View Full Version : Let's Discuss Friends -vs- SOs

07-03-2006, 09:41 AM
I hear it a lot..."I'm just looking to make new friends." or "I want to be friends first." In my opinion that's great. Friends are better. Here's why I think that:
- Friends are less judgemental; you feel less like you're being 'evaluated'.
- Friends are less controlling; they won't 'require' time from you.
- Friends are a good source of more friends and, in-turn, potential dates.
- If a friend isn't 'your type' you can still be friends.

What are some noteable differences to you?

07-03-2006, 10:37 PM
You get to see the real person rather then trying be in a relationship where they put up a front to impress each other. Being friends first lets each other sit back and let it out so the real inside of each other come out and can see what make them special for a realationship