View Full Version : 50 most influential pastors in America

07-25-2006, 11:16 AM
Thought some of you might enjoy this:

Notice OKC's/Edmond's own Lifechurch with Craig Groechel is new to the top 50 list coming in at #7. Not that it matters to be popular, but it is nice to see an Oklahoman be noted as an influential leader.

07-25-2006, 10:50 PM
They left the Catholics out.. :(

Are Catholics not Christians?

The Pope ought to be #1 on that list.

07-26-2006, 06:13 AM
The Pope ought to be #1 on that list.
Not anymore.

07-26-2006, 07:41 AM
Really? There are 67.2 million Catholics in the U.S.

The runner up is the Southern Baptist Church ringing in at 16.4 million.

"Not anymore"

-- laughable.


07-26-2006, 07:14 PM
The Pope ought to be #1 on that list.

The Pope isn't in America, though. I interpreted the survey to be "pastors in America".

BTW, does anyone else think Joel Osteen looks like David Schwimmer from "Friends"?

07-27-2006, 04:36 PM
Exactly sweetdaisy, #1, the Pope isn't in America, #2 the new Pope doesn't have as much clout as John Paul II, #3 does the Pope consider himself a pastor? Just curioius on that last one?

I do agree Joel Osteen looks a bit like David Schwimmer, only creepier.

07-27-2006, 07:51 PM
Really? There are 67.2 million Catholics in the U.S.

The runner up is the Southern Baptist Church ringing in at 16.4 million.

"Not anymore"

-- laughable.

I don't care how many catholics there are in the U. S., the pope is not a pastor. He is not even close to being a pastor, and he doesn't live in the U.S. . Gee, I guess that is why he didn't make the think?

07-27-2006, 07:59 PM
The Pope is a priest. He's the adminsistrator over the entire Roman Catholic Church including its 67.2 million American members.

Not good enough for you? Pick ANY bishop or archbishop in the U.S.

07-27-2006, 10:00 PM
The Pope is a priest. He's the adminsistrator over the entire Roman Catholic Church including its 67.2 million American members.

Not good enough for you? Pick ANY bishop or archbishop in the U.S.
Nope, not good enough for me, either. So what if he is the administrator over the entire catholic church, he is still not a pastor in the United States.

Does he make visits to the sick and elderly like pastor's do? Does he comfort families who have lost a loved one? No, he doesn't. He sits in his bullet proof chariot and waves at people.

07-27-2006, 10:06 PM
1. the title of the linked article is '50 most influential churches.' congregations in the united states are being ranked, not people. the pope wouldn't make this list, but our lady of the independent suspension would.

2. the survey polled over 2000 non-catholic churches. had the survey polled 2000 catholic churches, how many protestant churches do you think would be listed? it's no big deal.

3. the pope is a pastor. just as the head priest of a parish is pastor of that parish, the pope is pastor of the catholic church.

4. joel osteen looks like guy smiley ( from sesame street.


07-27-2006, 10:18 PM
1. the title of the linked article is '50 most influential churches.' congregations in the united states are being ranked, not people. the pope wouldn't make this list, but our lady of the independent suspension would.

2. the survey polled over 2000 non-catholic churches. had the survey polled 2000 catholic churches, how many protestant churches do you think would be listed? it's no big deal.

3. the pope is a pastor. just as the head priest of a parish is pastor of that parish, the pope is pastor of the catholic church.

4. joel osteen looks like guy smiley ( from sesame street.

No. A pastor is the leader of a church, not many churches. The pope is not a pastor of any church, he is the head honcho of the catholic church. Now, a priest is a "pastor" of a parish because he is leader of one church.

By the way, you can make fun of Joel Osteen all you want, but I would much rather meet him face to face than I would the pope. I believe Joel is more spiritual than the pope (my opinion).

07-27-2006, 10:31 PM
well, actually... pastor derives from the latin word for shepherd. the pope is the shepherd of his flock, the catholic church. he is therefore a pastor. do you have any evidence to the contrary? -M

07-28-2006, 07:30 AM
Perhaps the title should have been "Top 50 Personal Kingdom-Building Pastors"

07-28-2006, 08:12 AM
Joel Osteen is the man. He has great, useful messages, and never screams at me. His book is great too. (There's no screaming in the book either!)

