View Full Version : Demolition on east side of I35 in Moore

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10-18-2006, 01:38 AM
Okie hicks call them the same thar ain't no differance between Oklahoma and Texas when it comes to them thar malls.

I second that motion. Motion Passed.

02-09-2007, 05:05 PM
Looks like they have the first piece up today...Get ready Moore folks

Only 8 more months til we have our very own Sally Beauty Supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-14-2007, 03:20 PM
I used to live around the corner from the Cooperate Office in Texas.....another Sally Beauty Supply.......whoopy. I'm waiting for JC Penny and all the other good stuff. Has anyone heard about the "rumored" sporting goods outlet that might be coming.

02-14-2007, 05:24 PM
I heard a Cabela's rumor for in by the Warren Theatre.

02-15-2007, 11:50 AM
I heard a Cabela's rumor for in by the Warren Theatre.

There isn't enough room over there. Not any room actually.

There has been a couple rumors of a cabelas a little south of the JC penny where the land is being cleared now. I also have read a few things saying this was just a rumor. so who knows. If a cabelas was to build here, i would think it would be in the UNP project in norman.

02-15-2007, 12:33 PM
There isn't enough room over there. Not any room actually.

There has been a couple rumors of a cabelas a little south of the JC penny where the land is being cleared now. I also have read a few things saying this was just a rumor. so who knows. If a cabelas was to build here, i would think it would be in the UNP project in norman.

The rumor I heard was Cabela's was going in on that spot on the E side in Moore...If it does come to fruition in Moore it may be they just had a much more attractive proposal than Norman...Land in that area has to be much cheaper than the going rate around the UNP and only 5 minutes away

02-15-2007, 06:10 PM
BassPro has threatened to pull out of OKC, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to have Cabela’s enter our market and give it a shot.

02-15-2007, 08:42 PM
BassPro has threatened to pull out of OKC, so it wouldn’t be too far fetched to have Cabela’s enter our market and give it a shot.

:ohno: What would we do without a huge eyesore, square in the middle of our primary entertainment district that sells extremely overpriced goods and novelties (...and boats) that don't even appeal to the area the district is marketed to?!

I'm greatly looking forward to seeing BassPro cleared out. I really hope something like Cabela's shows up in Moore. It's closer to many who need the goods or novelties and wouldn't exactly be in the worst spot. BassPro OKC is just irritating.

02-15-2007, 08:45 PM
Thay should brick the BassPro building and put in a Dave and Buster (or GameWork)!

02-15-2007, 08:50 PM
A Dave and Buster's would make a killing in bricktown

02-15-2007, 09:07 PM
Now we're talking! Both of those would be really cool in the site. It may be bad for the older crowd, but it would definitely be ideal for the location. It would just be nice if Lower Bricktown had more sophistication, but anything would be more sophisticated than BassPro.

Screw BassPro. I wish they did leave! Maybe we need to lobby to get them to leave...

02-16-2007, 04:22 PM
I'd sign!

02-16-2007, 04:27 PM
A Dave and Buster's would make a killing in bricktown

To much of a Dallas influrnce. Bring something different.

02-16-2007, 04:36 PM
actually anderson, you are quite mistaken. first, 'strip mall' is a term used in common parlance. see the below link. furthermore, the term 'mall' predates the notion of a single covered building that houses multiple stores... think about the 'national mall' in washington dc... it's not covered, is it? the general term for a mall does not necessarily imply a covered structure and neither does the term, 'shopping mall.' if you're going to nitpick, at least do it accurately.

wikipedia entry for strip mall (


Multiple colleges have banned their students from using Wikipedia for papers, stating it's not a dependable source. (And that's straight from Yahoo!, and everything you read is true right?) Just thought I'd throw that in there. You guys get all serious with your comments, wanted to say thanks, it amuses me.

02-24-2007, 10:31 PM
To much of a Dallas influrnce. Bring something different.


what is that you have against dallas? I would almost be willing to guess that there is a dave and busters in other cities, and game works. Obviously, its in dallas because it works there and makes money.

Do you have any better ideas?

02-25-2007, 07:00 AM

what is that you have against dallas? I would almost be willing to guess that there is a dave and busters in other cities, and game works. Obviously, its in dallas because it works there and makes money.

Do you have any better ideas?

What do I have against Dallas? Rude and arogant people, hicks, racists. And that is just for starters.

I lived in that craphole for eight years and hated nearly every minute of it. Plus, there are a lot more progressive cities than Dallas. Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Orlando, and others.

