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07-06-2006, 01:20 PM

In this thread, we list the top two or three really new or different kinds of things you'd like to see in OKC. It might be types of entertainment, retail shops, restaurants, whatever. Doesn't have to be fancy, maybe nothing more than a "change of pace" in some area.

If you'd like to qualify it to your particular part of OKC, that's cool, too, as if you think your particular part of town is underserved by an existing business or service..

I'll start the ball rolling with:

1. Barnes and Noble Booksellers in *South* Oklahoma City (not Moore, Norman, or MWC)
2. La Madeline's French Bakery and Restaurant *anywhere* in OKC
3. True IMAX theater.


07-06-2006, 01:43 PM
I just spoke with La Madeline's French Bakery and they are coming to Oklahoma in 2009. They are going to put a La Madeline's French Bakery in Tulsa and OKC. They said that one will be built by July 2008 but that they do not know if it will be Tulsa or OKC first.

07-06-2006, 01:44 PM
1. A new signature high-rise building for downtown OKC.
2. Finish I-35 work in south OKC/Moore, and widening/re-working I-35 through NE OKC. That NE corridor is an embarrasment.
3. At least 1, preferably more, large company move their corporate headquarters to OKC.

07-06-2006, 01:48 PM
1. Hyatt Regency or similar hotel downtown.
2. Downtown grocery store.
3. High rise downtown condos (w/ perhaps a hotel on the bottom).

07-06-2006, 01:51 PM
1) ANY decent grocery store....such as Central Market or Whole Foods.
2) Really great seafood restaurant (besides Boca Boca....looking forward to trying the new restaurant in the Colcord)
3) More smoke free bars (like Bin 73). It's much appreciated in the restaurants, but I wish that drinking establishments would follow suite.

07-06-2006, 01:53 PM
escan, there is a big lobbying effort being made to include bars in the smoking ban in OK.

I bet it will happen in the next 5 years or so.

07-06-2006, 01:57 PM
Sheesh, its tough to do just three but alas...

1. Organic Grocery Store such as Whole Foods, preferably in the Downtown area.
2. Entertainment facility such as an ESPN Zone in Bricktown.
3. I-35 construction to be finally finished in south OKC and then widen it in Norman and widen I-44 from the Airport to Tri-City. It is as congested as I-35 is at times.

07-06-2006, 01:58 PM
I'll keep my fingers crossed! :Smiley036

07-06-2006, 02:11 PM
I'd like to change my #3 to having WRWA add the 2nd concourse with an addition 10-12 gates ASAP, as had been previously planned.

07-06-2006, 02:49 PM
A south terminal for Will Rogers to house hub operations for an airline.

A domed stadium to exceed NFL standards.

A REAL theme park. Disney or Universal.

A metro wide rapid transit system with links statewide. (the rts includes Shawnee, El Reno, Purcell and Guthrie)

A major motion picture studio including tours. This would include many back lots.

A major symbol of Oklahoma City (like the Arch is to St. Louis).

A better freeway system.

07-06-2006, 03:02 PM
- Deannexation of 250-300 square miles of undeveloped, haphazardly annexed land area- perhaps giving the land to existing suburbs so that they can more closely manage development on that land or create new, master planned suburbs.

- Rail transit- light rail, commuter rail, downtown modern streetcar, or some combination.

- Urban Growth Boundary or sprawl control plan developed and controlled by regional government like ACOG.

And of course, if I could have more than three, I'd wish for a highrise boom throughout the inner city including a few new tallests for the state, lots of monuments and statues and public art, a major corporation, permanent pro team, attention to redeveloping Stockyard City into a more exciting entertainment district... on and on and on.

07-06-2006, 03:12 PM
1. Enforcement cameras at intersections
2. Wine sales in grocery stores
3. Farrell Family Bakery

07-06-2006, 03:30 PM
1. Light rail and better mass transit
2. New high-rises downtown and the river
3. World-Class destination monument besides the OKC National Memorial

07-06-2006, 03:35 PM
1 actual neighborhood, self contained, with full services and shops within walking distance of each other.

07-06-2006, 03:44 PM
Ooh! Quail Creek Gal! Forgot about wine sales in grocery stores...was in dallas this weekend and they had wine and beer tasting in my (much coveted) Central Market.

07-06-2006, 03:56 PM
Cold beer at the liquor store would be spectacular!

