View Full Version : My New Blog

Doug Loudenback
07-15-2006, 04:44 AM
Well, I didn't think I'd ever do it, but, I did. I've taken on a new name and my new blog is here: . An old dawg CAN learn new tricks!

I hope that all of you will visit the blog from time to time. BTW, regarding comments, I've set it up to moderate comments, meaning I've got to pass muster by e-mail before comments are posted, and my home computer's e-mail is busted right now ... maybe over the weekend I'll manage to fix it, I don't know. So, if you do comment, please be patient.

Any suggestions are welcomed and I hope you enjoy it.

07-15-2006, 03:22 PM
Well, I didn't think I'd ever do it, but, I did. I've taken on a new name and my new blog is here: . An old dawg CAN learn new tricks!

I hope that all of you will visit the blog from time to time. BTW, regarding comments, I've set it up to moderate comments, meaning I've got to pass muster by e-mail before comments are posted, and my home computer's e-mail is busted right now ... maybe over the weekend I'll manage to fix it, I don't know. So, if you do comment, please be patient.

Any suggestions are welcomed and I hope you enjoy it.

Good start, Doug! I think your approach of discussing OKC without rancorous debate is a smart one. Your wanting to make it a fun place to visit and reminisce and dream is much better than the alternative. Good luck with it!


07-15-2006, 05:13 PM
Doug -- if you'll take a suggestion: I can't read your text because it blends so well into the background.

Maybe that needs some changing up?

Otherwise, I love your website and am looking forward to your blog!

07-15-2006, 05:18 PM
Yes, white text would be much better.

Always use high contrast colors--light colors on dark backgrounds, or dark colors on light backgrounds. Though you probably don't need my help, it's just kind of like a knee-jerk reaction after teaching kids how to make websites and powerpoints! I do love the polka-dot background, it is way cool.

Doug Loudenback
07-15-2006, 07:11 PM
Thanks to you all, writerranger, Midtowner, and Bandnerd. As to the latter o' the two o' youtz, that's helpful graphical critical input. You are right and I'll see what I can do.

And, writearranger, I'm wanting this blog to avoid confrontation, argument, etc. You put my intention well ... "a fun place to visit and reminisce and dream," at least, most of the time. My thought is to be a Sgt. Friday, "Just the facts, mamn, just the facts," and let readers draw whatever conclusions (if any)that they will.

Doug Loudenback
07-16-2006, 12:36 PM
I've posted another couple of articles and changed the colors a little. See .

I'd value your thoughts about both ... particularly, do you like the content drift or have suggestions? Particularly, focusing on an individual person as I did with the Phelan article posted a few minutes ago, is this the type of thing of sufficient general interest, or is it just me who likes this kind of thing? Be honest!

07-16-2006, 12:45 PM
Very nice job DougDawg!

I found your blog very interesting. Wow! What an amazing quilt ... Thanks for sharing. I like this format, the text is easier to read, the light green color shows well against the background.. Look forward to reading more.

Doug Loudenback
07-17-2006, 08:22 AM
Very nice job DougDawg!

I found your blog very interesting. Wow! What an amazing quilt ... Thanks for sharing. I like this format, the text is easier to read, the light green color shows well against the background.. Look forward to reading more.
Thanks, Karrie, I liked the article about the lady (obviously), but I wasn't sure that others would! One vote for the lady is enough to encourage similar articles down the line.

I've tinkered with cosmetics more this morning and hope that I've improved contrast some ... the only thing I couldn't figure out how to change were the green bullets which preceded links at the left, so I just scrapped all the bullets. See and I welcome any additional comments.

07-17-2006, 09:51 AM
Doug, what program are you using to create your website?

Doug Loudenback
07-17-2006, 10:25 AM
Doug, what program are you using to create your website?
If you mean the "Doug Dawg Blog" I've been working on (per this thread), I'm using whatever "I Power Blogger" (the free blog host) supplies on-line, probably something proprietary those folks put together. I'm completely new at doing blog-stuff, but if you're kinda familiar with html and css code, it's not too difficult to figure out how to edit their several available templates (though I'm sure I'd do that better if I understood CSS better).

If you mean my personal "website", I've used a combination of things ... the general structure was made some years back with a program which I don't think is around anymore, Trellix 2, however, for the most part, I either make changes to content (as opposed to structure) with WordPerfect's Publish to HTML feature and then tweak the exported file manually to suit my preferences, such as mouse-over effects, print-breaks and stuff like that. Everything at is handled that way, EXCEPT ...

... For the downtownOkc (vintage and current) clickable maps, I use a couple of different graphics software programs for that, but largely Corel Draw 9 (yes, I know it's an old version, but I guess I'm happy with it else I'd have found something else). I've been happy with the html output it makes for clickable graphic maps (but, to be sure, it does require a good bit of manual editing of the code to get it just the way I want).

Is the above what you wanted to know?