02-25-2007, 10:11 AM
mranderson...You aren't exactly the type a person that a D&B would attract anyway so they could probably save some money on sending you a mail offer if and when they come to our fine state

Original stores in Big D, but since then they have added locations in many fine cities...Doubt the Hawaii location has a Dallas feel to it

Store History
12/1982 Dallas, TX - Stemmons
01/1988 Dallas, TX - Central
10/1991 Houston, TX
10/1992 Marietta, GA
02/1994 Philadelphia, PA
11/1995 Addison, IL
01/1996 Chicago, IL
04/1996 Hollywood, FL
11/1996 Kensington, MD
03/1997 Ontario, CA
09/1997 Springdale, OH
12/1997 Denver, CO
05/1998 Utica, MI
07/1998 Irvine, CA
09/1998 West Nyack, NY
11/1998 Orange, CA
12/1998 Hilliard, OH
02/1999 San Antonio, TX
04/1999 Duluth, GA
06/1999 St. Louis, MO
08/1999 Austin, TX
10/1999 Jacksonville, FL
12/1999 Providence, RI
03/2000 Milpitas, CA
05/2000 Westminster, CO
06/2000 Homestead, PA
06/2000 Ontario, Canada
11/2000 San Diego, CA
03/2001 Miami, FL
08/2001 Frisco, TX
10/2001 Honolulu, HI
11/2001 Westlake, Ohio
09/2002 Islandia, NY
09/2004 Arcadia, CA
02/2005 Omaha, NE
10/2005 Buffalo, NY
10/2005 Farmingdale, NY
10/2005 Nashville, TN
11/2005 Kansas City, KS
11/2005 Philadelphia, PA
11/2005 Hanover, MD
11/2005 Concord, NC
03/2006 Westbury, NY
04/2006 New York, NY

02-25-2007, 10:28 AM
I like Dave and Busters, went to the Hollywood, FL one all the time when I live down there for a couple years. That would make an awesome addition to Bricktown (so would Gameworks, been to the Vegas one numerous times).

Guys, ignore mranderson. He seems to be disagreeing with everyone lately just for the heck of it. Next he will tell you some old oilmen old him Dallas is the most evil place in the world and earthquakes should level it to the ground and if you don't listen to him then you are calling him a liar. I've got plenty of friends in Big D that aren't rude and arrogant hicks or racists. I can think of some particular people in Oklahoma on the other hand that would cause me to think twice about recommending it to a friend wanting to live here. Luckily they mostly stick to the internet and are probably harmless in real life.

02-25-2007, 10:49 AM
I like Dave and Busters, went to the Hollywood, FL one all the time when I live down there for a couple years. That would make an awesome addition to Bricktown (so would Gameworks, been to the Vegas one numerous times).

Guys, ignore mranderson. He seems to be disagreeing with everyone lately just for the heck of it. Next he will tell you some old oilmen old him Dallas is the most evil place in the world and earthquakes should level it to the ground and if you don't listen to him then you are calling him a liar. I've got plenty of friends in Big D that aren't rude and arrogant hicks or racists. I can think of some particular people in Oklahoma on the other hand that would cause me to think twice about recommending it to a friend wanting to live here. Luckily they mostly stick to the internet and are probably harmless in real life.

Mr. Z. You do not know me, nor my history, so you are not qualified to advise people to ignore me or anyone else.

I lived in that craphole Dallas for eight years, which very much qualifies me to judge it. Now. As far as your opinion about me "disagreeing for the heck of it." Keep your opinion in that area to yourself. Second. I DO NOT disagree for the heck of it. I have a lot more life experience than the majority of you on this board. That and the fact I am a citizen of the United States give me the right to disagree and to fight for both my beliefs and what is right.

02-25-2007, 11:12 AM
I too am a citizen of the United States and as such I am entitled to point out what a pompous, arrogant windbag you are. People in Oklahoma KNOW wind, and most would rather do with a little less of it.

Do a search of your previous posts and someone will see that you usually tell people to accept what you say as gospel, you tell people that what they know is wrong, you belittle people because they have "less life experience" than you, and you rarely make positive comments. You are pessimistic in almost every thread. It's hard to ignore you when you pop up everywhere on the forum spouting your dour view of things. People don't care about you or your history, they just want to talk about all things OKC and not have to be constantly told that their opinion or knowledge is flawed.

02-25-2007, 11:43 AM
mranderson, don't bother replying. I just found the ignore feature on this site and put it to good use.

Here is the link should anyone else want to use it:

02-25-2007, 12:11 PM
I too am a citizen of the United States and as such I am entitled to point out what a pompous, arrogant windbag you are. People in Oklahoma KNOW wind, and most would rather do with a little less of it.

Do a search of your previous posts and someone will see that you usually tell people to accept what you say as gospel, you tell people that what they know is wrong, you belittle people because they have "less life experience" than you, and you rarely make positive comments. You are pessimistic in almost every thread. It's hard to ignore you when you pop up everywhere on the forum spouting your dour view of things. People don't care about you or your history, they just want to talk about all things OKC and not have to be constantly told that their opinion or knowledge is flawed.

:congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

02-25-2007, 01:15 PM
mranderson, don't bother replying. I just found the ignore feature on this site and put it to good use.

Here is the link should anyone else want to use it:

If you do not wish to allow me to excersise my right to free speech, then you are free to take the very young mr z's suggestion.