07-06-2006, 04:38 PM
1. Large aquarium near chesapeake boathouse
2. ESPN Zone (as earlier mentioned)
3. Condo boom along river with NO height restrictions

07-06-2006, 04:52 PM
1. More high-tech jobs in the city
2. Cold beer in liquor stores
3. Better road maintenance

07-06-2006, 04:58 PM
1. One or two decent smoker-only restaurants with a varied menu. (I can live with one or two!)
2. 6 point Beer,wine and all alcoholic beverages available in the grocery stores or other retail outlets.
3. Mandatory landscaping with green belts for ALL businesses.

07-06-2006, 05:54 PM
Three is not enough-

1. Single- and multi-family housing and schools in Riverside and Midtown.
2. Art galleries and more cultural centers in the Arts Quarter.
3. Lots more quality downtown retail

07-06-2006, 06:47 PM
1.)More museums, art gallaries, independent theaters.
2.)Something similar to the CN Tower...awsome! put a rotating restaurant up there. This city is large enough for one of these.
3.)Please..please...please...bring Sea World to me! We need this type of theme park because we are so far away from the ocean. Who cares about Frontier City when I can walk out of my house and look at my neighbor's "wagon wheel" fence.

People choose to live her because of the cost-of-living, but they sacrifice being around good scenery and great things to do without travel.

07-06-2006, 10:47 PM
1. Hyatt Regency or equivalent hotel downtown.
2. More public art and greenspace, especially downtown.
3. REI

07-06-2006, 11:13 PM
1) Ditto everything alcohol related and smokefree bars
2) Ditto an awesome aquarium/Seaworld
3) And is it too much to ask for a scenic mountain or two? Can't we make a few hills at least? ( I so miss the ocean and the mountains!!) lol .. I want something tall to look at.. okay, I'll take a few more skyscrapers.

Yes, I do appreciate the cost of living here but we do need some work.. maybe start by cleaning up some of the blight lining the freeways, that would give us such a better image for travelers through our state.

07-06-2006, 11:57 PM
My wish is that a lot of folks on this group
would query the OKC Civic Center on why
after spending tens of millions of our money
during Maps, that their event calendar is
as bare as a baby's butt!

No notable music acts to speak of at all.
Last summer they had Don Henley booked and he
cancelled, and outside the philharmonic, they haven't had any decent music, period....


Norah Jones
Alison Krauss
Hundreds of possible Jazz, blues artists.....


Sell the facility to promoters and get some big
name acts in there and save us REAL music lovers from the acoustics of the Ford Center.....

07-07-2006, 07:17 AM
1. Hyatt Regency or equivalent hotel downtown.
2. More public art and greenspace, especially downtown.
3. REI

What is an "REI?"

07-07-2006, 08:40 AM
Ooh! Quail Creek Gal! Forgot about wine sales in grocery stores...was in dallas this weekend and they had wine and beer tasting in my (much coveted) Central Market.
And the place didn't blow-up from the wrath of God? Amazing! YOu lucky dog!

07-07-2006, 11:05 AM
My wish is that a lot of folks on this group
would query the OKC Civic Center on why
after spending tens of millions of our money
during Maps, that their event calendar is
as bare as a baby's butt!

No notable music acts to speak of at all.
Last summer they had Don Henley booked and he
cancelled, and outside the philharmonic, they haven't had any decent music, period....


Norah Jones
Alison Krauss
Hundreds of possible Jazz, blues artists.....


Sell the facility to promoters and get some big
name acts in there and save us REAL music lovers from the acoustics of the Ford Center.....

I think touring has more to do with the perceived market than the venue itself. Jazz is difficult because support is questionable (not even a radio station) and nationwide has far less support than the pop/rock/country genres. Same with the blues. Even the best artists have to combo in order to have solid turnout.

We had Michael Buble earlier this year, Sheryl Crow scheduled the same month (albeit cancelled), the Improv of Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood...all not bad IMO. Celebrity Attractions will bring Wicked here next year and Blue Man Group this November. I too wish we had alot of brighter stars coming over to perform, but they do come.

BTW, Alison Krauss did come by a few years ago.

07-07-2006, 11:14 AM
REI - Economic development agency, I believe..

07-07-2006, 11:16 AM
good points Zulu. The Civic Center is perfect for broad genre crossover and AAA acts. I'm guessing that concessions have something to do with it. The way it is set up you can't make much on alcohol sales, which is very important to most promoters and for the financial success of the event. hopefully, the Tower theater will pick up the slack in terms of a broader selection of musical acts coming here outside of the arena circuit.

07-07-2006, 01:14 PM
R ecreational E quipment, I ncorporated

07-07-2006, 01:24 PM
REI - Economic development agency, I believe..
Rural Enterprise Inc at 800 Research Parkway; headed by Tom Seth Smith

07-07-2006, 01:50 PM
I was going to say, its an outdoors shop, never heard of it as an economic development agency but I suppose the acronym could mean a lot of things.

