View Full Version : Bricktown
Raspberry 10-18-2004, 10:54 PM I spent the day in Bricktown today, first time in a few months... and I was wowed by the changes. The fountain, a sonic, the theatre, the almost completed marble slab, noodle place and rib place. WOW.
I occasionally read about future projects on this web site, but I don't follow it too closely. Is there a site I can go to to see any future Bricktown plans? Where can read downtownguy's blog?
Will the south canal ever be developed? The area south of I-40. Also, I had heard that the canal will be connected to the park at the river. Right now the railroad tracks still separate the two areas.... will there ever be a way to walk from Bricktown to the river?
I've got to get down there more often.
Midtowner 10-18-2004, 11:00 PM Bricktown REALLY is coming along. It's quite impressive. I'm lucky enough to live less than a mile away so I get to watch it grow day by day.
Patrick 10-19-2004, 12:36 AM Hey Raspberry. Glad to hear you have just as great of an interest in the growth of Bricktown as the rest of us do. For up to date info., a good place to go is right here. It seems like this site usually has the up to date info. long before many of the Bricktown sites do. Of course the Daily Oklahoman, OKC Business and Journal Record are all great sources as well. I constantly stay in contact with people like Randy Hogan, Jim Couch, and Mick Cornett, so whenever I hear about something I usually post it.
At the same time though, we have a great asset here in having downtownguy on this site. He has cutting edge information, often releasing details far in advance......sometimes so far in advance that he isn't allowed to reveal all of the facts until later.
downtownguy's blog is a great site to check out on a daily basis. His site is at: His older articles are also archived if you want to check them out.
By the way, thanks for participation Raspberry. We invite you to join us any time! You're always welcome here!
Patrick 10-19-2004, 12:46 AM Hey Raspberry, I forgot to answer your last questions.
The Crosstown Project, which will start here in a few months, will not only build highway bridges over the canal, but will also move the existing railroad tracks on a tressle over the canal. Once the railroad tracks are raised over the canal, connection of the two segments of the canal will be much easier. But, the two segments will never be completely connected. The elevation differences are too great. The plans are to extend one segment (I believe the South Canal, not Zone G) of the canal to abut the other segment. Since larger boats will be used on the river, you'll have to get off the Bricktown canal water taxi, walk a few steps over, and board a larger boat for a ride down the Oklahoma River. The water itself in these two segments will never join, but sidewalks (and most likely a plaza of some sort) will join these two segments. I'm guessing you're looking at 5 years, at least.
Boat rides on the river will begin sooner, but riders will be transported from one side of the railroad tracks to the other via trolleys......that is, until the whole project is completed.
So to answer your question, yes, you will eventually be able to walk from the South canal, to Zone G of the canal, and to the river.
Now, you're other question about development on the south segment of the south canal.......well, this has been a topic of much debate. The MAPS Oversight Board originally wanted this area to be left as a park-like setting, with picnic tables, benches, the land run monument, etc. But Urban Renewal and the City Council have expressed interest in eventually developing the canal all the way to the river. Whether this will happen is not certain at this time though. Such development would have to be bid out just as the current development on the middle segment of the south canal was bid out several years ago.
My guess would be that eventually demand would move development South all the way to the canal. But again, that will all take time. With the momentum we have though, one can only wonder how soon that will occur. I'd say give it 10 years! By then, the trees on the river will be maturing and the whole landscape will be changing. I guess a lot of it depends on the mindset of the council and Urban Renewal at that time though too.
I hope that answers your questions. Feel free to reply if you have other questions.
Patrick 10-19-2004, 12:51 AM Just thought I'd add....eventually there are plans to extend the canal other directions as well. A loop is planned coming off close to the front of the theater, extending west in front of Uhaul, then turning north following right next to the Santa Fe Railroad tracks, under Reno Avenue, through where the playground and flag plaza now exists, and then directly into the Headwaters of the canal, in front of Chelinos.
There have been rumors of making extensions off this loop, taking the canal west along Reno in between the Ford Center and Cox Center, then into the Myriad Gardens to join the ponds, but this has never been proven. Only the loop I discussed above and the extension of the south canal has been discussed in council meetings.
Raspberry 10-19-2004, 12:40 PM One more question: I don't know the difference between the corner lot and the lot where the new hotel is going (with the Midfirst sign). Using this map can you tell me which is which. Thanks!
Patrick 10-20-2004, 12:54 AM Sure Raspberry! The hotel is going to be built on empty lot # 78. This is directly next to the Water Taxi loading zone between the canal and Mickey Mantle Dr. The corner lot that McMullen owns is across the canal from the Water Taxi loading Zone. It's empty lot # 77.