View Full Version : 72" Water Main Break, 7-18-06

07-19-2006, 05:47 PM

This main break actually happened at around 5 PM yesterday, in a salvage yard. As I was getting ready to mow yesterday afternoon, my pager went off. I called my boss and he informed me that the 72" water main at Draper lake had burst.

On our phones at work, we have a recording that residents can listen to when they call in. Myself, my boss, and one of my co-workers, are the only ones that have the access code to change the recording. Since I was on call, I had to go in and change the recording. After that, I headed on out to the main break to get some pictures. This break was in the 7600 block of SE.164th (SE.164 east of Air Depot Blvd).

Right now, it looks as if it will be at least a week before the main is repaired. The City can dig it up and expose the 72" pipe, however, we do not have the resources to make the repair, so a contractor has to come in and make the repair.

I spoke with a supervisor today, and it looks like a contractor has bid on the job and will start working on it tomorrow. I may take a trip out there tomorrow and get some more pictures.

Because of this break, all of south OKC will experience low water pressure until that main is repaired.

Also, Oklahoma City, Moore, and Norman are on a permanent ban on outdoor watering. Because of the break, water tanks at Draper were emptied, and the only way to get them back up to normal is to limit water usage. As long as people ignore the outdoor ban and water their lawns, the low water pressure will continue. If residents comply with the ban, the water pressure should start going up a little within a day or so.

This affects Moore and Norman also...mainly because when they buy water from OKC, that water is sent to them through the 72" main that broke.

This temporary outdoor watering ban is not is mandatory. Here's the bad thing....if residents do not comply and they go ahead and water their yards during this ban, there is nothing the City can do about it. The City will not be authorized to write any citations.

So, if you live in OKC and you see your neighbors watering their lawns, then they are violating the ban, and they are causing you to continue to have low pressure in your house.

07-19-2006, 08:04 PM
That would be cool to see some more pics, I like to see how big a 72 inch main pipe is. I can't even imagine that size in my head.

07-20-2006, 12:24 AM
The color of that water reminds me of the hotdog chilli they served in grade school.

07-20-2006, 10:15 PM
That would be cool to see some more pics, I like to see how big a 72 inch main pipe is. I can't even imagine that size in my head.
I was out there again today and took some more pictures, however, I have not had time to download them on my computer yet. I'll do that tomorrow.

The contractor has been hired, but before they can repair the main, they have to move a bunch of trash (since the main broke in a salvage yard). Once they clear the area, they can dig down and expose the whole main. The pictures I took today were pictures of the top of the main. The main is about 25-30 ft deep.

There is still a ban on outdoor watering, until midnight Friday.

07-21-2006, 10:54 PM
I had the opportunity to go back out to SE.164th St. this evening, the site of the 72" main break. Urban Contractors have been working around the clock to get this main repaired. What does a 72" main look like? Well, I got some more pics.

These ladders are extended all the way out. It just goes to show how far down the main is.

This is one section of 72" pipe still sitting on the truck.

The pipe is much taller than the construction worker.

Getting ready to pull out the old pipe.

07-22-2006, 07:01 AM
Holy cow! that is big, big enough to walk in. With it being concrete I can't see how it broke, unless because the ground shifted enough that it broke the seam in the pipe, but yea that is huge and the hole think is the biggest I have seen for a water main to be buried.