View Full Version : I-40 & Kilpatrick Turnpike Structure?

Doug Loudenback
07-24-2006, 08:11 PM
Returning from El Reno on I-40, at and slightly north of it's intersection with the Kilpatrick Turnpike, I noticed a modest multi-story (5-6?) building being built (steel-frame structure is all I noticed) north of I-40, which appeared to be on the east side of the Kilpatrick Turnpike, maybe 1/4 mile north of I-40.

What is it?

07-24-2006, 08:34 PM
Thats the shell of a high tech company went bust with all the others around the country.

07-24-2006, 08:47 PM
yeah, its been there for years.

07-24-2006, 09:01 PM

07-24-2006, 10:10 PM
Thats the shell of a high tech company went bust with all the others around the country.

It was going to be a Corning glass plant. Corning did not go "bust." They decided to wait on expansion.

07-24-2006, 10:22 PM

07-24-2006, 10:56 PM
The building I am thinking of was going to be some fiber-optics plant.

Doug Loudenback
07-25-2006, 10:18 AM
How unobservant of me all these year(s)? I was a passenger on this occasion and had more ability to lolly-gag rather than keep my eyes on the road. I've yet to drive the Kilpatrick from I-40.

07-25-2006, 11:21 AM
Yes, it was going to be an Owens Corning fiber-optic plant, not glass. They put the expansion "plans on hold" 4-5 years ago, but as some had said, that means they basically went bust, during the dot com boom.

Last I read about it, Dick Tanenbaum or someone bought it a year or so ago, and some foam manufacturer from North Carolina was supposed to remodel and use it. Haven't heard anything sense. If you do a search on here, I know there is a thread on it a long time ago.