them registry as sex offender and people arrrested for drugs who break probation.

08-19-2006, 10:06 AM
Obviously, you do not know the vigilante. Either that or you have the motive of bashing Wes Lane.

Brian "Video Vigilante" Bates is someone several of us on OKC Talk have known for years. He is a self centered, egotist and HE is the one who crossed the line. Not Lane. Lane is doing what is right in this case.

Bates started out taping streetwalkers (actually who he THOUGHT were streetwalkers) and giving them to the police. Bates taped Donald (I think that is his first name) Pette being arrested and that gave the Oklahoma City Police a black eye because the national press took the arrest out of context. The man resisted and all they did was to use POLICE POLICY to subdue the man. It is called "less than lethal force." They had to use their asp (known to the civilian as a "nightstick") to bring him down. Had he just cooperated, not only would the police not been given a bad time by the press looking for ratings, Bates would not have been sought. Bates is guilty. I hope he does every day of the sentence he will get (prison) and shares a cell with someone like Pette.

Bates did not testifgy before the Grand Jury because that is his right. He has a slick attorney who protects his client regardless of guilt. That is the onlyu smart thing he has done in this matter.

This is another thread, however, as long as it is done by Nevada regulations, there is nothing wrong with prostitution being legal. Morally it is up to the individual. Bates has always been out of line with his video voyerism. (sp)

I suggest before you try to blast the DA, you do some research.

BTW. WIll I vote for Wes Lane? No. He is a nice guy, however, I do not like the fact his mommy got him the job.

08-19-2006, 01:47 PM
Iam glad your not voting for Lane .But you don,t no him .ive pointed out several lies in his owm statements. The tape that was doctored in the beating isdsue blanking out the part where the offcier was threatening him.
The lies he told in the case with the V.V that the ones testifing to the grand jury did not have a plea deal. And several other issues. Lane is hurting himself with his own words and actions. no bashing is needed in about 86 more days I think you will see other aggree.
Tank you for your coment

08-19-2006, 05:24 PM
Iam glad your not voting for Lane .But you don,t no him .ive pointed out several lies in his owm statements. The tape that was doctored in the beating isdsue blanking out the part where the offcier was threatening him.
The lies he told in the case with the V.V that the ones testifing to the grand jury did not have a plea deal. And several other issues. Lane is hurting himself with his own words and actions. no bashing is needed in about 86 more days I think you will see other aggree.
Tank you for your coment

How do you know I do not know Wes Lane? For all you know, I have known him for years.

I suggest you take it from someone that knows Brian Bates and believe what I am saying. Plus, investigate less than lethal force policy as it was when the Pette case occured.

I have no idea who you are, sir, however, you do not have the right to tell me I do not know someone.

08-19-2006, 10:22 PM
I meant no offense sir but I sugggest you go talk to the people effeced by the issuses . such as the hookers ,drug dealers,gang memberes, drive bys,assults, murders, threft, property damage for you to see the real side of Wes Lane. And his dealings such as making plea deals with one who killed a little girl and did not have to say where she is. Her family will get no peace. Or the broken promise he made to the elderly about protecting them from sex offenders in nursing homes. protecting the nursing homes if they do not want to inform the elders in their care or their families is not protecting them. The list could go on. You say I don,t no Mr Bates.
I see A man trying to fix a problem taking action not just posting no hooker signs and ignoring the public.

08-19-2006, 11:01 PM
Oklahoma County District Attorney Is Sued By An Assistant

Oklahoma County District Attorney Wes Lane is being sued by one of his assistants. Cindy Troung has filed a federal discrimination lawsuit, claiming she was paid less than some men who didn't have as much experience. Court records indicate Trong was being paid about 15-hundred to two-thousand-dollars less than some of her less qualified collegues. Her lawsuit alledges Wes Lane told her the salary difference was a mistake. Instead of raising her salary, he asked her to have patience because of budget concerns. She filed suit shortly afterwards