View Full Version : City on the Move

08-07-2006, 07:49 PM
Another heads-up on this forum about public transportation

City on the Move

On Tuesday, August 8, Sustainable OKC is partnering with OCU’s Vivian Wimberly Center for Ethics and Servant Leadership to host the third event in our Smart Growth series: "City on the Move: Transportation in Central Oklahoma," a panel discussion on public transportation. The panel discussion will begin at 7:30 p.m.; doors open at 7:00. The event is free and open to the public.

This panel will explore factors that have influenced the transportation infrastructure in central Oklahoma and discuss solutions to make Oklahoma City a more livable community. The central topic of the discussion will be the current state of public transportation and future plans for the metro area.

Panelists include:

* John Dugan, Director, Oklahoma City Planning Department
* Rick Cain, Director, Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority
* Willa Johnson, Ward Seven, City Council
* Dean Schirf, Vice President of Government Relations, Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce
* Zach Taylor, Executive Director, Association of Central Oklahoma Governments

The panel will be moderated by OETA's Dick Pryor.

The panel will be held at Watson Lounge on the lower level of the Bishop Angie Smith Chapel at Oklahoma City University (NW 23rd and Blackwelder). The chapel is building 27 on this campus map.

08-07-2006, 08:58 PM
Wish I could be there.

I hope someone will go, represent and post a report. :)

08-08-2006, 01:33 PM
Thanks for posting, I forgot to. I hope to attend tonight.