View Full Version : Auto Insurance

07-19-2006, 09:57 AM
Any recommendations for insurance companies?
I've heard independent insurance agents are a good way to go.

We are paying way too much at Allstate even though my family has been with Allstate for a very long time.
I don't understand why my parents pay high rates since they have nearly perfect records for at least the past three years and own their vehicles.

07-19-2006, 10:08 AM
If you are over 50, try Hartford's AARP plan. I saved about $500 a year on it.

Or try State Farm. If you do, I know a guy who is a fellow graduate of class 20 of the Citizens Police Academy who owns a State Farm franchise. He is a good guy.

07-19-2006, 01:22 PM
I've been with Progressive and am relatively happy with them. I haven't had to file any claims (knock on wood), but my rates are "reasonable". Remember, insurance companies are now using credit ratings as a means of calculating insurance rates, so that may be a reason for it being higher (or lower) than you'd like.

Consumer Reports has rated Geico pretty well, so you may want to check with them, too.

07-19-2006, 01:34 PM
I've been with Progressive and am relatively happy with them. I haven't had to file any claims (knock on wood), but my rates are "reasonable". Remember, insurance companies are now using credit ratings as a means of calculating insurance rates, so that may be a reason for it being higher (or lower) than you'd like.

Consumer Reports has rated Geico pretty well, so you may want to check with them, too.

I have a "credit score" of 750, and Allstate STILL quoted me over $1,000 every six months. It is not the credit score, they just gouge people.

As far as Consumer Reports? I use it for firewood. Do not trust them!

07-19-2006, 05:55 PM
Any recommendations for insurance companies?
I've heard independent insurance agents are a good way to go.

We are paying way too much at Allstate even though my family has been with Allstate for a very long time.
I don't understand why my parents pay high rates since they have nearly perfect records for at least the past three years and own their vehicles.
If you are a non drinker and a non smoker, I would highly suggest GuideOne Insurance. I have them for my life insurance, homeowners insurance, and car insurance. With an 18 year old driver in the house, GuideOne has the best rates around. Allstate, State Farm, Progressive, and Geico, don't even come close to matching GuideOne's rates.

07-19-2006, 08:32 PM
Stay away from All State. Those guys will screw you on claims any chance they get. All State has more total bad faith claims against it than any insurance provider in existance today! In fact, they don't make a secret of the fact that they routinely deny claims just to get their insured to settle for less than they're owed (the program even has a name which escapes me at the moment).

Here's a link to a ranking of good versus bad insurers.

07-19-2006, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the info, Midtowner.

I am shocked to see USAA on there at #14. That was the best insurance company I've ever had...when I was a passenger in an accident, they took care of the claims immediately and helped me when dealing with the other person's insurance, too. Guess you just never know with some companies...

07-19-2006, 11:03 PM
The top 2 are really far and away the worst offenders. Hartford is #1 worst in terms of their number of bad faith claims per customer. All State rules in the total number of bad faith claims (by a lot!).

07-20-2006, 09:07 AM
One other to watch carefully is Farmers.

My family had millions of dollars in property (including vehicles) insured with them for years, and was the agents largest client.

One day in 1995, a tornado caused nearly $100,000 in damage to a house owned by my parents. The agent would not take care of it on their behalf. I had the same happen when I had a not at fault accident. An insurance agent is suppose to work on behalf of his or her client. To use one of these modern terms I dispise, that is known as "customer service." Farmers lacks it.

What happened? My dad cancelled the policies and went with another company. Farmers Mutual, I think is the name. When he had another major claim, that agent boarded a plane for Colorado and personnaly supervised the reconstruction of the building. THAT is working FOR your client, and keeping them.

07-20-2006, 12:44 PM
I've been with John Lair at shelter Insurance in Casady Square for awhile now. I really like's almost as if it seems he works for you and not the company. He always puts his customers before the company. I always find myself telling asking him, "are you sure you work for Shelter?"

07-20-2006, 12:50 PM
Patrick, does Lair actually handle your claims? Typically, an insurance agent gets new business and keeps existing business. Once a claim gets filed, typically, it's handled by an adjustor at some sort of regional office. Shelter, for example has some very difficult to work with adjustors in Tulsa.

Based on my current dealings with them, I wouldn't recommend that you use them. They seem to be making excuses to undervalue our client's vehicle, although, it seems they're going to be forthcoming in paying his medical bills.

07-24-2006, 09:31 PM
They can't be any worse than State Farm, who my parents are with. I think all insurance companies are about alike....none of them want to pay...they're all in it for the money.

Yes, Shelter does handle the claims. But, my agent knows the ins and the outs of the company and isn't afraid to use them to get his clients what they need. I could tell you some stories where he's helped work the system to get our family extra money.