View Full Version : Trick or Treat on Sat. Oct. 30th

10-13-2004, 12:33 AM
For those of you that have children, just wanted to remind you that Trick or Treat in OKC will be Saturday Oct. 30th this year. This is the always the case when Halloween falls on a Sunday. Seems like most churches are having their carnivals and fall festivals on Sunday night this year, so maybe this will mean a larger turn out for Trick or Treat.
"Trick or Treat Night Scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 30
Posted: Friday, October 01, 2004
Regional leaders in Central Oklahoma have recommended Saturday, Oct. 30 as the night for Trick or Treat activities in the metropolitan area this year.

The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) Board of Directors, comprised of local elected regional officials, recommends scheduling Trick or Treat night from Halloween’s usual Oct. 31 date to keep a uniform metropolitan-wide date that can be enjoyed by children and families.

The ACOG Board has helped schedule trick or treat night since the 1980s. A consistent date helps plan for the safety and welfare of children in the region and allows everyone to have fun around the area on the same night.

Years ago, when communities set their own schedules, it caused confusion and inconsistency, as trick or treaters and their families could visit several communities over a two or three-night span to take in Halloween festivities.

The Association also recommends several tips for a safe Trick or Treat night:
·Drivers should be aware of children running or crossing the street.
·Homeowners who distribute candy should keep their porch lights on and keep their yards free of items that could cause children in costumes to fall.
·Candles should be used with caution. Flashlights or light bulbs can replace candles in a variety of situations.
·Children should go out with their parents or older siblings.
·Make sure eye and mouth holes in masks are large enough to see and breathe easily.
·Parents should check all candy to make sure it is safe.

Communities still determine their own hours of activity on Saturday, Oct. 30. For further details, call your local city hall."