08-04-2006, 06:00 AM
Happy 45th Birthday, Keith. Just to let you know that you are appreciated on this forum. You are doing a great job. Have a great day.
View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Keith 1Adam12 08-04-2006, 06:00 AM Happy 45th Birthday, Keith. Just to let you know that you are appreciated on this forum. You are doing a great job. Have a great day. mranderson 08-04-2006, 02:23 PM Amen. Yes. Happy birthday. Make it agreat one. osupa05 08-05-2006, 07:22 PM Hey.. Hope you had a wonderful day! Take care! OklaCity_75 08-06-2006, 12:13 AM A Belated Happy Birthday to you Keith... Look I even got you a cake. http://www.okctalk.com/gallery/data/500/779px-Funnel_cake_20040821_172200_1.jpg sweetdaisy 08-06-2006, 11:30 AM Happy belated birthday, Keith! Hope your day was as wonderful as you are!! Thanks for all you do here. :) OklaCity_75, that's hilarious. :D Keith 08-06-2006, 01:47 PM A Belated Happy Birthday to you Keith... Look I even got you a cake. http://www.okctalk.com/gallery/data/500/779px-Funnel_cake_20040821_172200_1.jpg Wow, thanks for the wonderful birthday greetings. I really appreciate it. Plus, forget about birthday cakes...get me a funnel cake.:kicking: . Yes, sweetdaisy, osupa05, and OklaCity_75, have all seen me pig out on a funnel cake. Thanks again for the nice birthday wishes. You guys and gals are the greatest. Karried 08-06-2006, 10:23 PM Keith! Happy Birthday buddy! floater 08-07-2006, 12:50 PM Yeah, Happy Belated Birthday, Keith! |