View Full Version : Turbo Jam

07-15-2006, 07:14 PM
Hey, I was wondering if anyone else had tried this workout DVD collection? My sister and brother in law love it, and they let me borrow the big DVD compilation to try for the week to see if I want it. I tried the "Learn and Burn" this morning, and I could feel it in my abs about 30 minutes after working out, a feat in itself. I usually don't feel it until the next day. I feel it everywhere now.

Basically, it's a combination of kickboxing, dance, and capoiera (Brazillian martial arts) set to hyped-up music. Pretty cool music, in fact.

I'll probably add more to this as I try more throughout the week. I've found it hard to motivate myself this summer without a schedule (teacher) but I know I need to continue working toward being in better shape for the school year. Teaching teenagers can take a lot out of you!

I think it's about $60 to get started. It also includes meal suggestions that I found to be reasonable.

07-15-2006, 09:51 PM
I have a set.. I ordered mine on Ebay... I have to say I used it a few times and then as I usually do.. tired of it and it is sitting on the shelf. But, if you can be self motivated.. go for it, it's a good program with a nice effective workout ...

I usually like to take a class where I'm with other people, makes me feel more accountable ..

07-15-2006, 11:44 PM
With me, the classes scare me...I always feel like I'm going to fall on my butt in front of the kickboxing class or something. I'd rather be alone in my misery ;)

But whatever works!

But my god, my sides hurt SO much right now it's ridiculous!

08-31-2006, 05:24 PM
I have been using TurboJam Learn & Burn for 2 days and I think it is great. The workouts have left me feeling like I haven't worked out at all. It'll probably crawl up on me in a couple of days and then I'll feel it.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

I am a little unsure of that TUCK. I don't know if I'm doing it right.

My only beef I have is, after you purchase the program, they expect you to pay to have access to their website. I wish there was a way to comunicate with Chalene Johnson. Maybe through email or something.

08-31-2006, 05:26 PM
You'll feel it.

I did the Turbo Sculpt last least, about 30 or so minutes of it...and I felt it immediately after. My legs were so tired. Lots of squats.

Good luck with it!

08-31-2006, 05:31 PM

Great, now you have me afraid to go on.
(Just kidding)

Oh, I know I'm going to feel it. I kind of wish I already do. That way, the aching will only last a short few days and then I can "PUMP IT!"

I'm looking forward to tomorrows workout. Does that make me a workout freak?