07-07-2006, 09:56 PM
Coldplay played at the Civic Center a few years back. That was amazing.

07-08-2006, 01:27 AM
A few years ago is exactly my point.....

Lots of big named acts played the Civic Center
a few years ago, and most notably, before
the massive gutting/remodeling that occured.

Now we've got a world class venue, and their
calendar is completely devoid of anything musical
"except musicals"....

Jazz station or not, we're a city of a million people, and I think we have just enough non-Bubba's to fill up the Civic Center when a big name Jazz act comes to town, and if you do have to multiple bill them to get them it...

I only bring this rant up because some friends and I were having lunch the other day and the subject came up, and the entire table and the ones next to us resoundingly agreed that the Civic Center has fallen on their face the last few years when it comes to Music....

07-08-2006, 09:56 AM
1. A new long-range plan for downtown/Bricktown.

2. Downtown grocery store.

3. Replace much of city's leadership. Make OKC government accountable directly to the people.

4. Disband OCURA, replace with more open, honest agency.

5. OK County DA's office transformed - become HONEST and respected.

6. Long/short-range transportation plan in case of oil crisis. Light rail, etc.

7. Aggressive private/public partnership to develop urban living/housing in downtown/Bricktown.

8. I'd love to see a REAL commercial independent, revival movie house (indy films and classic movies on the big screen).

Just an off-the-cuff short list.


07-08-2006, 05:01 PM
R ecreational E quipment, I ncorporated

Did you all miss this post???

07-09-2006, 11:40 AM

their flagship store w/ 65 foot climbing tower enclosed in glass.

07-09-2006, 12:28 PM
Did you all miss this post???

REI does stand for many things... my fault... I was thinking since we had a Bass Pro downtown, that an Economic Agency was what you might be referring to... even though they are rural, they take great interest in furthering the economic climate of OK.

"Entrepreneurs are the cornerstone of our economy, and we never forget this incredible and spirited group provides the solid foundation of the good economic climate Oklahoma enjoys."
- Tom Seth Smith, REI President and CEO (

"Expanding Oklahoma's Economy Since 1982"

REI had its beginning in the small business lending arena. Today it has evolved into a multi-faceted economic development organization that has become the model of study for effective economic development services.

REI has established branch offices in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
REI manages business incubators in 11 Oklahoma communities.
Offers affordable housing opportunities for Oklahoma working families
Provides international trade assistance to Oklahoma businesses
Offers a variety of business lending programs
Targets Oklahoma’s women-owned businesses with services of the Women’s Business Center
Offers an equipment lease/purchase program designed to assist small, rural manufacturers
REI New Markets Investment, LLC administers the New Markets Tax Credit Program to bring new investments into low-income communities
REI has a team of 35 economic development professionals who have been expanding Oklahoma's economy since 1982 through effective economic development services. REI has a statewide network of partners to help deliver its programs across Oklahoma.

REI is planning for the future by intensifying its international trade assistance to help Oklahoma businesses become more competitive by expanding into the global marketplace. Continuing to increase the organization’s partnership base is a top priority for the organization because it’s an essential ingredient to expand services and help even more Oklahoma entrepreneurs and communities. REI’s vision for the future includes bringing in new investments into Oklahoma’s low-income communities through the New Markets Tax Credit program. The New Markets Tax Credit program is administered through REI New Markets Investment, LLC, a subsidiary of REI. Ultimately, REI is focused on establishing itself in as “the economic development agency of choice.”

07-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Coldplay played at the Civic Center a few years back. That was amazing.

Yeah, I really thought that event would spawn more great shows like that one, but it seems to have been an isolated event. I actually think the few rock/pop concerts I have been to there sounded better than the musicals I have seen there.

07-09-2006, 02:48 PM
"REI does stand for many things"

That was my point in asking. Presonally, I hate it when initials are used, because many people have no idea what they mean.

07-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Here is another wish. This one is easy.

Designate the Kilpatrick Interstate 540, 640, 740 or 840. Or designate it I 240 and the stretch between it (the Kilpatrick) and I-240 could become I-240 and I-40, looping I-240 to the orignial part, ending at Anderson, Rd. Then, when possible, extend it around the far eastern part of the metro, connecdting back to the Kilpatrick making a loop,

Bobby H
07-09-2006, 06:33 PM
1. REI
I'll second the suggestions for having an REI store in Oklahoma City. The metro area is big enough to support at least a couple of those stores. That would make things easier for me to take advantage of my REI dividend check rather than just having to wait until going back to Colorado to visit family. Last year I bought a pretty nice Novara full suspension trail bicycle at one of their stores in Denver. I use it a lot for exercise and to commute back and forth to work (distance from home to work is only a little over 3 miles each way).