07-28-2006, 10:56 AM
Perhaps the title should have been "Top 50 Personal Kingdom-Building Pastors"

Who founded more churches last year -- the Catholic Church, or Joel Osteen?

-- it's just a bunch of fundy anti-Catholic prejudice keeping the Pontifex Maximus off of the list.

07-28-2006, 02:26 PM
I think it's ludicrous that Joel Osteen makes the list. He only makes the list because he has the largest church in the United States. The only reason he has the largest church in the US is because he's bought into society's idea that we should accept everyone and be tolerant of everything. Who cares if a guy is cheating on his wife......let's brush that under the rug and try to be positive. no negative thoughts now. The guy is an absolute weanie IMHO, and completely ignores many of the truths that the Bible teaches. He's simply a feel good pastor. He's actually been asked about this before, and he replied that we shouldn't talk about the negative things the Bible mentions? What? He waters down his messages, not teaching any Bible, and simply gives a positive message. He might as well be a non-Christian motivational speaker.

07-28-2006, 07:59 PM
Heh...Patrick, tell me how you really feel about Joel. :D

BTW, I FINALLY figured out who Joel Osteen actually looks like. Martin Short's character of Franck Eggelhoffer (the wedding planner) from "Father of the Bride" (1991 version). Perfect match, I tell ya!

07-29-2006, 12:18 PM
I think it's ludicrous that Joel Osteen makes the list. He only makes the list because he has the largest church in the United States. The only reason he has the largest church in the US is because he's bought into society's idea that we should accept everyone and be tolerant of everything. Who cares if a guy is cheating on his wife......let's brush that under the rug and try to be positive. no negative thoughts now. The guy is an absolute weanie IMHO, and completely ignores many of the truths that the Bible teaches. He's simply a feel good pastor. He's actually been asked about this before, and he replied that we shouldn't talk about the negative things the Bible mentions? What? He waters down his messages, not teaching any Bible, and simply gives a positive message. He might as well be a non-Christian motivational speaker.Patrick, I agree 100%. It is sad that there are Christians in his church that are learning very little about being a Christian. They are going to be left with an abundance of baby-Christians and very, very few mature-Christians.

07-29-2006, 02:07 PM
Wow, such harsh words for Joel.

I'm glad Joel has taught me to look at the bright side of things. It's helped me in many areas of my life. I don't need guilt and condemnation, been there, done that. It rotted away my spirit.

12-30-2007, 03:28 PM
i am currently a member of Newspring Church in Anderson, SC and over the last couple of months i have been watching Joel Osteen preach. I think that he should be #2 behind Billy Graham. I think that these guys are the the best and one of the best pastors in America. People shouldn't worry about problems like that because it takes our focus off of Jesus. When we take our focus off Jesus then things start happening like falling onto the wrong path. My pastor Perry Noble like Joel Osteen takes the message that he preaches and relates it to his life. You know God put us Christians on the Earth to go out and reach other people for the kingdom not to criticize other Christian pastors because of the way they preach. That is really disgracing the Christian faith when you criticize a pastor for preaching god's message. Go out and sit at his church one sunday and see if your thoughts change

12-31-2007, 09:07 PM
Did any of the LDS prophets make the list?

teacher girl
01-01-2008, 11:14 PM
#4 is our pastor from when we lived in DFW, he is awesome and their worship is incredible (kinda like lifechurch only like multiplied)

01-02-2008, 09:19 AM
More lasers?

How many more lasers? Does he have a fog machine? That would help me to better understand Christ's message.

01-02-2008, 10:06 AM
Haha...good one.

01-03-2008, 03:33 PM
Did anybody see the Top 50 Most Influential Used Car Salesman list? Man, our man Norman Nobody was on the list. That rocks. He is like, totally inspirational to me.

To me, the idea of this list isn't about spirituality at all. It's about personality cults which, if I'm not mistaken, is referred to in the Bible as idolatry which is part of another list of bad things...if I'm not mistaken.