I have and probably will again. Only one differece. I do not tell people what i will do. I just do it.

We are WAY off topic. now. We need to get back to topics.

02-25-2007, 01:17 PM
I too am a citizen of the United States and as such I am entitled to point out what a pompous, arrogant windbag you are. People in Oklahoma KNOW wind, and most would rather do with a little less of it.

Do a search of your previous posts and someone will see that you usually tell people to accept what you say as gospel, you tell people that what they know is wrong, you belittle people because they have "less life experience" than you, and you rarely make positive comments. You are pessimistic in almost every thread. It's hard to ignore you when you pop up everywhere on the forum spouting your dour view of things. People don't care about you or your history, they just want to talk about all things OKC and not have to be constantly told that their opinion or knowledge is flawed.

:congrats: Thank you. That needed to be said.

02-25-2007, 05:17 PM
There is a mall going in on the east side of I-35, to include a Penney's, Petsmart(yeah) and several other stores.

02-25-2007, 08:51 PM
bville...The location we are discussing is the area they cleared just to the south of where the mall is going in...Rumor has it a Cabela's may be going in there

02-26-2007, 08:38 AM
bville...The location we are discussing is the area they cleared just to the south of where the mall is going in...Rumor has it a Cabela's may be going in there

I have checked Cabela's website, and they show nothing for Oklahoma, let alone the Oklahoma City area. They have grown quite a bit over the past two or three years, but still nothing about Oklahoma City metro.

02-26-2007, 09:03 AM
Why I'm still holding out for a D&B to go in there...My life's goal to be able to walk home from a sports bar

Try to set my goals pretty low so they are easily achieved :Smiley173

02-26-2007, 09:10 AM
I too am a citizen of the United States and as such I am entitled to point out what a pompous, arrogant windbag you are. People in Oklahoma KNOW wind, and most would rather do with a little less of it.

Do a search of your previous posts and someone will see that you usually tell people to accept what you say as gospel, you tell people that what they know is wrong, you belittle people because they have "less life experience" than you, and you rarely make positive comments. You are pessimistic in almost every thread. It's hard to ignore you when you pop up everywhere on the forum spouting your dour view of things. People don't care about you or your history, they just want to talk about all things OKC and not have to be constantly told that their opinion or knowledge is flawed.


03-06-2007, 06:58 PM
I have checked Cabela's website, and they show nothing for Oklahoma, let alone the Oklahoma City area. They have grown quite a bit over the past two or three years, but still nothing about Oklahoma City metro.

We already established this a month or so ago if you read back in the post. In fact I and others extensively contacted Cabela's real estate department directly to confirm/deny the rumors.

03-12-2007, 08:37 AM
Anyone heard any updates on this construction site? Even though Cabela's doesn't claim to be building here, anyone seen any signs up on the property or checked county records?

03-12-2007, 10:07 AM
I just wanted to chime in and say that:

I love reading threads with multiple pages because by about, say, the 3rd page, you're all arguing about at least one thing. Then it spirals out a bit into another topic, then gets back to the basics on the next page.

03-12-2007, 11:03 PM
Are they going to tear down that BINGO place?

03-13-2007, 05:21 PM
Yes the old Superflea Bingo will be no "Moore".

03-13-2007, 05:27 PM
Oh not, not the bingo place!

Yes the old Superflea Bingo will be no "Moore".

You're hilarious.

03-28-2007, 09:32 PM
So uh...yea I agree. People argue too much here...and I don't like having to dig through pages. So whats coming up here, it'd be nice if we focused on that. Any new developments?

03-29-2007, 08:29 AM
all i know and care about is how cool it is going to be to have a chick fil a and a petsmart! yipee!

03-30-2007, 08:18 AM
A Dave and Busters huh? Glad to see they are finally coming into town. They can really make some great food, and no matter what your "game" interest is, you can find something to do while you are there. Talk about great for familes?! Parents get good food and the kids get to play. WAY better than heading to Chuckie Cheese!!!

03-30-2007, 08:37 AM
No bomber it's not coming...A D&B is just on my wish list for that area

My money is still on a Cabela's going in there

03-31-2007, 01:12 PM
No bomber it's not coming...A D&B is just on my wish list for that area

My money is still on a Cabela's going in there

I'm not sold on the Cabela's yet. I wish someone knew what the heck was going on though! I tell you what, a dave and busters would be unbelivable! That would totally be awesome! Talk about a million dollar idea....too bad i don't have the funds to start it or i would in a heartbeat.

03-31-2007, 11:50 PM
I really wish the state (or at least the city) would ban 18 to enter 21 to drink clubs. I honestly think if that happened we would get better quality nightclubs including Dave and Busters.

The ones we have now are just flat out lousy.

06-06-2007, 07:11 PM
I've heard the Carl's Jr. is going to be demolished to make room for the new development and is going to relocate next to Aldi. It will have the green Burrito in it as well.