2. Bike Path Network
Keeping with the bicycle theme, Oklahoma City needs to become a LOT more bicycle friendly. Cities like Denver, Portland and Seattle have networks of bicycle paths. It is feasible to get around there on pedal power. I don't think there's a single city in Oklahoma that is bicycle friendly at all. I'm able to make my commute because of the short distance and being able to use some side streets with sparse traffic. Most people in OKC would face a pretty dangerous situation by trying to commute on bicycles -that's even with the new law mandating cars pass bikes with at least 3' of clearance.

3. Improved Transporation
Some areas of the Oklahoma City expressway system need improvement or expansion. Kilpatrick Turnpike should be extended south from its western terminus to meet I-44 south of the city and then be extended further to meet I-35 south of Norman. OK DOT also needs to adopt the Clearview Highway type system on the state's highway signs. ClearviewHwy is used on a lot of highway signs in Texas and is 20% more readable. It makes a big difference for elderly drivers.

I'm in favor of a light rail system covering areas of OKC and extending into Edmond, Moore, Edmond and Midwest City. It would also be nice to have a longer distance commuter rail system running parallel along I-44, perhaps spanning Wichita Falls up through OKC and past Tulsa.

07-09-2006, 07:31 PM
540 and 740 are out: the Kilpatrick is not a spur into a city, but a loop around one. Were it given a separate number, it would have to be 440, 640 or 840 - or conceivably 835.

That said, I'd just as soon make the entire loop 240, as suggested by Mr. A.

Bobby H
07-09-2006, 10:28 PM
I think naming the the Kilpatrick I-240 along with the existing route on the OKC south side would be confusing. A different number would be better.

A 3-digit variant based on I-40, I-44 or I-35 would all be valid considering the turnpike hits all three routes at its current west and east ends. I like "I-440" or "I-840" but something like "I-844" or "I-835" would be fine, especially if the Kilpatrick was extended south through Mustang and over east to Norman.

Of course, the whole Interstate Highway naming thing has some roots based in how much federal funding and federal control is put over onto the road. I don't know if the Oklahoma Turnpike Commission would really be in favor of allowing the Kilpatrick Turnpike to be turned into an Interstate.

On the subject of Interstates, I'm hoping that in the long term I-44 will be extended farther south to Abilene TX so it can meet up with I-20. And then perhaps be extended farther southward.

I also find it strange that there's no diagonal Interstate between Oklahoma City and the Denver metro area (kind of like what we have between OKC and St. Louis with I-44). That's a big, obvious "spoke" missing out of that system. Such a road would be a fast gateway to the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest.

07-10-2006, 12:33 PM
Oklahoma City is working on a citywide bikepath system. There are currently 3 large trail systems completed with 1 under construction, and 2 more fixing to start. Once finished you can bike from Edmond to Norman

07-10-2006, 07:32 PM
I would love to see a revitalization of reno east of I-35 up towards the truck stops.. Maybe expand bricktown thru that corridor.. Get rid of all those horrible looking buildings.. Also do something with all that land between I-35 east on NE 10th street up to sooner road.. Geez there is tons and tons of land that could be used for something.. Get rid of ghettoville...

07-10-2006, 07:51 PM
I wish that our river development would get going.....watching this HR Derby in Pittsburgh with the Allegheny River in the background is awesome! Wish some day we could have something like that.

07-10-2006, 08:22 PM
I also find it strange that there's no diagonal Interstate between Oklahoma City and the Denver metro area (kind of like what we have between OKC and St. Louis with I-44). That's a big, obvious "spoke" missing out of that system. Such a road would be a fast gateway to the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest.

That was a longtime dream of former Governor George Nigh. The first step was a freeway to the Northwestern part of the state which was to be called, "The Northwest Passage." It, of course, never happened. There is a sign out near NW Expressway and County Line that says, "George Nigh's Northwest Passage." I always cringe when I see it, as I am guessing George Nigh does. That wasn't exactly what he had in mind. He saw the Oklahoma leg as the first step in an Interstate route through SE Colorado, Colorado Springs and on into Denver.


07-10-2006, 08:34 PM
1.I wish the highways were more frequently mowed
2.I wish city streets had sidewalks
3.I wish all these other wishes come true

Yes I know the city does not mow the highways
Yes I know some city streets have sidewalks

07-11-2006, 08:38 AM
Mikhail Baryshnikov danced at the Civic Center - unbelievable!

07-11-2006, 09:17 AM
A south terminal for Will Rogers to house hub operations for an airline.

