View Full Version : HI and bye

07-22-2006, 10:49 PM
To anyone who reads this:

I have finnally figured out that all women hate me. I try to flirt I get turned away. I try to be nice and they treat me like a kid brother. Every woman orders me around like I am a servant. What it comes down to is the fact I am not cool, not attractive, I have no money. This means that I have no value to any member of the opposite sex.

My life is a lonely life I have no friends, my family only tolerates me because the fact I am family. Really I have no value to any one not even my employer. I quit my job and I sold my toyota I have enough savings and money to pay off all the bills. I am going to take what remians of the money and hit the road by greyhound. I am going to florida. I figure I will spend the rest of my days in a sunny place. The only thing left for me to do in this life is to set and wait until the day I die. I finally admit it to all that reads this..... I am a failure in every meaning of the word. Just thought I would tell everybody in case some may wonder where I went. Tuesday is the big day I am leaving this place to start a new life. I plan on finding a nice beach somewhere and stay drunk as much as possible. I know in florida I will still be a failure but atleste the view and booze will dull my pain.


A man who is living proof that God has a sense of humor.

07-22-2006, 11:55 PM
Well, good luck with that.

07-23-2006, 02:07 AM
This is ranking up there with Rambo's "attempted" life end. Whatever you wanna do though.

Me, I joined a singles group and am having a blast.

07-23-2006, 09:42 AM
Enjoy the hurricanes and the higher crime rates!

07-23-2006, 01:08 PM
It sounds like you are going through a very difficult time. Honestly, it sounds like you have allowed the opinions of others to completely control your life and because of fear of disapproval - you have brought on a lonely, solitary life.

As hard as it is to remember and apply to life, you simply must accept yourself for who you are and what you are. Period. That means giving yourself the power to define you and not women, employers, family, friends, etc.

I would hope that you would take steps to healing rather than escape with the intention of only living out your days with booze. That's not a happy life either. It sounds as if you have chosen to die. A slow death, but still, living as a means to die.

I have no idea if you read books - or would be willing to read a book, but I have a suggestion and it was written for people who feel just as you do. It has a rather crass title, but you have to trust me that it's worth every dime and minute you spend with it. The book is called, Why Your Life Sucks: And What You Can Do About It ( by Alan Cohen.

You can get this book used at Amazon for around $5 and that includes shipping. I also checked and it's available at the Oklahoma County Libraries. They only have two copies and one is at Southern Oaks (but checked out) and the other is at the Choctaw branch (it's in). But you can have any book sent to any branch that is near you. Or, go sip a tea at Borders and begin reading it there. If nothing else, PM me and I will somehow get you my copy.

I hope you will decide to CREATE your own life. NOT your own hell, but your own LIFE. One that can give you years of happiness, despite what others think. Starting over can sometimes be of great benefit (especially if you have little around to keep you in one spot), but as you yourself noted - your inner-self will follow you and that's what you must reinvent, and you can do it!

Please. Do yourself a favor and read this book. If necessary, go find some community=based (fee reduced) therapy. But, please, don't give up. You ARE somebody. Don't let others define you. Go ahead - reinvent yourself! But decide to reinvent a happy, healthy person who is worthy of happiness.

Best of luck to you. Your post sounded very desperate. Don't give up.


Dave Cook
07-23-2006, 01:20 PM
Yo...Ralphie, boy!

This is a classic! I wanna thank you because this is possibly the greatest post I've ever read out of Indian Territory.

Let me pass along some advice, my man. Go to Florida! Hit the road. This is exactly what I did...and I love it.

Lovelife suck? Work sucks? In a rut? Find some adventure! Make life interesting. I love guys like you.

Listen, I've been in Thailand for the past seven weeks and I'm heading up to Laos in a few days. Beaches, nightlife, food, cost of living, smiles from the might miss Oklahoma for a few days...but after a'll forget where you came from.

Just think, there are hundreds of people just like you who are uphappy with their lives and have been for years....and DO NOTHING ABOUT IT. They sit on their asses at work, EVERYDAY! Eat the same food...go home and watch Leno...masturbate..sleep. How these people do it is beyond me.

Keep us posted with an updated travelogue.

07-23-2006, 10:47 PM
Don't dwell on it. Get out......a lot....'til you find a place and people that fit you.