07-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Now that Moore is all grown up...Any chance we can get a real bar or two now??...A Fox and Hound or even just a Hudson's would make a killing in the Riverwalk area...When BWW first opened it was like we got a Citywalk here or something : )
I hear the city has strict food to alcohol sales percentages, which essentially prohibit bars from setting up shop...if so any chance the city will change anytime soon?
07-08-2006, 07:20 AM
When there's a church, and bank, on practically every corner (and usually right across from one another), I highly doubt you'll ever see a full-fledged bar in Moore. And I highly doubt the percentages will change, as Moore is a highly conservative city.
Now with that said, I hope that it does change and will gladly admit being wrong if it ever does.
07-08-2006, 02:03 PM
The same can be said of Edmond as well and they have several bars...oh well....if that's the worse part about the city then I guess life goes on!!
07-08-2006, 07:57 PM
When there's a church, and bank, on practically every corner (and usually right across from one another), I highly doubt you'll ever see a full-fledged bar in Moore. And I highly doubt the percentages will change, as Moore is a highly conservative city.
Now with that said, I hope that it does change and will gladly admit being wrong if it ever does.
That's why I have always loved Moore.....because they are a conservative city. A great place to raise a family, and a great place to attend schools. They don't have too many alcohol establishments because they want to keep the rif raf out of their city as much as possible.
07-08-2006, 08:43 PM
That's why I have always loved Moore.....because they are a conservative city. A great place to raise a family, and a great place to attend schools. They don't have too many alcohol establishments because they want to keep the rif raf out of their city as much as possible.
I am very good friends with a Moore police officer, and when I saw this thread, I asked him about the bar situation in Moore. He says that their low count of bars keeps their crime rate down. I agree.
One thing Moore doesn't have to deal with is a lot of bar fights or shootings. These are exactly the problems that you run in to when you have bars in your city.
You will notice that many shootings that have happened lately have been alcohol related. Some of these crimes have occurred right outside the bars, while others have moved to the streets or to homes.
I have made my share of arrests in bars, mainly from very belligerent patrons who believe a few drinks has made them tougher than anyone else. They like to fight anybody and everybody, including police officers. I sure do love my high powered pepper spray, although, there are times it doesn't work on intoxicated people.
They may try to fight, but one good hit and they are usually down. Then, when they get released from jail, they realize what fools they made of themselves.
07-09-2006, 08:01 AM
I agree to a certain extent 1adam...but I doubt they are getting many calls at Fox and Hound or Baker Street on Memorial..not saying setting up a Valley Brook here, but allowing 1 or 2 "true" bars along the riverwalk would be nice for those of us that have to drive 30 minutes to Memorial