A domed stadium to exceed NFL standards.

A REAL theme park. Disney or Universal.

A metro wide rapid transit system with links statewide. (the rts includes Shawnee, El Reno, Purcell and Guthrie)

A major motion picture studio including tours. This would include many back lots.

A major symbol of Oklahoma City (like the Arch is to St. Louis).

A better freeway system.

Good Suggestions! I would agree with all of the above.

I would like to add more Adult Entertainment places like "Dave & Busters" in San Antonio.

07-11-2006, 10:15 AM
A REAL theme park. Disney or Universal.

There's a legend that claims the Disney co was staking out property for a "mid-America" style Disneyworld somewhere in the midwest, and that a region of land roughly halfway between OKC and the Red River was the choice, but it fell through. I'd love to know if that story was actually true, or was just wishful thinking/urban legend.

It would be great to have something like that in Oklahoma, but given the current dynamics of the amusement park industry of late, I'm not sure it will ever happen...


07-11-2006, 02:07 PM
I heard the same Disney rumor, except it was land between Tulsa and Missouri.

07-11-2006, 03:45 PM
In response to the OKC-Denver road. I've heard from a little birdie that Tulsa will become connected to Wichita which will become connected to denver via a brand new interstate. How will this affect OKC getting a "northwest passage"?

07-11-2006, 04:49 PM
In response to the OKC-Denver road. I've heard from a little birdie that Tulsa will become connected to Wichita which will become connected to denver via a brand new interstate. How will this affect OKC getting a "northwest passage"?

Very interesting. I would love to hear more if you have the info! George Nigh's hope for a 'Northwest Passage' is history. There's no matching money and I haven't heard of the idea discussed much in years. Too bad, too. It was short-sighted on the part of the Oklahoma legislature to have passed that by when it was a realistic possibility.


07-11-2006, 04:55 PM
When George was Governor, Oklahoma was a state that would not vote for anything that was beneficial. The state could have been guaranteed the headquarters of United or American Airlines pending a vote of the people and the voters would have said no.

Today we would say a very loud yes. Too late.

07-11-2006, 04:56 PM
One thing I'd like to see is an Italian district in OKC. I know they've had an Italian festival the last 2 years but not an authentic district. We've got a Asian District, a Japanese district, a Hispanic district, and what some call "the Black side of town" which is referring to the East side of OKC. I know we have lots of diversity but I'd like to have a bonafide district as well.

07-11-2006, 08:38 PM
One thing I'd like to see is an Italian district in OKC. I know they've had an Italian festival the last 2 years but not an authentic district. We've got a Asian District, a Japanese district, a Hispanic district, and what some call "the Black side of town" which is referring to the East side of OKC. I know we have lots of diversity but I'd like to have a bonafide district as well.

Italians here don't want - or feel the need - to live together in a segregated "district." These ethnic districts are either real - or they are not.


The Old Downtown Guy
07-12-2006, 03:26 PM
1. Sidewalks along every street. Yes that includes Northwest Expressway, May Avenue, Lincoln Blvd., Memorial . . . every street.
2. More sidewalks.
3. Still more sidewalks.

1 actual neighborhood, self contained, with full services and shops within walking distance of each other.

Quail Creek would be such a neighborhood if there were any damn sidewalks. Yes the walk would be several blocks in some areas, but that's the price of big lawns. So would all of the neighborhoods that surround Penn Square, but there aren't any sidewalks. It's a long list with a simple solution. Quit building four lane roads to no where and build sidewalks for the next few years.

07-12-2006, 10:04 PM
In response to the OKC-Denver road. I've heard from a little birdie that Tulsa will become connected to Wichita which will become connected to denver via a brand new interstate. How will this affect OKC getting a "northwest passage"?

That is ridiculous. Wichita does not need a direct interstate to Denver. All you do is drive an hour north to Topeka and catch I-70. That would be like an interstate connecting Purcell with Little Rock. Completely unnecessary.

REI does stand for many things... my fault... I was thinking since we had a Bass Pro downtown, that an Economic Agency was what you might be referring to... even though they are rural, they take great interest in furthering the economic climate of OK.

Sorry to use an acronym, but it's not like saying KM instead of Kerr McGee. REI is the only name they are known by.

And this is not just another Bass Pro. REI has gear for backpacking, kayaking, mountain biking, snow skiing, mountaineering, etc. Stuff they don't have at Academy or Bass Pro or Sportsman's Warehouse or even Dick's Sporting Goods (which I wouldn't mind getting either). The only place to get that kind of stuff is Backwoods, but they are tiny compared to and REI store.