View Full Version : How fast is OKC growing?

07-27-2006, 05:12 PM
I read that we will only have 1.5 million people by 2025. Is this true?

07-27-2006, 05:34 PM
I read that we will only have 1.5 million people by 2025. Is this true?

I imagine that is Oklahoma City proper. Metro has just under 1.2 million now.

07-27-2006, 06:20 PM
That is the estimate as released by the U.S. Census Bureau for population projections. But I don't really by those numbers, because they are based on current trends. Depending on how strong Oklahoma City becomes, and it will strengthen as a metropolis, expect those trends to change.

Also remember that Oklahoma City and Tulsa metro areas are growing faster than the rest of the state. What this illustrates is that people are moving from rural Oklahoma into the metros. This also reflects a national trend. Rural services simply cannot meet the needs of its residents, not to mention lack of options. Some will stay in the country for the peace, but most will move to the city.

07-27-2006, 06:25 PM
Is it my imagination, or is every one of your posts negative?

07-27-2006, 07:54 PM
Who are you referring to?

07-27-2006, 11:51 PM
Is it my imagination, or is every one of your posts negative?

Who? Me? I *love* OKC with a passion!!!!! Some issues, good or bad, do need to be faced to better our city, our state, and our country.

07-28-2006, 06:17 AM
I hear it said all the time of one town or city or the other, and it always strikes me as funny: hahaha

How can anyone love a city/town? How can anyone truly love OKC?

Far as people moving to the urban areas, could it be that the urban areas are reaching out into the countrysides and taking people who want no part of them into their folds?

07-28-2006, 09:59 AM
Well, considering that the 10-county metro area grew by 150,000 during the 1990's and that the OKC Metro is growing faster this decade than last, it would be safe to say that we are adding somewhere between 15,000-25,000 per year. I read last week where the metro added 11,000 jobs last year as well.

07-28-2006, 10:45 AM
How can anyone love a city/town? How can anyone truly love OKC?

You are right! You really can’t love a city itself, but you can love the people! I have pride for our community because it is our community, and it is OK!!! I only wish the best for my community, and I want to do my part.

07-28-2006, 11:26 AM
How can you verify that your statement is true. No one can predict the future 20 years out, or even if we'll be here in 20 years? Key word: estimated projection

07-28-2006, 11:28 AM

07-28-2006, 02:01 PM
I think getting an NBA team will really help. Just look at Charlotte.

07-28-2006, 04:04 PM
I'm just guessing, but I'm thinking that becoming the second largest baking center in the US has had more to do with Charlotte's growth than its NBA team. I'm not saying pro teams can't help image wise, but it will take more real economic movers to grow the city that fast.